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Posts posted by Dartanis

  1. The drives themselves held 0 data so wasn't worried about recovering them. Was just wondering if there was a way around the disabled aside from the full rebuild since didn't want to wait for 16 hours to find out it was still disabled for some other reason.


    Thank you for the links, I have begun the rebuild after re-adding the drives after removing them from the pool.

  2. Posting logs though this is after a fresh reboot so might not be helpful, performed the reboot to make sure there wasn't some cabling issue. Not sure if the logs show disk names but currently having issues with Disk 9 (sde - 7G52) and Disk 7 (sdi - 3ZE6).


    Was spinning up all disks for a parity check when Disk 9 didn't come back online, was reporting disabled so tinkered a bit trying to get it back up. After a disk swapping around Disk 7 is now also showing the same thing. Both showed Unmountable: not mounted and seemed to have corrupted their file systems (no data on them, was spun down the past few weeks) so let it re-format to see if that resolved the error but now they can see their disk usage and file system but still can't be brought back from Disabled status.


    Looked around for similar issues but mostly found either errors from the disk causing the issue. No data on these disks so wiping/rebuilding would be fine too if that's what's necessary since I was going to run a parity check today anyways.


  3. Hey wasn't able to find anything my issue in this thread or in general elsewhere, Radarr works perfectly fine for me but Sonarr isn't able to search for any shows. An error I'm commonly seeing pop up that I feel is likely related in logs is "Site responded with browser content instead of api data." but haven't been able to figure out what's causing it. 🤔

    sonarr capture.PNG

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