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Everything posted by ppunraid

  1. I've had this running for some time now, but since I moved my docker image, a lot of my dockers are broken, which I'm working through. It still runs ATM, but it appears the database is corrupted.
  2. Hello, over the weekend I installed clamAV docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/tquinnelly/clamav-alpine and some apps in the nextcloud docker (preview generator and message vault). I let them run over the weekend eventually stopped clamAV as it started hosing the system. Then I noticed that there were constant writes to the array and rebooted the server. That stopped the writes for a few hours until the array health report ran. I've attached the diagnostics report for some help. tower-diagnostics-20230724-0906.zip
  3. Has tcpdump been moved to another plugin? it used to be in the nerdpack. Or is it now native to unraid? I get command not found when I try to run it.
  4. Has anyone gotten this to work properly? I got the redirect working, but it automatically denies me access and doesn't go to the login screen. Even going directly to authentic produces the same problem until I turn off the workflows within authentic or remove the configs from the targeted app. The only way I really got it to work briefly is when all the apps are in the same proxy network, but that isn't really feasible as some apps need to be on it's own IP
  5. I'm thinking of setting this up, but I have two questions: 1) How are you handling local access. You wouldn't want to go out to the internet to access your local resources. I already do split DNS, but if your pointing to a port, then I'd have to use a reverse proxy. 2) I have mixed services dependant on SWAG for it's security like pihole, nextcloud, graylog. But some of them have their own IP's that SWAG hook into. Would these services break? 3) Maybe out of scope here, but I want to setup another proxynet that doesn't use the main unraid IP address for this.
  6. Probably not the right forum to discuss your issue, but here's what a quick search brought up: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/03/18/2002822/0/en/Locast-lessens-coronavirus-hardships-with-emergency-offer.html
  7. It sounds like you have more of an issue with plex, than with this docker. You may want to check with the plex support forums either here or on plex
  8. There's a new offical version of speedtest cli, but I can't seem to find a docker version for it. I'd build one myself, but following someone build one and building on your own are two different things. https://www.speedtest.net/apps/cli
  9. got this working pretty easily Not sure where everyone is at, but this is what your suppose to do: Create an appdata folder: /mnt/user/appdata/locast2plex/ copy the config_sample.ini from the github owner and place it inside the above folder and rename it config.ini Fix the config to your liking In the docker container create a new path call it CONFIG container path: /app/config/ host path: /mnt/user/appdata/locast2plex/
  10. Following up on this. How do you get to the appdata folder for this docker? I was under the impression docker containers automatically created folders within the appdata folder. I want to be able to add 4 tuners to this container. I know I could just create a second container, but I'd like to keep configurations in parity.
  11. @littlebudha, good Idea about sending it through a VPN. Didn't think about that.
  12. Finally got this working! Had some personal issues I had to deal with, such as I forgot I only allow certain ip's through my FW (DOH!) after doing some tcpdumps and some reading...I didn't know that the unraid server couldn't talk to the VM's directly... Thanks for the setup!
  13. Not getting as far as @snappertom. But just wanted to test this before setting up a donation. Locast2Plex v0.4.2 DEBUG MODE ACTIVE UUID found. UUID set to: hmwhuwux... Logging into Locast using username [email protected]... Error during login: [Errno -3] Try again Exiting... Locast2Plex v0.4.2 Locast2Plex v0.4.2 DEBUG MODE ACTIVE UUID found. UUID set to: hmwhuwux... Logging into Locast using username [email protected]... Error during login: [Errno -3] Try again Exiting... I have special characters in my password, so I tried breaks and with quotes, but still no luck. Also, I can't seem to find the appdata folder. Is this stored somewhere else?
  14. I finally got this setup during lockdown, If this is your first run, you have to login as root which needs to be encrypted as sha2 format in your conf file. Then after that you can use your admin password going forward.
  15. Hello, webgrab+ has been recently updated to 2.1.9, I was wondering if this could get updated too. Thanks!
  16. Interesting. I didn't see the bottom part of your screen shot. Have you tried deleting the appdata for the openvpn configuration?
  17. your screen shots shows that UDP port 1200 is opened on your unraid box, However the configuration in the openvpn application is a different thing.
  18. openvpn-as is just a server waiting for people to connect to it. For what you want to do, you'll need a client app. I think there are other opvenvpn versions out there for unraid that may do what you want, or you could do the opposite, have pfsense connect to unrai. From my limited knowledge of pfsense, it's pretty robust, so there shouldn't be an issue doing it that way. Infact, I may be deploying those to my inlaws place
  19. @Martinoaa, sorry I didn't see this until now. Reading your original post again, got me thinking...In the docker global settings (unraid menu > settings > system settings > docker) do you have a gateway address set here? You may have to turn on advanced settings to see that. After that I would try doing a tcpdump in from the unraid CLI (sudo tcpdump host and do a ping from the vpn client to try and reach the gateway, internet, unraid. Also in the openvpn docker console, do an ifconfig. For some reason, in my current vpn implementation, even though i specified a different physical interface in the docker config, I still had to specify eth0 in the INTERFACE configuration portion for it to work. I was going to try and look at an old appdata backup, but not clear on where to get that information...but hope that will get you started.
  20. Think in your docker config you need to change the INTERFACE to br0 to match network type, also in openvpn gui, check what interface is showing there...It's one of those things that is wrong.
  21. You can change the protocols in the client application. But I would verify in the logs on the server side to see what it's seeing. On my client I have ipv4 only
  22. Also another thing to throw out there is if you restart your dockers, you may get different internal IP address. It's annoying and I haven't looked into how to make them static yet.
  23. THIS IS AWSOME!!!! After some user error I was able to get this to work easily. Also if you have a specific speedtest server you want to use, you can get the id field here: http://c.speedtest.net/speedtest-servers-static.php Thanks so much for this!
  24. Did you ever get this resolved? Looking at my own graphs: SELECT distinct("free") FROM "disk" WHERE ("path" = '/rootfs/mnt/cache') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null) Also another thing to note, I believe /rootfs/mnt/user is a virtual link to a directory that resides on the disks rather than a physical directory. You'd have to select the individual physical drives.
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