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Everything posted by zspearmint

  1. It should have redirected back to the requested action. Can you let me know what browser and version you were using when this happened? I can attempt to recreate it.
  2. Redirect is setup. Thanks for calling that out. The topic you're trying to access is part of a deprecated part of the forum regarding 6.3 release. I don't have control or a say in that.
  3. replace lime-technology.com with unraid.net in the original URL you're attempting to access and it should work https://forums.unraid.net/topic/32836-user-share-copy-bug/#comment-316512
  4. This seems unrelated to the unraid-api issue. Please try asking on a different forum thread.
  5. The Unraid.net account app is a completely client-side serverless application. Reiterating that the extra key value pairs are only used to display back to the end user on the app. In terms of the query param blob, this is not logged anywhere on our side. For additional insight – we use Cloudflare for DNS, Cloudflare Pages for the app hosting, and Cloudflare Web Analytics. According to Cloudflare themselves they do not log query parameter values. To quote – “Currently, Cloudflare Web Analytics do not log query strings to avoid collecting potentially sensitive data”.
  6. Posted a potential solve here. Please give it a try to see if this fixes the issue for you. Thank you.
  7. @Gymnae can you please try something for us? Open an Unraid terminal Run the following command cat /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg If that returns data, then we need to delete that file. Delete the file with this command rm /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg Then refresh your Unraid webgui Check to see if the logging stops. Please let us know the outcome. Also, if you want to clear your logs, the easiest way would be to reboot.
  8. We're definitely not pushing to install the plugin to stop errors. It's just a bug. I'm dropping everything I'm working on right now and digging into what's causing this.
  9. Sorry you're having issues. We're taking a look at this. We'll get back to you when we have more information.
  10. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We deployed a fix for that link to go to https://discord.unraid.net
  11. Chromium fix has been deployed to the account.unraid.net site.
  12. I was able to recreate this issue. It's definitely a Chromium based issue. I'm working on a solve for this. In the mean time Firefox or another non-Chromium based browser should be an alternative solution.
  13. Hi @jiale, I just issued a partial refund and let you know in the support ticket. For more visibility, we've been informed by a few users that coupon codes are being reflected on the front-end of the checkout process but the payment is using the full price. We're actively working on fixing this bug. If other users experience this please contact support and we will issue partial refunds for the difference as soon as we can.
  14. Please check your email. I re-sent your key to you. If you need more help regarding your license key, please submit a support request here: https://unraid.net/contact
  15. Sorry for the delay in response. Sometime Soon™ we'll have an update release for Connect – hopefully before the US' Thanksgiving holiday coming up. Seems a bit speedier on my end but will need more feedback from the community once it's out.
  16. So sorry for the delay. For some reason I didn't get an email notification and I've been very heads down working on future Unraid stuff. So I'm just now seeing this Working on this component today so I'll be attempting to re-create and fix.
  17. Sorry, I should have been more clear. In your browser navigate to the path that I specified. Ex: https://tower.local/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/data/server-state.php Then you'll see the JSON output from the PHP. Again don't share the whole file output just the three values with expireTime being the most important here.
  18. Haha! Most bugs aren't funny but this one got a good laugh out of me. Thanks for reporting this. Will need a few things to troubleshoot: On your server can you please navigate to /plugins/dynamix.my.servers/data/server-state.php, this will display the JSON data that I use to populate various components throughout the webGUI. Please find and provide the following three values connectPluginVersion (if you have it installed) osVersion expireTime Please do not copy paste the whole output of the JSON as it contains a few details you don't want shared on the forums If you use Firefox it should automatically format the JSON to make it easy find these key value pairs. Otherwise you may need to CTRL/CMD + F and search the page to make it easier.
  19. For avatar help - see For webgui, we recently received other reports about this and will be investigating soon - see
  20. I've created an internal ticket for us to take a look – most likely late this week or early next week due to scheduling.
  21. Hello I'm the dev on this…it's somewhat of a bandaid fix due to the forum upload URLs changing. As I mentioned in my original response we've removed support for avatar images after signing in to Connect via your server. So if you want to continue to have your avatar there follow #2 above. Otherwise try #1 to clear out the old image url.
  22. For some reason the avatar on the right is not resolving. This may have something to do with a recent change to the forums and the URL that assets are served from. At the moment we've removed support for avatar images after signing in to Connect via your server. Eventually these will come back but for the time being you can do one of two things Sign Out then Sign In again After this you may need to reconfigure any Unraid Connect settings (Flash Backup or Remote Access) at /Settings/ManagementAccess So make note of any thing there before signing out so you can easily restore what you had previously Edit the image's URL in the plugin configuration file The file is here /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg Then find the section with the avatar value… avatar="https://example.com/image.png" Then update it by either removing the URL value or replace it by pasting in your update Forum avatar URL – which I got by right clicking on it here on the forums https://upload.forums.unraid.net/live/monthly_2022_10/325664244_greendragonlg.thumb.jpg.432efac5c8987f4ca2466d303a17d32c.jpg
  23. If you haven't already, please contact support. They might be able to assist with this.
  24. Very strange. I haven't seen anything like that while developing this. That said it could be something similar to the issue here – for which we'll be releasing an update to fix tomorrow. I'm going to DM you to ask for additional information that may contain confidential details that we don't want shared publicly.
  25. Haha! Or we can use all uppercase so we get ABBA and will feel obligated to sing this song every time 🤑
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