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Posts posted by mrbilky

  1. 8 hours ago, Xan said:

    bump :(

    Well I can tell you that the drive caddy conversion works on my R710 and my R410 so that issue should be covered I'm not familiar with the R520 but if you removed the perc6 controller how did you connect the backplane I removed my perc6 and installed an HBA flashed it to IT mode and all is good and if you go that route although I did not try it I have read that you cannot mount the HBA in the PCIe slot that the perc6 was in something along the lines of it being proprietary


    And a word of note my usb ports are sata 2 if that means anything to you not sure if the R520 is sata 2 or 3 not sure it will really make much of a difference in unRAID

  2. Hi guys so I set up duplicati on my primary server and am backing up to a second server both unRAID of course and it works but I'm a little confused by the behaviour, the primary NAS shows the unassigned device path to my Backup share on the backup NAS but shows as being empty, the backup NAS disk 1 shows 2TB and disk 2 shows 300+GB disk one does not show any files but disk 2 does can someone point me to an explanation of this and while I got your ear is it really worth encrypting movie files just don't see an advantage or am I missing something?


    Hope I didn't confuse the crap outta ya!


    image.thumb.png.7ad401754180d163d88988734856c48d.pngPrimary NAS.png


    image.thumb.png.dc06c3cee6ae0dda89a673efd2f03c1a.pngBackup NAS.png


    image.thumb.png.747eac3eef187fb43e1fd1c2dbaa82c4.pngEmpty backup.png

  3. 1 hour ago, Brenton Spear said:

    One for the R510 team.....


    I have a Dell 12 bay R510 server.


    I crossflashed my Dell H200 cars that I purchased to an 9211-8i IT mode which was successful as per the instructions.


    I then installed the H200 into my R510 in the original slot that the H700 came out of.


    I then installed the two SSDs into the internal slots 12 & 13, then installed 6x 10TB drives in slots 0 to 5.


    The POST process shows the H200 card and I don’t see any errors.


    I can boot into UNRAID successfully and when i go to allocate the disks, it shows up both of my SSD drives but none of my 10TB drives.

    Seems that none of the SATA drives are being picked up.


    I am using the same cables that were connected to the H700 that I removed and replaced with the H200.


    Anyone got any ideas as to why this would be occurring?

    Not positive but try in another slot I seem to remember either reading or watching a video where they won't work in the proprietary slot 

  4. 14 minutes ago, Underberg said:

    Would SATA 2 speeds still be okay for cache use you'd think? I've found a fair bit of 2.5" caddies for the DVD slot, at quite low prices on eBay - could very much be an option!

    Here I just ran speed test here are the results top is my homeNAS cache built on an I7 6700 the bottom is my R710 cache both are on onboard sata ports:




    Dell R710.png

    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Underberg said:

    The DVD tray it is then! Would you have suggestions connection-wise? This is my first server, so I do indeed have silly questions.


    Thanks for helping out!

    I can't speak to performance as I just set this up and have not tested but yes I installed an 2.5 conversion tray (Like $10 part) in my R710 and it works fine it's been awhile since I played with it but I think I remember that the sata ports are 3Gb and yes there are 2 one for the DVD and one un-populated for which I have not tested yet but surmise that you could put 2 SSD's in a raid cache you will need to go into the server settings and confirm the sata ports are configured but besides that its all good. Oh and there is no power source native for the additional port so you will need to be creative here

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, kizer said:

    Wyze Cameras now Support RTSP on their V2 line.  For $20 to $25 per Camera I think I might give this a try fun. 

    Mine was just delivered last night first attempt to integrate with blue iris failed tried to flash it new firmware and that went through but could not connect to BI will keep working at it, will be interested to hear how you make out oh and as far as video quality i'm impressed with this little camera

  7. 15 minutes ago, trurl said:

    No. And I have never heard any good argument for "balancing the load out".

    Hum so I've been gathering to drive one till fill up and the drive 2 and so on, my rationale is that only the drives with data will spin up is this flawed thinking? interested with any thoughts on that never too late to learn

  8. 17 minutes ago, JohnGrosshans said:

    Hey everyone. I have run into a problem where my plexpass dock is just throwing a "refused to connect" error any time I try to access it.

