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Everything posted by crspangenberg

  1. I am having a similar issue, I went to access a recipe and noticed it was gone. I found the receip online again and added it but it has a (1) appended to the name, when I try to change the name I get the error that the recipe already exists. Something odd as well, when I try to log in all recipes are gone. If I am logged out the receipes are visible, exist the recipes that originally disappeared. Any help on this would be great, I love this software.
  2. I performed a bios update, and moved the data back onto the drives, no issues for almost a week. Thank you for all of your help.
  3. Understood, I will enable the syslog server and get the diagnostics uploaded on the next crash.
  4. Jorge, I appreciate the reply. Interesting, I would think that with either of these problems, they would continue to happen on the SSD as well, but they only occured on the NVMe drive. I will try to move the data back to the nVME drives and see if the problem persists. If they do I will try to download my diagnostics file. Although sometimes it locks up unraid completely. Is there a way to download the diagnostics when Unraid cannot be accessed via the GUI?
  5. I have my server setup following SpaceInvaderOnes guides, I created a cache pool for my Appdata on an NVMe drive and for my VMs on an NVMe drive. This worked for awhile but I started notcing that my VM would stop running (go into the paused state) randomly, and then I would have to force stop the VM in order to start it back up. Occasionally I would also see that my docker images would stop working and it would lock up Unraid entirely and I would be forced to restart manually. I have tried unplugging and reseatting each of the NVMe drives with no luck, I recently moved all of the data off of those drives, and onto a standard cache SSD that I was using for my downloads share, and everything seems to be functioning normally again. Before I remove the drives, is there anything I could do to remedy the issue, or troubleshoot the issue? My build is as follows: Unraid 6.12.10 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Understood, I appreciate all the help this forum has provided. I have irreplaceable data in multiple places, and utilized the term "backup" incorrectly. I will use mc and begin copying the data from the old disk to the new. Is there anything I should be aware of when doing this?
  7. Basically, I should have come here first before messing it up further. Duley noted!
  8. Jorge, thank you for the response! When you say I don't need to, why would it show as unmountable and not allow me to repair the file system without completely erasing the data? Additionally, once the drive is mounted, what is the best way to copy the data to the array? Should I use unbalance? Or should I use a terminal command?
  9. Hello brilliant Unraid users, I made a dumb mistake... I replaced a 4Tb drive on my array with a 12TB drive. The data rebuilt sucessfully, but the drive was unmountable (I didn't format the drive ahead of time...) I attempted a file systems repair and it ended up deleting the contents of the drive. That being said. I do still have the 4TB drive with all of the relevant data. How would I go about moving that data back to the 12TB drive? Is this something I could do with UnBalance? Or is there a better / safer approach. The array is backed up via dual parity. Disk 1 is the disk in question. (the 460GB of data on this drive is my initial attempt at restoring the missing files and can be deleted if needed) Dev1 is the old disk.
  10. Manual installation to new flash drive has improved stability and VM issues. So far so good. Thank you!
  11. Server has been running mostly stable, the VM I had been using that was working perfect lost all network connections last night and nothing I could do would bring it back. i requested a new license key from Unraid for my new flash drive and will get that up and running here as soon as I have it. So far every new Windows 11 VM that I have created keeps reproducing the same error. I get it setup in VNC (same as I originally did) enable RDP, and then transferred to the nvidia RTX 3060 that I am passing through and it breaks my network connection. The redhat network adapter drops out completely, no way to get it back and no amount of updated drivers work. I am about at whits end.
  12. Great, thank you for this information. I’m letting the server rebuild parity right now. With only one docker running. And I’ll see how it performs. Once the rebuild is complete I’ll slowly add in dockers to see if any are causing issues. If it crashes again I’ll attempt to replace the flash drive once more.
  13. I have done this in the past. I believe when the system crashed it reverted. I went back in and corrected that issue.
  14. @JorgeB, I replaced the flash drive and everything seemed to be okay, however the system crashed again today. There are new errors in the log, and I am not sure if the flash drive I used is causing them. The original drive I purchased was not supported by the disk creation utility, and I ended up having to use a drive I had lying around… I appreciate your help as always Jorge. tangosierra-diagnostics-20240104-1926.zip
