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Report Comments posted by capino


    I did some quick testing on 6.12.2 and it seems to be fixed.

    When opening a docker console only one pts session is allocated. This allocation seems to close when exiting the session by running the exit command on the first try (In 6.11.x I sometimes had to run the exit command twice). The pts allocation is also closed when closing the browser tab without exiting the session by running the exit command. 

  2. I already use "/mnt/pool_name/share" for most configurations in Dockers.
    Except for systems where the data is fragmented over the Disk array.

    Last night I had stopped the Duplicati docker.
    So this could not be the docker that creates this problem.

    I looked like the problem last night started at the moment the "Auto Update Applications" app did a check on available updatable dockers. The auto update had not started yet.

  3. I thought everything was working as expected, but just a few minutes ago all load went up again and a there were a lot of  processes in uninterruptible sleep. After stopping Docker (/etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop) all load went down again.
    I had just a moment to watch docker stats, but there were no dockers running in high CPU.
    I was able to create a diagnostic which can be find underneath.

    I downgraded back to 6.9.2