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Posts posted by Alexander

  1. This is similar to my situation.

    I use a memory card reader that has unique serial numbers (a KingstonFCR-HS4).

    The Sandisk 32 GB SD card broke and my unraid did not start anymore.

    So i replaced the memory card with a new one with a fresh v6.10.3 on it.

    I started it as a trial.

    Did Tools/registration and put my license link in there (that i got on my mail and was used with that memory card reader before).

    I assigned my parity and data drive (luckily I had labeled the drives in my machine) and my WD red drives has a label with their number on them on the front side.

    On the Main tab iIt shows in red "Parity      All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" exactly as in the picture above.


    I tick the box Parity is already valid BEFORE starting the array.


    And now I start it. Hopefully it will work as I want it to.

    Message "

    Proceed to start

    Parity valid requires ALL disks to have their original content"


    I click PROCEED because I have not touched the machine since I ran Unraid last time.


    I do not use cache drives so array setup was easy, but I will in the future.


    Then i got my VMs back because I have them on my array!

    My Windows passthrough VM started because I have it on autostart since before. Hurray.


    My passthrough Windows 10 VM started but stalled.

    I stop that Windows VM (no need to force stop stop works perfectly) and started it again (I have had some stalls in it starting lately).

    Of course this is because Windows 10 (at least as VM installed a while ago) is maybe not "up to date" there are a lot of updates recently it has nothing to do with Unraid.

    It starts! It is working. Totally amazing.

    My only computer that has Unraid and Windows 10 on it is working.


    I have to set it to autostart the array also. Is OFF with new unraid from scratch.

    Settings/Disk Settings/Enable auto start: Yes

    also i set

    Shutdown time-out: 900

    90 sec is sometimes too little on my machine without SSD cache drives and Windows 10 VM sometimes need a lot of time to stop properly when it needs to update itself. So I set it to the max which is 900. It automatically shuts down immediately if the stopping processes has finished.


    This is exactly how I want it to work.

    I just want to say thank you very much to all developers and contributors.

    It really works as I want and expected.



  2. I can't get UPnP working.


    UPnP Set to on in router.

    Set to Yes in "Management Access" and "VPN Manager".

    In VPN Manager on Local Endpoint line i get "UPnP: tunnel is inactive"


    I even tried installing Merlin on My ASUS RT AC 68U router but still same result.


    Any solution to this?

    ASUS UPnP tunnel is inactive Redmarked.png

  3. OK I just reproduced the problem on my unraid and it is not the same problem you have.


    You get an IP address so your unraid port works.


    Since you get a 169.254.x.x address your routers DHCP doesn't seem to work or be set right.


    your DHCP server has a problem and cannot allocate an IP address. When Windows and any other OS is configured to get an IP via DHCP and they don't get any, they automatically assign 169.254.xxx.xxx IP

    Source: https://superuser.com/questions/238625/why-is-windows-default-ip-address-169-xx-xx-xx


    "When the DHCP process fails, Windows automatically assigns an IP address from the private range, which is to"

    Do not read "Windows" litterally above it applies to all kind of OSes.

    Try to fix your router DHCP settings.



    Now I describe my case.

    I disabled my bridge of eth0: and eth1:

    When the cable was connected to eth1: or eth2: result was "IPv4 address not set" at unraid boot/start.

    Then it was impossible to connect to it remotely or do anything meaningful except login and write "command like things".


    I have 3 LAN ports on my motherboard (shows up as eth0: eth1: eth2:).

    Link to my motherboard if someone needs it: https://asrock.com/MB/Intel/Fatal1ty Z370 Professional Gaming i7/index.asp


    The copper (ethernet) cable had to be connected to the original eth0: port to get an IPv4 address on my machine.

    The unnraid ipv4 address is the one I set the router to appoint to the port (static) or one random from the DHCP range I set the router to use on the LAN when I disabled the "static" rule.


    If you have several ports on your computer try to connect them one at a time (cycle connection through them) to your router and start your unraid machine each time.

    Hopefully with one of the connections unraid will get an IPv4 address. Then you can use it.


    If you like me, then still want to use a "non working" port connected alone to your router instead, a solution I found was to bridge the used port together with the working port in Network Settings.

    After that your options is to not connect anything to the "working" port, or connect an extra connection to it as well if you like.