  15. Okay, I will replace my flash drive and report back. Thank you!
  16. Hello all, I have a been using Unraid for quite some time. Over New Years weekend I decided I would rebuild my old Haskell i7 server with a Raptor Lake i7. Since the rebuild the server has not been stable. I have noticed the attached error appearing in the logs. I would appreciate any help you guys/gals can provide. tangosierra-diagnostics-20240101-1803.zip
  17. Additionally it is worth mentioning, that I am currently using a Rosewill 4U case with liquid cooling. I would like to maintain using this case, unless there is a better option with Hot-Swabble bays. Link to current case: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0091IZ1ZG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&th=1
  18. Hello everyone, I’ve been using Unraid for about six years now with the following hardware from 2013. Intel Core i7-4770K GIGABYTE GA-Z87X-UD4H LGA 1150 Intel Z87 16GB RAM 4 - 4TB Data Drives 1 - 4TB Parity Drive 1 - 2TB SSD Cache Drive I predominantly use my server for Plex (which I share with about a dozen friends), homebridge, and a Windows 11 VM. One of my main gripes with the current server is the lack of transcoding abilities. I continually get errors via Plex that my server isn’t fast enough. And really that is only an issue when I am not home. Locally the server has performed near flawlessly for as long as I have been running Unraid. My goal with the new server is two-fold. One I’d like to future proof my Plex transcoding abilities including 4K content (we use Apple TVs in our house) but friends and family use anything from Roku, Samsung TVs, and Fire TVs. I’d like to be able to transcode my media into newer more space saving formats as they are imported onto my server without bogging the system down too tremendously. I would also like to like to use a GPU within my windows VM. I know my current processor doesn’t support IOMMU, and that has been another reason pushing me to upgrade. I mainly use my windows VM for medial tasks, but as of lately I have been getting into AI image generations. It would be nice too if I could run Fusion360 via the VM. I would also like recommendations on a graphics card that will perform well and also not break the bank. It’s been a few years since I have built a rig and I got my wife’s blessing to “future proof” hopefully I can get another 10 years out of my machine as it hangs on the wall currently. My budget now is between $1-$2,000. I have been eyeing some of the following parts, but to be honest I’m not much of a gamer and I’m not sure if any of this would be overkill for my intended uses. CPU - is this overkill? Would I be better off with a previous Gen i5? Intel® Core™ i9-14900K New Gaming Desktop Processor 24 cores (8 P-cores + 16 E-cores) with Integrated Graphics - Unlocked https://a.co/d/ Or Intel® Core™ i5-14600K New Gaming Desktop Processor 14 cores (6 P-cores + 8 E-cores) with Integrated Graphics - Unlocked https://a.co/d/e0xEDXK Motherboard - Open to ideas, within the next year I will have 2.5GB fiber to my house. I currently use a Ubiquity UDM Pro for my networking. And I would like to maximize the networking throughput. I have had good experiences with Gigabyte products (last two builds used Gigabyte Motherboards and Graphics Cards) RAM - I have found that 16GB is not enough. Is 64GB adequate? Or is 128GB necessary? DDR4 / DDR5? Drives - I would like to bump up my parity to 2. I am not opposed to utilizing the 4TB drives but they are aging. And I wouldn’t mind some additional storage. I am currently at 75% capacity across all drives. I believe 8TB drives would be adequate and I’m not opposed to using refurbished enterprise drives. I would like a dedicated Plex Cache Drive, and a systems cache drive. The 2TB SSD from my previous system can be either or. Graphics Card - Again not sure if the graphics card will come into play for Plex or not, but I am hoping this would be adequate to run Fooocus and have quick image generation. ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 3060 Twin Edge OC 12GB GDDR6 192-bit 15 Gbps PCIE 4.0 Graphics Card, IceStorm 2.0 Cooling, Active Fan Control, Freeze Fan Stop ZT-A30600H-10M https://a.co/d/evE4wQT Thank you very much in advance and I greatly appreciate the input. -Clay
  19. It looks like the script is being deprecated, do you know how to update node past 18.17.1?
  20. Thank you for that information, would you mind posting a screen shot as an example? This would be the first time adding an extra parameter. Thanks Again!
  21. I also had an issue with Shinobi utilizing all remaining available RAM on my server and locking up Docker. A few times I had to completely reboot the non-responsive server. Narrowed it down to Shinobi and went back to Zoneminder until I could find a fix. Have you been able to find anything?
  22. Well son of a gun. I thought it had to have the extension of .cron. @dlandon thank you for correcting my supidity and for all that you have done on this. I don't have much to send but hopefully it helps with the retirement.
  23. @dlandon thank you for the response, I used this file and am still receiving the same error after both restarting the container and stopping and starting the container. As far as the line feeds, I have notepad++ set to Linux for EOL. I will continue to google that information to gain a better understanding. I have attached the console error as well as the current file structure location for the cron file.
  24. Hello all, having an issue setting up cron for Zoneminder, when I run the commands manually they work, however I continually receive the "no crontab for root" error when I run crontab -l within the console. My file is currently named as 'cron.cron' within the appdata/Zoneminder/ folder. I have tried creating this document 5 ways to Sunday, using: Notepad Notepad ++ binhex-Krusader And nothing has worked for me. I have read @dlandon first post multiple times and do not understand what I could be doing wrong. Any help from you linux Gurus would be fantastic as I really don't have much of a linux background. My current cron file includes the following: # Daytime camera operation away 30 6 * * * /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl away # Daytime camera operation home 0 17 * * * /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl home # Nightime Camera operation sleep 0 21 * * * /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl sleep cron.cron
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