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  1. I seem to be having trouble with a LAN-to-LAN config. Both of my end-point systems are using 2 ethernet ports, one port to internet (br0) and the other to local (br1). What my curiosity is, does WireGuard only bind to one adapter, such as br0, or is it a bridged style connection when communicating through Unraid. I can't seem to find any further info other then the routing table shows the VPN network bond to wg0. Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance. EDIT: I managed to answer my own question. I found the wg0.conf in /boot/config/wireguard and found that wg0 is bound to adapter br0. I changed that to br1 and I'm testing this.
  2. I just recently added the server plugin to a new server I brought online and have been having some trouble. I updated the cs.openvpnserver to fix the j16 to j14 on the two lines and that did the trick, but I'm having trouble generating the server certificates. I know they can take time to generate as I have successfully set up two of these servers with the OpenVPN Server plugin in the past. Here's what I'm getting now in the log... "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/openvpnserver/scripts/rc.openvpnserver: line 769: ./easyrsa: Permission denied" I looked at the scripting in the file at 769, but I'll admit I'm not the expert here. Looking for any advice. Thank you in advance.
  3. I looks like the RAID controller or cables might be the issue. I never thought cables could be so fickle till SFF cables cables came about. Maybe reset the BIOS to factory and start over. Do the F8 thing when booting and go into your RAID controller and make sure it sees all the drives properly. This is one of those moments that you need to be careful or you might lose some data. I know in my Gen7 system, I switched to using unRAID's parity software RAID over hardware. So each drive in the system is set as a RAID 0. I had too much trouble with my controller and telneting to the controller. Since this system is an hour away from me, software RAID was easier to work with. I know my solution isn't much, but just cause you got someone else's problem, doesn't mean they knew what they were doing. Take your hardware back to factory and make changes. If you still can't get it, maybe look for a new RAID controller. I had that issue years back with a gen5, got it from eBay seller that rebuilds. Told them the SFF cable was bad and same with controller. Replaced it and no issues. One last note, if your RAID controller has a piggyback memory module, try removing it and see what happens. It's only a hardware cache and the controller will still work without it. In fact, I recommend not using it.
  4. Thanks for the replay and sorry for posting in wrong thread. I guess the simpler question is, when exactly are the items floating cache get written to the disk after changing the cache setting to disabled in the shares? I ask cause I'm working with an active server hosting systems in use by clients and I want to keep my disk utilization to a minimum. I'd rather not write the whole cache to disk now. I'm sure the answer is when then scheduler is set to, but I'm hoping unRaid will self manage and write the item in cache for the domains share to the disk array.
  5. Cache & Shares Question... If I disable cache in the VM "domains" share, does that get written when the cache is scheduled to write/manually activated, or does it begin writing the share after changing, or does it write after the VM is shutdown and then scheduled/manually told to do so?
  6. I need help with Ripper... I'm in search of an docker that rips CD/DVD's and I think this is what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure. I do IT for a retail business and often there's venders that stop in with data or video CD/DVD's. Will Ripper copy unprotected DVD's, such as company training videos, and can it also ISO (or copy) a product CD unattended? I'm hoping an employee, or sales rep can insert a disc and the system will auto negotiate the contents for later review and sorted for future employees. If so, I'm using unRaid as our platform backbone and I see the docker, which asks for a path to a disc drive. However, unRaid doesn't support CDFS, thus doesn't mount those type of drives. Am I to assume I need to net share a drive into unRaid and then use that path with Ripper or am I totally lost, missed the boat, or I'm looking at the use of Ripper incorrectly? I'll be happy to work myself through this, I just need pointed in the proper direction. Sorry for any ignorance I portray and also for interrupting any ongoing conversation topics. I've been trying to work through this for about a month now and trying to find answer for an application named "Ripper" tends to result in a lot of reading material. From what I've read so far, the name seems fitting. Thank you in advance to anybody that can help me with this. (PS: Yes, I'll be happy to donate if I can get this working )
  7. FYI for the HP ProLiant Community... Recently I had some interesting interactions with my DL360 G7 with the Smart Array G6 RAID controller and this is all food for thought. Some of you may call this a noob experience and some may go, hmm... Interesting. I run unRaid in a zero hardware RAID configuration and use the unRaid RAID abilities for remote management. Basically each drive is it's own RAID 0/1 cause that's the only way the RAID controller will let you mount the drives individually. When doing so, the RAID controller assigns each drive a virtual serial number. unRaid uses the serial numbers of any drives to assign it's configuration for that drive. Example, your parity drive is assigned "12345678" by the raid controller. unRaid loads drive 12345678 as parity drive as programmed. Here's where I had a problem. IF you introduce a new drive to the system, or remove one, you have to go into your