    In my case there is little use to connect it (my eth0:) since it would only add 1 Gb to my eth1: 10 Gb port and I prefer to have less cables around.


    As I pointed out you can only edit Network Settings with the Docker and VMs turned off, so you should not see DOCKER and VM in the unraid menu when you change your Network Settings.

    In Network Settings in my case I set "Enable bridging: Yes" and "Bridge members of br0: eth0,eth1".


  4. I had this experience too.

    Only way for me was to use another computer.

    Login in on my router from the other computer to see what IP address my unraid server got.

    Then let unraid run quite long after start. And finally I somehow managed to type unraid IP in browser of my other computer and log in (I had extra direct cable between computer and unraid server). Router managed to show unraid IP to me but I could not connect through it since unraid IP was outside of set router DHCP range.


    When inside unraid, fix common problems showed me this kind of problem


    I changed those "DNS" settings in my router.


    Also I had these problems


    Had to fix that too. I chose to Disable Dockers and VM Manager in settings, don't forget "Enable: No" and then <apply> on both then reboot, so you can edit network settings.

    Then in Settings/Network settings i changed eth0: to bridge with my eth1:.

    I have unraid connected (copper cable ethernet) with my eth1: 10 Gb port and unraid is slow booting up with it so bond fails and result is unraid geting strange IP that is out of my router set range.

    After bridging it with my 1 Gb eth0: port (I bridged my 1 Gb eth0 with eth1: actually) then boot/start went fast again and unraid got IP as I had set up in router (inside router DHCP range, and static as I had set it to).

    After that it works again.


    Even reordering so my 10 Gb port becomes eth0: still results in slow start/bootup. "Starting haveged entropy daemon:" shows during 1 minute or something before continuing and it says something about bond0 "not working".

    Above bridge solution bundled my eth1 with the "hardware first port" (shows up on top with default new unraid) and that is since 6.8.2 (I think) my eth0: 1 Gb,  and then it got fast booting up again, no "bond0" issue.

    I do not use any cable to eth0: 1 Gb port to clarify.


    Prior to 6.8.2 (until 6.8.1) or something the kernels put my 10 Gb port on top as eth0: so then I did not experience these issues.

    I guess I could as well use a cable only on eth0: (now since 6.8.2 my 1 Gb) and it will probably work too, but I don't want to.


    3rd thing I did was to untick my USB port passthrough in my VFIO-PCI CFG plugin. But even when I plugged in my keyboard in a USB port that was not passed through the keyboard was dead (no lights) and didn't work in unraid GUI boot mode after haveged daemon part. But after above fixes from another computer it works.

  5. On 5/13/2020 at 11:31 PM, Dazog said:



    https://sourceforge.net/projects/e1000/files/ixgbe stable/5.7.1/


    Intel FINALLY gets around 5.6 support out of kernel.

    From link above.

    Changes in this release: - Added support for 5.6 kernel version (probably = next stable unraid 6.9.x)


    ixgbe is linux driver for for intel 10 Gb network controllers 82598 and 82599.

    Source: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005688/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products.html

  6. On 4/4/2019 at 5:10 AM, xlucero1 said:

    Mapped drives and symlinks link that was posted in the YouTube vid seems to lead me to a Download Archive and I cant figure out how to download like Spaceinvader One did. Any advice?


    Yes that file is not available as download (executable file) anymore unfortunately.

    If you have to use a GUI interface the only ones available also have hard link options and makes the interface harder to use.

    If you opt to use one of  those I suggest HardLinkShellExt_X64.exe


  7. On 4/26/2020 at 8:36 AM, Ernie11 said:



    I have followed video 1 to create a windows VM but im having an issue with the sound. I added <sound model='ich9'> </sound> to the xml but after doing that I cant use spashtop. I connected using unraids vnc and I can see the vm is working but splashtop cant connect. Once I deleted the sound in the xml splashtop could connect again. To make sure I added it in again and it couldnt connect, took it out and splashtop connect. Has anyone run into this problem? Is there another way to add sound? Thanks.

    On a terminal (not using VM and passthrough). Don't use splashtop. Use NoMachine and the sound will work, no need to use <sound model> part then I think. https://www.nomachine.com/


    NoMachine is free and fast. NoMachine was probably not available when the video was made and now splashtop is not free any more.