    I think my config is right but nothing changed and then one day it just stopped working.


    The log for the plexpass docker looks like this:

    "2019-04-06 18:29:38.475582 [info] System information Linux unRAID 4.18.20-unRAID #1 SMP Fri Nov 23 11:38:16 PST 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    2019-04-06 18:29:38.515509 [info] PUID defined as '99'
    2019-04-06 18:29:38.688976 [info] PGID defined as '100'
    2019-04-06 18:29:38.904732 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
    2019-04-06 18:29:38.930184 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
    2019-04-06 18:29:38.955780 [info] TRANS_DIR defined as '/config/transcode'
    2019-04-06 18:29:39.040982 [info] Starting Supervisor...
    2019-04-06 18:29:39,708 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/plexmediaserver.conf" during parsing
    2019-04-06 18:29:39,708 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
    2019-04-06 18:29:39,711 INFO supervisord started with pid 8
    2019-04-06 18:29:40,712 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 54
    2019-04-06 18:29:40,713 INFO reaped unknown pid 9
    2019-04-06 18:29:41,713 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2019-04-06 18:29:42,062 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114988168 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:42,062 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114990256 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:42,062 INFO exited: plexmediaserver (exit status 255; not expected)
    2019-04-06 18:29:42,062 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-04-06 18:29:43,064 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 59
    2019-04-06 18:29:43,210 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464131352336 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:43,210 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114465896 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:43,210 INFO exited: plexmediaserver (exit status 255; not expected)
    2019-04-06 18:29:43,210 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-04-06 18:29:44,212 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 64
    2019-04-06 18:29:44,410 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464131352336 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:44,410 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114971856 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:44,410 INFO exited: plexmediaserver (exit status 255; not expected)
    2019-04-06 18:29:44,410 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-04-06 18:29:46,413 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 69
    2019-04-06 18:29:46,546 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464131352336 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:46,546 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114465536 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:46,546 INFO exited: plexmediaserver (exit status 255; not expected)
    2019-04-06 18:29:46,546 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-04-06 18:29:49,550 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 74
    2019-04-06 18:29:49,697 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464131352336 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stdout)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:49,697 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22464114971856 for <Subprocess at 22464114988240 with name plexmediaserver in state STARTING> (stderr)>
    2019-04-06 18:29:49,698 INFO exited: plexmediaserver (exit status 255; not expected)
    2019-04-06 18:29:49,698 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
    2019-04-06 18:29:50,698 INFO gave up: plexmediaserver entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly"


    My settings are the same with the exception of I don't have privileged on have you tried without it on

  9. On 3/19/2019 at 9:48 AM, dead_soul said:


    What connection cable did you use?

    And, is a single card LSI 9211 8i supports the 6 disks of my R710?

    If I understand correctly I replace the card and the wiring, and it work!? or if I have any configuration to do?

    sorry to ask, as I said it's new to me, it's different than making a water cooling gaming rig;-) completely a new world...

    That was the beauty of this card it is unRAID ready flashed to IT mode you do have to buy a forward breakout cable here is the one I purchased:


    And yes this card handles 8 drives it has 2 Mini SAS(SFF-8087) ports each handles 4 drives and no config needed with the parts I have shown here. One word of note if you are planning on ssd's for a cache pool you will need a daughter board for pcie as the drives will not trim on the HBA there is 2 discrete sata ports on my mobo so if yours is the same you should also have them 1 is for the CD drive and the other is unpopulated at least on mine I have not done allot of research but I do think I read that they are sata 2 so don't know how performance would be if you put ssd's on them but you should have 4 pcie x8 slots wired by x8 x4 and the dedicated slot for the PERC6i not sure of the config of those but should have plenty of options to make something work or there is an option card on think its riser 2 for 1 pcie x16 slot wired x16 in replacement of 2 x8

    Lots of options for this Dell R710 to make a nice little server, VM machine


    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, dead_soul said:


    Is an H200 card having the same problems as an LSI 9211 8i?