RAID controller's hardware config and make those changes. Upon doing so, my Smart Array G6 reassigns the virtual serial number to ALL my drives even though I only changed one. When unRaid booted, it didn't recognize any of the drives and I had to dump the old config and reassigned the drives. No big deal, as long as you're not afraid of the big "WARNING" unRaid gives you when you decide to create a new config. That and you reconfigure your system properly. So be very careful. Another note, I did recently lose a SSD in my array and I replaced it via hot swap with a same make and model SSD. I was going to configure the system at next boot. This wasn't urgent as that drive wasn't originally assigned to tasks yet and was 99% empty to begin with. Another emergency pulled me away before I could command line assign the drive. So it was in the system as unconfigured, no biggie. Yeah right. Remember, I'm not running multi-drive hardware RAID, each drive is independant. On the next boot, the Smart Array G6 said, "Hey, I don't know what this drive is, so I'm not loading ANY logical drives". I had to go for a little drive just to pull out a drive so the controller would load all physical drives and unRaid booted normally. I have never had a RAID controller ignore its config and act as such. I'm seriously thinking of switching to a new PCIe controller, but then I think about the age of the system, why bother. I know the habits of this unit and it's reliable....mostly. Moral of the story... You're better off leaving the dead drive in the system, remove all files from it, and mark it unusable by unRaid before even thinking about replacing it. Cause the parity drive will have to be rebuilt due to the new assignment of the virtual serial numbers assigned by the changes in drives. So anything on that dead drive that was being emulated, WILL BE LOST!!! Again, remove access to dead drive on all shares, move all files to another drive, and backup your system before swapping any drives. Changing any of the config in your hardware RAID controller (Smart Array G6 and probably some others) will reassign the virtual serial numbers and the unRaid parity drive will be lost. That's what I learned recently. Lucky me, it wasn't the 100% hard way. Thought I'd share this for others to keep in mind and save them a headache and/or $$$.
  8. @Fredrick Back in the day before we had decent smart UPS's along with solid software, we did the "no-no" to trick the systems and bought some time. We would use 2 UPS's in line with each other. Yes I know this bad practice, but is it? Here me out. Two UPS systems, both smart. #1 would be connected to the wall outlet and #2 was connected to #1 and the PC. The PC was plugged into #2, but the smart communication of the UPS was connected to #1. So when #1 lost power and did its shut off procedure, #2 gave the PC enough time to shut off. #2 was just programmed to turn off after a certain power level and back on when it reached a better charge, if it turned off at all. Keep all that in thought. Since UPS units only have one USB, unless you're using a system that actually has Ethernet (doubting that scenario here), using two UPS system can fix some issues. With unRaid you can address the USB comms to the virtual system and it can tell the system to power off before any of the actions of the primary UPS for unRaid kick in. A secondary cheap UPS with USB communication to power miscellaneous items, such as a monitor or external DVD drive, can tell the virtual system to power off after 30 seconds without power. I'm not saying to daisy chain. I'm just saying another power monitoring unit might be a good idea. Besides, if your server has dual power supplies, I would recommend plugging the 2nd supply into the other unit, but make sure you have/get a UPS that can handle the load. I run two UPS units for ours. Each PSU plugged into their own UPS. One is managed via unRaid, the other is programmed. Though I haven't tried, but unRaid might be able to manage both, just haven't spent the time yet.
  9. Curious... Once the LFF drives are no longer being detected, can you remove them and put them in another system and see them? The thought here is if this is a storage controller issue or drive issue. Even if you can't see the drives in another system, it could still be a storage controller problem (card, cable, or back plan). I don't think this is a SSD issue. A thought I have is SSD drives are always ready. Add power, go! HDD drives take time to spin up, especially if they're 15k> rpm SAS style. When the controller has power and says hello to the first drives, which would be the SSD, it may only allow for so much time for the other drives to say hello. If those drives aren't ready, the controller starts and says those drives aren't available. I've seen this with older storage controllers that are pre-SSD and some post. Usually you newer controllers can take a firmware upgrade and will increase your boot time for this allowance. I had this like your having with an old Dell server and Intel RAID controller about 5 years back. We had four SSD's and two HDD, but we kept losing the HDD's when configuring the server and constantly had to rebuild the mirroring between the two. After a long discussion with Intel support, we changed the RAID controller to a another controller and had to switch it to s specific firmware version. This was not a user error and there's nothing to configure, which adds to the frustration. It was all based on the ready state of the drives and the factory configured allowance in the controller for ready time from the first drives to the last. So once your drives fail, see if they can be seen in another system. If so, you might be having a similar issue. If so, then you'll have to add another controller to separate the drives or maybe see if there's a firmware for the controller to switch to to relieve this issue.