    On a VM passthrough. Easiest solution is to get a USB Audio device. For example one of these. https://focusrite.com/en/scarlett

    With the above you need to passthrough your USB port(s) otherwise a click/abrupt change happens like every 2 seconds. I guess this is because it shares the port access with unraid when not passthrough. This is hard to hear but I noticed it after long testing.

    To avoid the almost unnoticeable "click" You will need to have at least 1 port non-passthrough for your unraid flash and that has to be in another IOMMU group than the passed through VM ones. So you might have to buy an extra USB PCIE card if your motherboard doesn't have USB in at least 2 different IOMMU groups (means usually uses at least 2 USB controllers chips on motherboard). Obviously such motherboards are not among the most common ones and are not the cheapest.


    If you have a graphics card you could try to passthrough to its sound part. I only have my Intel CPU graphics that do not have sound, so I use external USB sound as above.


    It is very nice to passthrough the motherboard main USB controller, that is usually almost all computer ports if you have 2 USB IOMMU group setup. You can then unplug and plug things in after the VM has started as and when you like (keyboard, mouse, USB sound, printer, etc), and they will all have trouble-free fast access. Avoid the use of a USB hub.


  8. I don't use a cache pool.

    When the parity check starts  my Windows VM (on my array) practically freezes.

    I guess this is normal?

    Fix is to pause the parity check until I am finished with my VM.


    I guess another solution is to use cache or to put your VM "unprotected" on an unassigned device?

  9. When i changed to more recent Unraid version it reordered my ethx: ports. The 10 Gb was eth0: and now it became eth1: after unraid update.


    eth0 is connected to br0 and possibly vibr0 used in dockers and VMs or something.

    So old settings when dockers and VMs were created don't match (1 and 10 Gb ports are not at same brx, vibrx).

    My solution was to reorder NICs (eth0, eth1) back in Network settings.


    If this is your problem (i do not know, just speculating) then my fix is as follows.


    To change Network Settings you must go to Settings and Disable in VM Engine and Docker first. Then you can edit Netw. Sett.

    Once you changed MAC numbers in "Interface Rules" so 10 Gb is back on eth0: or whatever you had there you have to apply setting and REBOOT.

    Only after reboot will they change to what they were set to.


    I'm not sure this is the cause behind your problems. Just trying to help.

    If you like me have several NICS (ethernet ports) and your 10 Gb has been reordered in the ehtx: numbering this might fix it.


    A wild guess is that the new NIC order is an effect of a new linux kernel used in more recent unraid versions.

    Maybe some linux user problems were fixed for multiple NIC boards by this change, but it messed up old unraid configs when updating unraid version.

    • Like 1
  10. I prefer to set the address as "static" in the router, and leave on automatic in unraid.

    How to set a "static" address on a ASUS router is described here.



    Note that the router will still use the HDCP dynamic addresses in the range you decided to use, so all other devices connected to it will always connect and get a dynamic address (prevents address conflicts). You can reserve addresses in the used range.

    That is what a "static" address as in the link above is.

    The "reserved" address is linked to the MAC address (=unique) of your physical communication port and thus work as a "local" LAN "static" address.


    If you only set your static addresses on the router it will not allow you to give the same address to several devices or to be outside the used range.


    As an example If you want to suddenly use the 192.168.X.X range instead of 10.X.X.X which you can choose to do on your router.

    Then your unraid static ip has to be changed at the same time to fit in that range before you can access it.

    The router will immediately notice you that your static IP is not valid, unraid will not, because it doesn't know that you are changing the router "IP range".


    I prefer to keep track of all this management in my router.

    For example if you connect several unraid servers to your router you manage all addresses on the router instead of on the router (IP range) and all your unraid servers (static addresses).


    If you connect to several different routers (network backup scenario or something) or if someone else manages the router and you can't configure them then I can see a point in setting the static address in unraid.


    If you happen to mess with the settings, at least unraid will try to connect at some non conflicting address if you have it set to automatic.

    Just log into your router and see where it is or use the id name like "Tower" when searching from a terminal device.


    Do note that a static address on WAN (the internet) is something else and usually what people mean when they talk about a static address.

    In the context of unraid of course we talk about our local (LAN) "static" IP.

  11. Yes VM Edit bug is still there.


    Change Primary vDisk Location: Auto to Manual.

    => your vdisk greyed out path gets Black.

    Then change/edit all your VM options.

    Then update.


