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Posts posted by zspearmint

  1. Sorry for the frustration. There's a way to customize the colors to work with your theme. I too like a dark theme.


    Go to Settings > Display Settings > then find these fields and set their values

    • Header custom text color: fff
    • Header custom secondary text color: eee
    • Header custom background color: 111

    Feel free to find the right values that work for you.

    Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 09-23-22 Musashi_DisplaySettings.png

  2. On 4/29/2022 at 7:01 PM, plantsandbinary said:

    I managed to fix it by signing up for the "my servers" thing, but it would be nice to not have to do that... at least its still in beta and I shouldn't have had to connect my machine in order to see the option to replace the key. So I would say that surely it is a bug.

    You’re correct. I’ll be working on the replace key option without requiring sign this week. Thanks for bringing to our attention.

    • Like 1
  3. Looks like a bug with the latest rc5 release where we removed the Sign In option for base 6.10 users. We'll work on fixing this.


    In the meantime please contact [email protected].

    • Include a non-redacted screenshot of your Tools > Registration page.
    • Copy and paste both old and new USB Flash GUIDs (this way we don't accidentally transpose when replacing your key)


  4. @ScreN is it a duplicate server tile that shouldn't be showing or simply an old license that you're not utilizing?


    If it's old license that you want to hide please hang tight as we'll have a feature to hide servers Soon™️ (can't provide time frame yet).


    But if it's a bug please contact support via [email protected] and provide the USB Flash GUID(s) in question, screenshot of your dashboard, and any other details you see as important so we can take a closer look.

  5. @surferjsmc please disregard the above message. I just saw your support ticket and it included more verbose details about your situation. I was able to re-create your bug.


    I'm in the process of deploying a fix for the pop-up. Please give it about 10 min or so from the time of me posting this message then try again. The pop-up should fully load.


    That said, because you replaced your flash drive already this year it means your ineligible for another replacement. Please respond to the support email that we sent you with any additional info regarding the key replacement.

  6. On 10/27/2021 at 7:39 AM, dja said:

    Removing and adding the plugin did work to get me signed in, but I still got the API error. I had to reboot. This seems to happen every 30-40 days or so. Is remote access supposed to work as well? After reboot I get the online status and 'all good' from /myservers page...but clicking local access nothing ever loads. It just sits and spins.  I do have a custom port fwd to 443. 

    Hmmm…Remote access operates separately from the API. If you've configured things correctly on your side it should work.


    Is the local access URL https://<YOUR_HASH>.unraid.net?

  7. Apologies y'all are seeing issues as well. If one the following doesn't fix your issue then we'll have a fix out soon that may require a plugin update.

    • open a terminal window & try unraid-api restart
    • sign out and in again
    • remove & install plugin
    • reboot

    @dja thanks for your detailed video. This specific bug is related to the API overwriting the cached user details after page load. I think option 3 should fix it.

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for sending. Everything looks correct in the CFG file.


    From my experience this bug generally isn't browser related but instead related to the My Servers API sending incorrect data to the user profile.


    On page load the user profile reads the username and avatar data from the CFG file. Then it connects to the local My Servers API running on the server. The API then injects any changes it detects into the user profile. And in this case it's giving empty user data to the user profile. So the user profile updates to as if you're signed out.


    It's just strange that you're only seeing this in Safari iOS.


    So while a re-install of the plugin may seem weird based on the bug description I think we should try this first and go from there.

  9. Try removing and reinstalling the My Servers plugin then signing in again. I suspect there might be a bug with the API portion.


    If this doesn't work after you sign in again please direct message me the output of this terminal command (this will contain apikeys so we don't want to share publicly)

    cat /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg


    This will let me know if the server is correctly storing your sign in status. If your info is correctly there then the issue is stemming from a backend bug – where it's overwriting the sign in status cached on the server with incorrect info.


    Particularly on the Management Access page we have data watchers to refresh the page after sign in / out to ensure the settings shown are correct. So the bug is triggering that to constantly happen.

    • Like 1
  10. @Johnny Utah try removing and reinstalling the My Servers plugin then signing in again. I suspect there might be a bug with the API aspect.


    If this doesn't work after you sign in again please direct message me (this will contain apikeys so we don't want to share publicly) the output of this terminal command

    cat /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/myservers.cfg


    This will let me know if the server is correctly storing your sign in status. If your info is correctly there then the issue is stemming from a backend bug.

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