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Community Answers

  1. I installed a new VM with nobara with passthru nvidia 1080TI i used the Nobara-40-Official-NV-2024-08-15.iso. When i start it its limited to 1024x768. it does see my gpu and i even removed the nvidia and let it reinstall the drivers. buts still stuck at the low resolution. I have the gpu on order 1 no VNC setup on this vm Im running the latest Unraid 6.12.13. When i use the VNC and the gpu. i can change the resolution of the Virtual card but not of my nvidia/hdmi one.
  2. i got a compose file i cant get working. https://github.com/jsuto/piler/blob/master/docker/docker-compose.yaml keep getting errors it cant find things etc. I removed the memory limit in my yaml for the rest its the same. I also tried with the volumes. as here a a file is with ./ in front and in these Complete its links to a file but it creates a directory. Looked into manuall create the dockers with all the options but thought this was easier the yaml Edit: this is the first time i use Compose my self. I had to use the full path for the volumes.
  3. I got it working. what i forgot was giving the user. so redis:default:password@ip:port
  4. i did both. set a password and put it on the allow without password "yes" and changed it on paperless also to the redis:pass@ip:port
  5. I have installed redis no problem it seems With paperless when i start im getting an error Waiting for Redis... Redis ping #0 failed. Error: Authentication required.. Waiting 5s Redis ping #1 failed. Error: Authentication required.. Waiting 5s Redis ping #2 failed. Error: Authentication required.
  6. Hi, Im looking for a nice email archieve program in docker (easyest?) I dont need a complete mail server to send email or filter etc. Only want to download emails via Imap and view them. got gmail accounts and other email domain. Is that easy possible with this docker without setting up a whole mailserver?
  7. How can i get this to work? i did try to add the Yaml to my HA automation. but when i add the code im getting error Message malformed: required key not provided @ data['trigger'][0]['platform'] I took from 1 of the posted here and eddited the mac and name
  8. I had the same problem again. it seems after i stop my VM and try to start it again. it gives that error. When i restart my whole server. the VM works again as long as it keeps running.
  9. mine got solved. at least i can start the VM again. I updated the Nvidia driver on my unraid and restarted the server. I also changed the machine to Q35 not sure if that last one helped. But after it got back up i could start my VM again.
  10. i just always update via the webgui/ admin and update there. the update restarts the docker it self. but i have to do another manual restart of the docker and than it works again. just in docker update works fine. But seeing V1 is out https://www.crushftp.com/crush11wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CrushFTP11New i wonder how long v10 keeps getting updates.. About the currently problem i dont have any of the web functions open outside my network. So that limits it a lot. and for the secure ftp etc its all on IP lock. But still updating it manually.
  11. I have the same problem. VM always works perfectly. Wanted to start it today and got this error. I have a windows 10 VM with a nvidia GPU pass-thru. But i also removed the GPU from the VM so its VNC only still same problem. I think i have the problem since i updated to the latest unraid 6.12.10 and i also updated the windows 10 VM as i always do. i also run a win11 VM without pass-thru and also no extra gpu-drivers installed but that one still runs.
  12. i have had this for some versions. the server it self doesnt seems to become unresponsive. just the webgui. and sometimes the VM disconnects but i can just reconnect it and its all good. so the internet connection on the VM it self doesnt drop.
  13. Sometimes my webgui just stops working after a while 5-10 minutes or so it works again. Often when i have a VM open that one also gets disconnected. When i cant access the webgui all dockers still seems to work fine. and the VM's also. I cant lay my fingers on it why it does it randomly. diagnostics-20240330-1619.zip
  14. I was using Banktrans application Which works ok but its computer bound etc. So was looking for a solution on docker. So i found firefly III it looks great so i am trying the importer but have a few problems with it. I have exported data from my banktrans to CSV and im trying to import but it says all done but nothing is showing up in Firefly III. I also tried GoCardless which works but only seems to get back to 15 oct of last year everything past that i cant seems to import. Also tried a bank export but same as the CSV i tried from my banktrans. getting Line #0: transactions.0.date: transactions.0.date is verplicht. (original value: "") Line #1: transactions.0.date: transactions.0.date is verplicht. (original value: "") verplicht = mandatory
  15. I had this same problem my excisting VM win 10 just works. but wanted to install win 11 in a VM and it just didnt want to start the VNC windows. So i tried windows 10 img same problem. Im using firefox. So i clicked on the Schield and it was blocking 2 things so i disabled that projection for my unraid IP. POEF it works for both windows 10 and my windows 11. So the VM it self wasnt the problem it was Firefox that was blocking some VNC things.
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