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Report Comments posted by KoNeko

  1. I run all my Dockers on br0. all have a custom IP that i assigned.


    i read vlan this and vlan that. Why would i want to do that? if it fix the locks that isnt a good reason in my Book because then something is wrong. and the setting this up without the Vlan should not be possible.


    i just trying to find out why this happens.  I dont like answers like So you have put it on Vlan than it works. That sounds to me like when you go with your car to the garage and say my car isnt driving anymore but backwards/reverse still works and the Garage says so then you just drive it in reverse.


    i had a Medusa docker which was the only one not on br0 but that one seems to be gone after i tried to safe settings. So i have to recreate that one now :(

    Its runnin for 5+ days now.

  2. like many i have this problem since upgrading to 6.9.1 from 6.8.3


    Im running a docker that runs on bridge. not the custom BR0 ip and that one was also not availble


    Friday my dockers were still running and could access them. But now that also stopped. I can reboot the server via SSH. But im not planning to do this every X days.


    So Question. What is the solution to this ? Because the way i see it this is a BUG that started at 6.9.X for me.