  10. I had the same issues with Ubuntu on my HP. Runs slow and/or laggy. I found this not to be a drive speed issue, but more of a configuration and driver issue. I switched from the default settings and went with the SeaBIOS and the i440fx chipset. If I used the defaults, the system would hang or not boot right. This could have been a fault of my own, but I tried many methods but the default virtual hardware would cause it to fail on my DL360 G7. I'm still experimenting on the older G5's I have.
  11. The only issue is managing the drive. You can download the tools and run them, but I haven't fully tested it. I currently have two 120GB SSDs running in RAID 1. I did this for our database to increase response time. Runs fine. If I lose a drive, it'll reduce response back to normal. The only downfall I have is the system will not notify me if I lose a drive cause unRaid isn't managing it. It sees it as a single drive still. If that's a concern, run the drives as RAID 0, and just make sure you have a parity drive large enough. Should gave you the same results, but you'll know when one of the drives fail. Just be aware, that any maintenance to the RAID array may require you to take the system down. I didn't cover RAID 5 cause even though you gain a good bit of performance with 4+ drives and also have redundancy. You don't have the integrated manageability with unRaid. It would run like a RAID 0, but with some perks. If you really want speed and have a spare PCI slot, I'd go that route.
  12. Dear 1812, Thank you for your efforts. Your info has shed much info upon my situation that actually accidentally fixed my issue in a roundabout manner. The audio card issue has not been resolved, but a workaround was created in these efforts. In my thwarted attempt to backdate the BIOS, I instead decided to update to a more recent version in an effort of not being able to do one, why not try the other. Sure unRAID doesn't see a USB audio as a valid sound card, but now I can flag USB audio device and now it works through the remote desktop, which is just as good for me. This didn't work before my BIOS update and the allowance of unsafe interrupts, but now it does. The system before would see the USB audio device, but wouldn't play through the remote desktop for reasons beyond my knowing. Now I can free up that slot for a USB 3.1 card and improve the dynamics of this box. As a FYI, to restore the systems BIOS back to prior 2011 BIOS, you either have to have the original ROMpaq CD/DVD that came with the system (or have access to one) or have an active service agreement open with HP. I'm not putting this box in another service agreement. Especially not with the flexibility that unRAID gives me. This box dies, remove unRAID USB, all drives, and hello new equipment. So the issue has not been resolve, but has. I recommend to anybody having audio issues, disable the sound card and use an USB audio device. It's not the fix we'd like to see, but it's cheap and works. So update BIOS, update unRAID, allow unsafe interrupts, plug in a $10 USB audio device, and select that device as a USB device in a VM. Does one device work with multiple VM's? No, but if needed, purchase multiple USB audio devices by different builders. It's still a cheap fix and also keeps your system security up-to-date. Thank you 1812. Maybe that helps someone else?
  13. Changed the syslinux 100% as requested. The audio card is in an iommo group (22) of it's own now. I'm still getting the same error thought, aside from the date part of the code. Attached is the immediate after diag file. For some reason I thought I remember seeing the audio card have two occurrences in the System Devices and now there's only one. I'm doing this remotely and thankfully it hasn't locked up yet. Not sure what I did the one time, but that wasn't fun. I'll be on-site tomorrow (Tuesday, EST 9am-5pm) if there's any BIOS info needed. Again I really appreciate the help. I've looked at the diag files myself, but I'm not experienced enough to know what all I'm looking for. If there's somewhere I can do some reading on better understanding the subject other then searches, I'd feel more useful. Currently I'm just 13th Warrior'ing this thing till it starts becoming common sense. Thank you diagnostics-20180416-2130.zip
  14. Syslinux... default menu.c32 menu title Lime Technology, Inc. prompt 0 timeout 50 label unRAID OS Test Settings menu default kernel /bzimage append vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot label unRAID OS GUI Mode kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode label unRAID OS GUI Safe Mode (no plugins) kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui unraidsafemode label Memtest86+ kernel /memtest diagnostics-20180406-1252.zip
  15. Sorry for my delay is response to this. I had to prioritize some other things over this project last week. So I added the line above to allow unsafe interrupts, reselected the audio config for the Win10 system and I'm getting the same exact error above still. I went into the BIOS and tried to manually reassign the audio card to another IRQ and memory address, but the system keeps moving the devices on the same interrupts along with it, like the RAID controller. I read earlier that the RAID controller doesn't play well and am I possible a victim of circumstances here? I have 6 disks in this system running off the RAID controller, but not using the hardware RAID. So using the onboard SATA won't work with only 2 ports. I also have an PCIe external SATA for an external array, but the array isn't plugged in at the moment and it's just a PNP, no BIOS card. I'm just tossing out some thoughts. I'm going to be trying to get this box working 100% by the end of week So I can start the next leg of projects related to this system. If I need to order another audio card, I'm open to suggestions. Thank you and everybody in advance for any help!
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