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Everything posted by IGHOR

  1. I can't find any information about this. And why would Apple reject own protocol in favor of Microsoft's protocol?
  2. Can someone explain why AFP become deprecated?
  3. No. I have no BIOS updates since 2012 I have just tried to update unRAID again. And in 6.6.0 vms didn’t work but 6.6.6 works fine.
  4. Just updated to 6.6.6 and VM works again.
  5. I use no Passthrough of hardware, and even preinstalled ELEC VM won't boot after update for me. On old Unraid everything works fine and even USB Passthrough works good. This looks like not something specified to my hardware, but every motherboard that older than 6 years will not get BIOS update just because vendors give up on it, so they possibly will have same issue. So all motherboards older than 6 years become unsupported and impossible to make fix or config?
  6. Of course I have backup USB flash drive with old tested version of Unraid, that I can easy switch remotely. And I'm able to downgrade Unraid to old version where is VM working fine of course. But is it mean that I paid for single Unraid version? And I'll get no updates ever that works on my hardware? It just because developers don't want to make config to make VM work on old BIOS?
  7. I was happy to buy UnRAID and install it on my home server and it worked great. My expectations was to get long term support and happy usage with no problems so I leave my home server place for few years. But with 6.6.0 release any of VM stoped to work at all, and according to your recommendation the only way is to update BIOS? My motherboard Gigabyte GA-P43T-ES3G will never get new BIOS update and I'm currently on latest one. I'm not able to get physical access to it and don't want to replace server just to make UnRAID works. Please provide option to disable "software changes in the form of operating system and other subsystem mitigations" and keep VM alive on new updates.
  8. According to this https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues/3786#event-1849950261 we need update of Jackett docker?
  9. Thanks for this plugin, it works fine. I have only issue with notifications. My neighbors use welding device often, so I'm getting lots of notifications pair "The UPS is on battery" and "The UPS is back on line" that comes instantly together. I would like to configure it to send notifications only if UPS is on battery at least 10 seconds. How can I do it with this plugin? PS: also it breaks terminal with mc, check out screenshot
  10. Ok I did it If there is mistakes in English please let me know and I'll fix it.
  11. Yes, I can do script that login to SMTP or Telegram and send notification. I had hope that it possible via GUI options. I just need to know when I should login via web to enter disk password, this feature should be implemented to be used by users who can't code scripts. Thanks for the answer.
  12. Right, English is not my first language. I'm using xfs+encryption with password, and when unRAID boots up it won't start until I enter disk password. It exactly what I want, but I would like to be notified that unRAID was restarted and waiting decryption password.
  13. Hello. I would like to get an email "Missing key" when someone reset NAS and I need to enter key password to boot. But looks like there is no settings for this. How can I configure it?
  14. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If I find out why it didn't work 2 days ago and now working fine I'll reply this thread.
  15. I have expect this. But if you didn't release updates within last 2 days, I don't understand why it works now since I made only SSD replacement. Anyway it is good news for me.
  16. Yes, USB 3.0 Flash drive works on USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports, it works fine, got trial key and testing it now. I made no changes to BIOS config. I have disconnected SSD drive that it has bad blocks, so maybe unRAID failed to mount it and somehow it caused fails for normal booting. If it true, than you need to inspect booting of unRAID with bad blocks SATA disks, it not good if some bad disk can stop all system to work.
  17. I have just erased microSD and downloaded latest unRAID again. It now works just fine. If it you released one more build looks like it fixes problem. If you didn't, than I changed only internal disk from SSD to HDD, but can't test again since SSD died. Thank you for your time!
  18. Ok, sorry to make you quote it again, I didn't see it. I'll give you answer in 10 minutes.
  19. I don't think that motherboard model depends on it because if I put USB 2.0 Card reader + microsd it works just fine, I can login to web interface and see there message that usb device is blacklisted. If I put USB 3.0 device, it boots up, shows error from first message of this thread, it allows me to login via root to terminal, I can see everything but none of ethernet devices works. I can run commands or copy any file you ask me just tell me which one and I'll send to you.
  20. I mean that non unique GUID flash drive boots normally, it can see network adapter and I can login on web UI. I know that it is blacklisted from web message. On the USB 3.0 devices it just won't see filesystem and won't load drivers, it looks like two different problems blacklisted and USB 3.0 missing drivers, not just GUID.
  21. If I put USB 2.0 card reader with not unique GUID, it works and I see error in web interface that it blacklisted. None of USB 3.0 disks detected by linux itself, so it not GUID problem. All my USB 3.0 drives GUID are unique.
  22. I have tried USB 3.0 HDD, and USB 3.0 Card reader, same error. Only USB 2.0 CardReader works, but looks like all card readers blacklisted. Looks like it issue with any USB 3.0 drive even if BIOS in USB 2.0 mode.
  23. I don't have a USB 2.0 flash drive. My question was not how to solve it, but why it wasn't fixed within 5 months.
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