    Sorry after reading my response I kinda went right into the downside but that was for the PERC6i here is the HBA I ordered I have 2 of them work great right outta the box:



    • Like 1
  11. On 3/9/2019 at 10:30 PM, BBLV said:

    Mine's been spotty since 6.6.7. Some pull, some don't. Not sure what's broken and not sophisticated enough to even begin looking.

    Just a thought check your agents are stills selected and in the order you set them I found my had reset I guess to default during an update go to settings and drill down to to general section and click on agents select the ones you like and drag them to the the order of your choosing

  12. Well I just bought a refurb R710 and it had a PERC6i raid controller and it cannot be flashed to IT mode from what I gathered so I put an LSI 9211 8i flashed to IT mode and it works flawlessly with unraid I did see there was some workaround but in the end its to much trouble and you would loose SMART info on your drives, also be aware that if you have SAS drives you will not be able to spin them down via unraid

    • Like 2
  13. @Arcaeus I would go over to the Plex site and check recommended hardware and check the processor your considering on passmark as you mentioned 4K here is their recommendation

    4K HDR (50Mbps, 10-bit HEVC) file: 17000 PassMark score (being transcoded to10Mbps 1080p)

    4K SDR (40Mbps, 8-bit HEVC) file: 12000 PassMark score (being transcoded to10Mbps 1080p)

    the CPU you listed Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz is at 7911 passmark score this might not be a very good fit for your plans


    Edit: correction Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 score is 11368

  14. On 9/23/2017 at 10:24 AM, tillkrueger said:

    I feel your pain. And while we’re at it, if there was a menu function to get the transfer progress window back after clicking anywhere outside of it, that would make data operations soooo much easier too.


    so close, and yet so far, this Docker.

    I believe it is doable someone posted how to but its been awhile so don't know where it was posted try the docker support page for Krusader it may be there

  15. On 5/13/2016 at 12:39 PM, Brownboy said:

    I was wondering were my parity check speeds rank compared to some other users out there.. im not sure if my speeds are average or not.. Im seeing about 90MB/s for a 4tb parity drive with a 7 disk array. i know hardware has alot to do with it so here is a quick rundown of my setup..


    Intel i7 5820k processor

    Gigabyte x99p-SLI motherboard

    64gb Gskill Ram

    1 4tb seagate nas drive 6gb/s *parity drive*

    2 4tb segate desktop 6gb/s

    3 2tb seagate desktop 6gb/s    *2 on sata card*

    1 2tb hitchi destop drive 3gb/s *on sata card*

    1 1tb wd green drive 3gb/s.      *on sata card*

    I have a sata card pcie 2.0x1 with 4 of the drives on it.


    Any feedback will be appreciated.

    Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place.





    Heres 's mine with a 4tb parity and 7 4tb disk array


    Last check completed on Sat 02 Feb 2019 05:18:09 AM EST (today), finding 0 errors. 
    Duration: 8 hours, 18 minutes, 8 seconds. Average speed: 133.9 MB/sec

  16. Samsung has a 5 year warranty and the iops are a bit higher the WD has a 3 year warranty but what I found more revealing was when I looked the two up and compared them the WD drive weighs less than half of what the Samsung 860 evo does not sure if thats a typo but it came in at 1.31 ounces and the Samsung comes in at 3.04 would be interested to know what thats all about

  17. On 11/1/2018 at 11:04 PM, rb28dett said:

    Sorry I should've mentioned I checked that it was loaded with the mlx4_core driver.


    Relevant output of 'lspci -k'


    09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT26448 [ConnectX EN 10GigE, PCIe 2.0 5GT/s] (rev b0)
            Subsystem: Mellanox Technologies MT26448 [ConnectX EN 10GigE, PCIe 2.0 5GT/s]
            Kernel modules: mlx4_core


    Just curious I don't see the driver in your screen shot as it shows in mine? Is that normal


    01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT26448 [ConnectX EN 10GigE, PCIe 2.0 5GT/s] (rev b0)
            Subsystem: Mellanox Technologies HP 10 GbE PCI-e G2 Dual-Port NIC (rev C1)
            Kernel driver in use: mlx4_core
            Kernel modules: mlx4_core

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