    Next time you edit it, it will unfortunately be set to AUTO again, so you will have to change it to Manual again.


    Otherwise it doesn't update any changes (when Primary vDisk Location: is set to Auto).

    This applies to everything, name change, icon change, memory amount change, machine type change etc.


    This solution is mentioned in post above and here:


  12. On 3/1/2020 at 8:01 AM, Livefreak said:

    Has anyone got the AQtion 10G to transfer at full speed. I have the AQC107 in my unraid server and it seems to only connect /transfer at 600 to 700MB/s using iperf3.  This is weird as it is not capped at 5GBps.  I have tried different cables (CAT 6A) (3 cables - length as low as 0.5m) as well as Cat 5e/Cat 6 cables. They all seem to only connect above 5GBps.  This is both direct link to another AQC107 (XG-C100C) or a onboard Gigabyte AQC107 (X399 Aorus Extreme) and via a XG-U2008 router


    [  4]   0.00-1.00   sec   613 MBytes  5.14 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   1.00-2.00   sec   615 MBytes  5.16 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   2.00-3.00   sec   629 MBytes  5.27 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   3.00-4.00   sec   638 MBytes  5.35 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   4.00-5.00   sec   674 MBytes  5.65 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   5.00-6.00   sec   656 MBytes  5.50 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   6.00-7.00   sec   652 MBytes  5.48 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   7.00-8.00   sec   641 MBytes  5.37 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   8.00-9.00   sec   632 MBytes  5.31 Gbits/sec
    [  4]   9.00-10.00  sec   640 MBytes  5.37 Gbits/sec


    It may be cables but they should down sync to 5000.  

    Interesting. Does the XG-U2008 router show that it has Full 10 Gb speeds on both links (blue lights for 10 Gb ports)?


    See Signal Quality Indicator in the above link.


    Here is somebody else with the same "issue" on a specific motherboard.


  13. On 3/6/2020 at 4:17 AM, Hexenhammer said:

    Are you sure that 5G Aquantia doesn't work? It has same manufacturer support like 10G card, linux drivers and all, everything is available.

    I already own this card and my plan is to use it until i get 10G later if needed, since 5G will do 500MB/s and at best ill use SATA cache SSD it might be enough for my need, or if i find a deal for 10G card

    I read that it did not work for somebody in this Unraid forum, but maybe it was this post.

    But that is for an older Aquantia 5 Gb controller the AQC111U. So it might work with the AQC108 5 Gb controller?

    Here a link to some Aquantia chips. There seems to be more than I knew of.



    For the linux driver to work OOTB (out of the box) it must be included in the linux kernel or "added" by Limetech, the later only possible if the driver code is "compatible" with the linux kernel used.


    Might work now or in the future. If it does report back.

    Since you have the card please try it.


    You can use the 30-Day Free Trial to test it, if you do not already have a license.

    You can not use the same USB key for a new trial after the expiry unless you buy it or maybe by contacting limetech for a trial extension (if possible).


    Go into settings / Network Settings. Scroll down to Interface Rules.

    If Interface eth0: eth1: eth2 etc ends with something like "PCI device 0x1234:0x1234 (atlantic)

    it will probably work. (atlantic) is the Aquantia driver used for my 10 Gb connection.

    Intel 1 Gb often has (igb) or (e1000e) drivers on recent boards.

  14. 2.5 Gb should be enough if you only use HDD array in unraid (no SSDs or cache).

    The HDD data transfer speed (except from its cache) is not going to be faster.

    2.5 Gb copper cable LAN is simple to use and cheap and convenient so why not use that if it works now.

    • Like 2
  15. I'm looking here a little bit too late.


    For any other new builder that wants a normal ATX motherboard I must let you consider ASRock.

    They have 2 nice things.

    1. There is a fan controller in the BIOS. You can make a fan "curve" control with several numbers for temperature and power (speed).

    This is really good, and will immediately control fans at startup (but they still spin upp to max for like 2 seconds).

    Other motherboards normally only have windows apps for that (useless for linux/unraid) and they are often buggy and badly updated on top of that. Only downside on BIOS solution is when flashing a new BIOS version everything is wiped so write down your favorite setting, before you update your BIOS version.

    2. ASRock normally use open 1 channel PCIe ports on their boards. You can plug any size PCIe cards (16 channel if you like) into those.

