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Posts posted by CowboyRedBeard

  1. On 7/9/2020 at 1:56 AM, johnnie.black said:

    Yes, basically you need to do the same thing, backup, re-format and restore cache data, note that beta24 was release yesterday but there's a bug and still no aligning to 1MiB, should be fixed on next beta.

    So 6.9.0b25 is out it seems.... Does that look like a good one to try for fixing this issue? And will it realign after upgrade, or will I need to reformat the cache?

  2. I see it mainly when writing to the cache pool, I think because that's the only thing that is fast enough to exhibit the issue. I could run the mover and see what happens though, since I'm usually asleep when it runs.


    I'm happy to run any tests deemed informative and post results here.


    Someone above had suggested the output from iotop but I didn't see how to get that to work.

  3. I don't want to keep necro-posting here... let me know if I need to start a different thread or what.... But this is still an issue. Here for example is 2 different files coming down through SAB onto a single XFS cache drive....


    This never used to happen, and now even after moving away from a pool it's still beating up the system. It's livable, as in other services don't fall off completely, but it's still way more impact than prior.

    This isn't working for me. I mean at this point, my server basically does only Plex and download media files because it can't handle anything else. And this is a decently stout machine (dual Xeon E5 2690v2 with 128G RAM).


    Help please.

  4. This seems to be an ongoing problem, even with XFS and no pool.


    What sort of data can I provide to help diagnose what's going on here? Moving to no pool / XFS has made the system "survive" during these operations, which is better than totally offline during them... but still not an awesome thing.





  5. OK, finally have time to do this. From the shell on unraid I don't get iotop... I installed it via nerd tools


    But get this

    :~# iotop
    libffi.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    To run an uninstalled copy of iotop,
    launch iotop.py in the top directory


  6. On 5/21/2020 at 5:38 AM, ephigenie said:

    Did you try looking with IOtop which process is causing the amount of IO ? 
    Can you trace it as well with docker stats across your containers ?  Just to try to identify the verdict.... 

    I'll do a test and post the results tonight, I was waiting for the parity check to finish. It did come up with errors, which is a first time for that for me



  7. Guys.... Settle down. Let's not pollute the thread with arguments about which is the best file system, a discussion that could only take place somewhere like here of course🤣


    Back to my problem... I see what I've done here with the single drive on XFS as a work around. How can I get back to a cache pool with the same performance?

  8. Thanks for the reply, two questions:


    In your "3)" are you addressing what I have in my "2)" ? as in , change it to "yes" under cache usage?


    Where will 6.2 take place, in the settings?


    ALSO... just noticed something and I'm not sure if this matters, but my default file system is set to "XFS" and all my array drives are set to that. Would that possibly be a factor here?

  9. Since this seems like something that's not going to be fixed for a while, could someone help me understand the correct way to split my cache pool and then make use of a single drive formatted to XFS?

    I'm assuming I'd
    1) stop & disable docker and vm

    2) change the system, appdata and domains shares to array

    3) run mover

    4) set array to not auto-start

    5) reboot

    6) unassign one of the pool drives and then format the remaining one to XFS

    7) start the array

    8 ) stop & disable docker and vm

    9) change the system, appdata and domains shares to cache only

    10) run mover



  10. I verified it, I don't have /appdata/ or /system/ on any of the physical disks, only on the cache drive.


    I also put the folder Sab downloads to on a cache only share and my problem persists.


    For me, basically it's any time I'm doing file operations of size on the cache drives that I have this issue. I guess I could split the pool and have a single cache drive formated to XFS. My Optane card is XFS and it doesn't exhibit the issue. However, I'd kinda like to have it work the way it's supposed to instead. I have a pool so that everything is redundant.


  11. How do I make sure the docker.img isn't on the array?


    In settings, it shows this path:



    And the system share is set to only. I browsed the disks and none show /system on them.


    I think what you've done here is basically what @trurl had me do on the first page of this thread.

  12. What kind of testing and results can I supply to help in diagnosis? This is rendering my system unusable during what has been normal operation, and I'm not the only one apparently. It does seem to be BTRFS / cache related, as a PCI NVME formatted XFS doesn't show the same problem.

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