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Everything posted by Nomad007

  1. Hi guys just reading back the past pages trying to understand how to setup team drives and if there is any benefit for me. Current setup is using the latest scripts. Its working great. Now with teams I understand it allows me to upload more data. Currently though and near future I probably wont be able to surpass the google enforced limits due to the limits enforced by our crappy ISP’s here in my country. Are there any more befits im not seeing. Are there any negatives to sticking to what is described in the current gdrive scripts thanks
  2. 🙏 Thank you it was my silliness. I thought Rclone was up to date. It was not as soon as i updated it, the upload script worked. Thanks for your help guys
  3. Hi just updated my scripts the mounting seems to work OK. But the upload errors out. I have just changed the remotename and remoteuploadname to the same remote just like the original scripts. here is the error: I'm sure its something i have over looked. any help would be great. here is my changes for the upload script
  4. Haha yes i am. Possible issue with the shield ? I have tried Mrmc and kodi and they seem to have the same issue. Ill test and see if i can get it to happen on my pc.
  5. Hi, at the moment I'm testing this as an alternative to using stablebit cloud. So far setup appears to be working ok. Except I'm have an issue with buffering. When playing a movie for instance I can see that the file plays in plex, and that it does have a visible buffer but after 30 odd minutes the play back will stop. Pressing play again in plex will make it play for another 3 seconds or so then pause again. Would this be an issue with my rclone mount it self or a plex media server issue. Here is my current rclone mount from unraid script Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  6. Hi guys struggling a little trying to get some basic services to run. I followed this guide So far port 443 is open and I see the nginx web page but I cant get sonarr and/or radarr to work. Typing https://DOMAIN.duckdns.org/sonarr and https://DOMAIN.duckdns.org/radarr show the same default nginx page. URL base for sonarr is “/sonarr” URL base for radarr is “/radarr” both services have been restarted. Here is the cut down default file I currently am using. Which is based off the guide. Im sure its something simple i am missing but i cant see it. any advice?
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