    This is especially useful if you get a SAS Expander card on top of your HBA card to be able to connect a lot of HDDs.

    One expander card can give you connections to 16-20 HDDs depending on if you use 1 or 2 SAS cable connection to it.

    You can daisy chain as many expander cards as your HBA card supports (think it is normally 256 or 1024 drives).

    But unless you power the expander cards from a separate backplane or separate "pcie slot power adapters" your motherboard slots will limit the cards/drives. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjFouPv6K-o


    Note. Many expanders has a 8 pcie channel long slot connector but do not use any of them for communication.

    So they are perfect to put into any of ASRocks open 1 ch pcie slot.


    ASRock is in the affordable, get much for the price range. If you want best and most efficient power regulators (usually= infineon components) for your cpu or other higher quality and pricier components ASRock is probably not for you and I suggest Gigabyte for those. For a stable "serious" server ASRock is probably not what you look for.

    As a "cheap" good start home server to learn on please consider ASRock boards.

    I think level1tech (youtube) quite likes them to, has relatively good linux support.

  16. Some 2.5 or 5 Gb LANs have not been working in linux/unraid.

    But in 6.8.0 anouncement it says "Added oot: Realtek r8125: version 9.002.02", this is Realtek 2.5 Gb controller, so just guessing it might work now?

    I think it is a matter of what drivers are included in the linux kernels used, so this is important for all linux OSes not just unraid.

    Please report back if it works.


    Anything with an Intel 1Gb or an Aquantia 10 Gb controller works out of the box.

    I have a motherboard with the Aquantia 10 Gb controller (with the AQC107 chip) and 2 Intel 1 Gb LAN.

    All 3 work out of the box in unraid.

    Here a link to a pcie card that works with that aquantia AQC107 chip: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/58390-asus-xg-c100c-10gbe-nic/?do=findComment&comment=803918

    As far as I know all controller cards with these chip/circuits work too but I have not personally tested it so do not quote me on that.


    The best 10 Gb PCIe LAN card is probably the AQN107


    but that one sold out really fast.


    Mac/Hackintosh seems to only work with the 107S chipset. (Think those work on Windows too).


    But some still have trouble with them loosing Wake on LAN after a while for instance.



    Marvell acquired Aquantia, and since then the supply of the cards/chips is unfortunately scarce.

    A coincidence?

    I do not know.

    Some say the Intel 10 Gb LAN is supported. I do not know.

    They talk a little about it here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86878-enough-pci-express-lanes/

    I guess it works now at least for intel X550-T2. It uses ixgbe driver and in 6.8.0-rc8 announcement it says

    Update Intel 10Gbit (ixgbe) to out-of-tree driver version: 5.6.5


    I hope somebody can confirm if intel 10 Gb is working in unraid?


    The aquantia 10 Gb can be connected to 2.5 and 5 Gb networks, and it will work.

    Obviously I have not tested all AQC107 based card but I have not seen anybody saying the opposite on the net.


    But do note that  intel 10 Gb is not connecting to 2.5 or 5 Gb networks, so intel is "inferior" to aquantia on that point.

    Intel 10 Gb does NOT support the standard for 2.5 and 5 Gb speeds/connections (it is another standard, and aquantia chip does support it too, but not intel). They both support connection to 1 Gb LANs though.


    The aquantia 5 Gb controller (AQC108 chip based) may not work in Unraid.


    I think Spaceinvader One had a setup with Mellanox 10 Gb SFTP cards. You will have to buy adapters for copper cables or fibre cables to those (will cost you some). The standards used vary by brand for the copper adapter ones (voltages etc) so you should use same or compatible in both ends. If you use it fibre is normally suggested.


    If I do not remember wrong Spaceinvader One had to install a driver and he also needed a 1 Gb LAN network connected as well in parallel to get his 10 Gb Mellanox LAN working, at least for his advanced use, so I would NOT call this a work out of the box solution.


    All this is NOT necessary with the 10 Gb Aquantia copper LAN, you just use it exactly as any normal 1 Gb copper LAN.

    With unraid or any not too old linux (kernel) it will run/work out of the box. No issues or workarounds needed.



    Another thing. Do not bond 10 Gb and 1 Gb networks together in unraid.


    Bonding (parallel cables) is only supporting 1 up to 8 ethernet ports (cable connections) with the same speed.

