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Everything posted by MandalorePatriot

  1. Thanks! Do I have to add a server field for each subdomain? Such as if I switched to using subdomains for Ombi and PlexPy? Also, is it not possible to set this up as a subdirectory?
  2. Hello, I would like to set this up behind a reverse proxy. In the nginx proxy config, I am able to set the location / to point to this Docker. It works, but takes up the use of the base domain name. I have also setup Ombi and PlexPy using locations such as /ombi or /plexpy. Is this possible with NowShowing? I am a beginner in web design, but does NowShowing need a base url? I would like to be able to go to /nowshowing, but I only get 404s when I set that. Thanks in advance for the help!
  3. Hello, how does one go about modifying the landing/login page backgrounds for Ombi-Preview? I am using the below link for reference. I tried modifying the files in the Docker itself, but once I restart the changes are reverted. Sorry if this is a easy question!