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Posts posted by zspearmint

  1. Sorry for the issue. Thanks for reporting.


    We just released another update for Connect, v2023.09.07.1147, that remedies a conflict with some popular plugins.


    So try installing again and see if it remedies your issue.


    If the issue persists with the new version then browser logs could be helpful for us to figure out what's going on.

    To provide those:

    1. open the browser's developer console
      1. right click on page
      2. choose inspect
      3. choose the "console" tab in the panel that is opened
    2. right clicking on any errors
    3. choose the option to save the logs to a file
    4. upload that log file here

    Then could you also upload your Diagnostics file.

    Found at Tools > Diagnostics.



    • Thanks 1
  2. Sorry you're experiencing issues. The update to 6.12.x shouldn't have caused issues with the unraid-api.


    If the issue is not actively happening for you it'll be very difficult to know what's causing it.


    So if it does happen again and before you try to fix it

    1. On your Unraid server navigate to /Settings/ManagementAccess#UnraidNetSettings
    2. Scroll all the way to the bottom
    3. Download the unraid-api logs
    4. Please open a support request on our Contact Page – https://unraid.net/contact#form
      • "Purpose for Contact" field choose "Unraid Connect"
      • "Link to Forum Post" field supply this forum post URL
    5. Then reply to the email message you receive with your unraid-api logs attached.
      • The logs may contain sensitive information so do not post them publicly.

    Our Connect devs will then work with you to try and figure out your issue.

  3. Sorry you're experiencing issues. This is definitely not the norm.


    If the issue is not actively happening for you it'll be very difficult to know what's causing it. As I'm not seeing anything in the diagnostics related to the unraid-api issues.


    So if it does happen again

    1. On your Unraid server navigate to /Settings/ManagementAccess#UnraidNetSettings
    2. Scroll all the way to the bottom
    3. Download the unraid-api logs
    4. Please open a support request on our Contact Page (https://unraid.net/contact#form)
      • "Purpose for Contact" field choose "Unraid Connect"
      • "Link to Forum Post" field supply this forum post URL
    5. Then reply to the email message you receive with your unraid-api logs attached.
      • The logs may contain sensitive information so do not post them publicly.

    Our Connect devs will then work with you to try and figure out your issue.

  4. Thanks @travvy87


    You can hover over a server card on the Connect Dashboard page, this will reveal a "Customize" button > click the "Customize" button to open a modal that gives you an option to refresh that header image from your server. Then moving forward it should be fine for you.


    FWIW we already have an internal task to improve the header images in Connect :). It'll be sorted in due time.

  5. 1 minute ago, MVLP said:

    I have tested it also with Bitwarden (Vaultwarden) and it doeasn't work to scan the QR-Code.
    My Solution was to Scan the QR-Code with Apple Shortcuts and copy the TOTP Code from the provided Link.

    After that it's working like a charm!


    Sorry for the run around on getting the QR code scanned. Glad you're sorted though!

  6. Hi there,

    Please try one more time for us.

    If the error happens again we need to check the browser's development console in both the Unraid webgui & the pop-up window:


    - Right click on the page

    - Choose "Inspect"

    - In the panel that opens choose the "Console" tab

    - See any error messages? If so please right-click on one of them and save the logs to a file.

    - Upload the file(s) so we can use them debug


    Again, please don't forget to include any errors for both the Unraid webgui & the pop-up window.


    Feel free to send to support if you feel like the logs may have sensitive info.



  7. @kaiguy we just tested scanning with Bitwarden app and it worked for us.


    That said, we found some small issues with the MFA page. Potential fixes for that page are currently deploying and should be out in a few minutes.


    @Taddeusz hoping you'll be sorted with this deployment as well.


    Thanks for mentioning y'all.

  8. Hi there,


    Apologies for the issues you're experiencing.


    We migrated user systems today. Credentials have not changed and can be used to login and migrate to our new system. However we introduced a stronger password requirement for the new system – this is to protect our users and is what happened to you during your user migration.


    Try signing in at https://account.unraid.net. Be sure to use your email and not your username – as signing in with username is no longer supported.


    If you're having issues there please attempt to use the "Forgot Password" flow.


    Please let us know if you need more assistance.


    • Like 1
  9. Accessing Docker containers and VMs remotely via My Servers is currently not supported. This is something we would like to support in the future but we currently do not have a timeline for release.


    This is possible using a Wireguard or VPN connection. You should be able to find tutorials on how to do this on our forums or even YouTube I haven't set this up before so I don't have a specific link for you.

  10. Hi there, apologies for the issues.


    The current production version is 2022.09.28.1258 so it does look like you're behind a bit.


    Let's try this

    1. Fully remove the plugin on the Plugins page
    2. Then go to the Apps page
    3. Search for My Servers
    4. Then install it
    5. Check the Plugins page to see if you have version 2022.09.28.1258

    Let us know if you need more help

  11. Please ensure you have the latest version of the plugin installed.

    Via your server webGUI go to the Plugins page. For "My Servers" you should see version 2022.09.28.1258


    If you've confirmed you're on the latest version, please provide the following details

    1. Your Diagnostics zip download (webGUI > Tools > Diagnostics)
    2. Open an Unraid terminal and execute the command below then provide the output
      unraid-api report -v
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