    So you can for example create a 8 Gb link bond with 8x 1 Gb ports (on each end)

                                                   20 Gb link with 8x 2.5 Gb ports

                                                   40 Gb link with 8x 5 Gb ports

                                                   80 Gb link with 8x 10 Gb ports

  17. I guess this is a link to the "Lehmann" server case.



    Quick search gave this alternative (80% sound reduction)



    I have no idea of the price.

    Of course these must be really expensive, reducing sound considerably and be high quality (that's what it looks like at a glance).

  18. Edit: consider this alternative Lenovo card too (2020-08-07).



    I have this IBM card too.

    Card is new. Has "default" firmware 510A.


    I have not tested it thoroughly yet, but it works OOTB with my WD reds and Seagate HDDs (4 in total, of which 2 are in array).

    But do not put it in a PCIe slot that shares lanes with your HBA. My HBA (HP H220 IT-mode) is not working if it doesnt get all the 8 lanes it should have. The IBM card will thus claim use of up to at least some lanes when inserted, despite that it doesn't use any of them. Maybe that is required by the PCIe standard to get power, and populate a slot correctly?

    It is meant to be put on a backplane or a slot only providing power.


    After moving the IBM expander to an open 1 channel slot (on my ASRock motherboard) it's all working.

    These do not use shared PCIe lanes between slots.

    The card has a 8 channel wide slot connection, so if you put it on your motherboard you will need an open slot or waste 8 channels i guess. Don't ask me why the IBM expander does not have a 0 or 1 channel width connection?


    You can "flash" it with newest firmware 634A. Art of Server on youtube has a video about how to do that.

    I would suggest to use latest stable manjaro XFCE instead of CentOS and learn the corresponding commands to use. Google will help you find those (Arch linux based).

    Hint, https://www.howtogeek.com/426199/how-to-list-your-computers-devices-from-the-linux-terminal/

    Whence sudo pacman -Syu <commandpackage> will install the package that enables the command included in it (with some Y (Yes) confirmations.

    sudo sg_write_buffer <and the same parameters used by Art of server> will run the command. Remember to run it in the directory that contains the files used in the parameter fields as if=filename  (if is inputfile) and of=filename  (of is outputfile). You will need to have an USB stick or a hard disk connected containing your firmware file. Disconnect everything that can contain LSI firmware, such as controllers and SSDs first so that you will not accidentally wipe the wrong firmware. It is VERY important to check what the name of your device is as described by Art of server.

    If you do not provide that parameter at the end of the sg_write_buffer command you might damage another device. This is especially important if you motherboard has an LSI controller on it (usually server boards), obviously you can not remove that unless you have another computer to use for flashing.


    To install manjaro on an USB follow manjaros wiki, thus use rufus to put manjaro on the USB stick.

    Do not install manjaro on any hard disk, just run it "live" in memory. It will require you to set up timezone and keyboard for live use ="ram memory install". Hard disk install is done after your "live USB" install in manjaro, but you should not need to do that.


    I found a forum thread where a guy testing the performance of the IBM 46M0997 card with original 510A firmware and all later firmware.

    He got less throughput speed with all firmwares after 510A. So I will not "upgrade" it unless I later will encounter problems.

    I'm not sure you can downgrade back easily. Not tested that. You might need to use another tool to erase the firmware completely first if you want to downgrade back?

    Basically upgraded firmware made his 2 SAS bridge connected card tested with several SSD SATA connected (i think) to get about 1.1x the speed of only having 1 SAS bridge connected. With 510A the speed was 1.5-2x with both SAS ports connected (2x is what the "theoretical maximum" should be).

    With only HDDs connected, you will not hit SATA 3 speeds, rather just below SATA 2 at the most (=half speed), so this might actually not matter in the end for you. This is probably a good choice if you consider stable "bug free" operation (with any brand or old HDD) as a higher priority than "top" speed (as you probably should).


    If you do not have bugs/problems then maybe, (I do not know), you may not want to upgrade the firmware from v 510A.


    If anybody does speed and/or stability tests, please share your results.


    Edit (2020-08-07): Here is a short description (read color text) about current state for this IBM card.


  19. Like most: Unraid keeps all data that you do not expressively want to erase yourself safe, no matter what.

    Like 2nd most: GUI/ease of use + spaceinvader one tutorials/videos.

    Like 3rd most: Hardware support for new + old hardware, examples 10 Gb LAN (Aquantia AQC107), SSD cache.

    Like 4th most: The new Wireguard VPN feature is awesome, really useful/easy/fast.


    Like to see added: I hope the new app that backups VMs will get an easy nice GUI restore option. Especially useful as long as VM edit GUI is buggy. In restore you should be able to choose which backup (date) to restore, which VMs you want to restore and if you want to restore XML file and/or vdisk file. A 1 step undo option could also be good if you feel you accidentally end up worse after restore and want to revert it.

  20. I had this recently.

    I had fiddled with the VM settings after changing my USB settings so that I got an error message when starting my VM.


    In my case this happened when my XML got corrupted in v 6.8.0 (and the result was the blue-screen you got).

    Whatever you do, DO NOT erase your vdisk and DO NOT erase your VM.


    Backup your VM XML with the new app that is available. I excluded backup of the vdisk (only doing XML file bakckup), but keep the vdisk untouched and DO NOT erase it.

    Then create a new Windows 10 VM with the same settings you had when you created it and for vdisk Choose MANUAL (Not Auto) and the path+file of your original vdisk.

    After creation of the VM, next time you edit it, it will show vdisk AUTO in the setting. This is a bug. If you choose to look at the XML you will see that it uses your manually set vdisk. Just ignore this bug.


    The newly created VM has another uuid, whence is another VM machine. Now you can start it.

    I got a warning about a graphics file that I had to ignore and the windows and installed software licenses were not active.

    This is because now you run your vdisk on another (new) VM mashine.


    The final solution is to simply copy all the XML text from below the <uuid>      </uuid> line(s) from the newly created VM into the old repair asking VM (in XML form edit) and update. Then suddenly the original VM works (I was lucky) and all activated licenses will show up as active again. This works because the VM now uses the original uuid.


    If everything works now you can delete the newly created VM you made and only keep the old one.

    The old VM that i erased all lines after </uuid> and replaced with the ones from the newely created VM ended up working 100%, no error messages or repair bluescreen and with windows licence + software licenses activated (as from before repair problem).



    This showed me that I can rely on that unraid will not destroy my vdisk data (thus the VM data except, VM Mashine, XML file setup).

    You just have to understand the VM GUI edit (especially non XML form) is buggy.

    Unfortunately the unraid VM create/edit GUI from simple non XML form is buggy, therefore make backups of the XML file. Unfortunately there is no restore in this new VM backup app yet. You will have to copy the saved XML text by hand (open file in text editor and copy, then paste into your VM XML form) if you need to do that. And if you backup the vdisk (I did not do that) you will have to copy over your backupvdisk file over your vdisk file to restore it.


    As I did suggest remember to keep a backup of your latest original files first if you do a "manual restore", then try to do the manual restore (you can have multiple time backups). If everything is working 100% THEN you can remove the backups of the XML (and possibly vdisk if you had made a vdisk backup) if you want.



  21. Gigabyte. That was a nice MATX.

    For motherboard components and price I like ASRock and Gigabyte.

    But ASUS and ASRock has better BIOS just be prepared for that so maybe you shood check ASUS again then?

    Edit: Forget that comment. This is the Gigabyte board to get for a Hackintosh. Cool choice for that.


    I check reviews on Newegg before I buy a board.

    Your Gigabyte board on Newegg


    On your board:

    Other Thoughts: While navigable, uefi still falls behind AsRock and Asus. (Meaning BIOS is less good in Gigabyte)


    But since that board only has 4 reviews i suggest you check these 52 reviews on another Gigabyte Z390 board here Gigabyte Z390 AORUS MASTER as the same probably will apply to your board too.

    Some of the bad ratings might be user error, but to me if the BIOS is easy to use and gets good reviews it is a better board.


    On several Z390 Gigabyte boards if you check reviews

    With a cold start, the board sometimes "forgets" the boot drive and requires you to enter and (save) exit the BIOS for the system to pick the drive up again. (If that is true it is painful).


    Wendell at Level1Tech is an expert on linux motherboards and CPUs. He seems to mostly use/review ASUS and ASRock in his youtube videos and I think they are the best ones too (edit: for linux, Gigabyte often best for Hackintosh).

    Here is a nice Threadripper (AMD) review.

    ASUS Prime X399-A


    I fully understand your MATX size and intel CPU choice of motherboard and case.

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