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  1. The rebuild has completed. I remain surprised by this as this connector is a standard sata power connector, the middle of three, direct from the PS. Ever see this before? I am replacing the power supply with the one now listed in my sig. got a good deal from newegg on it. Thank you, Jorge.
  2. OK, I did swap out the power cable (direct PS connector) for a molex to 2 sata split connector. I began the rebuild and it's 45 min into the process (compared to 9 min last time). I suppose this means i need a new PS? I am going to order the MSI - MPG A850G today. but if anyone has reasons why not to get this one Im all ears. i am budgeting for 12 spinners, this PS has a single rail with 70 Amps available, more than enough and useful up to 15, which is my case's ultimate capacity. Could this issue be tied to any other possible root cause?
  3. Update. The rebuild has paused again after 9 minutes, the disk is again disabled. I havent replaced the power cable, but its the middle connector on a 3-connector unit directly from the power supply (no splitter). the other two disks are fine. Here is an updated diagnostics. I'd appreciate advice on this one. repository-diagnostics-20240808-1729.zip
  4. Well I am surprised. this drive is attached via my SAS card . i swapped the cable for a spare attached to the LSI card, and the array has begun the rebuild process. i am confused how that cable could just stop working - its been in place for at least a year, the two cable sets are probably 1.5 yrs old. Is there anything else i should investigate for problems? I should note that i never updated this card to work in IT mode, its been in raid mode for years with no issues. i know i should update this, maybe this is the time after rebuild completes. if anyone can suggest an idiot's guide thread, i'd appreciate that. i know basically how to do it but i am paranoid about this task.
  5. Thanks again. i started the procedure, and the disk is immediately disabled by the array with write errors. i have stopped the array and will replace the connector, but if this doesnt work, i suppose i RMA the drive? PA
  6. Thanks Jorge, You refer to this procedure, right? So when i unassign disk 11 and restart, there will be data there without a drive? then i reassign disk 11? A little squeamish about this if im honest. == (pulled the following from https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management/#rebuilding-a-drive-onto-itself ) Rebuilding a drive onto itself There can be cases where it is determined that the reason a disk was disabled is due to an external factor and the disk drive appears to be fine. In such a case you need to take a slightly modified process to cause Unraid to rebuild a 'disabled' drive back onto the same drive. Stop array Unassign disabled disk Start array so the missing disk is registered Important: If the drive to be rebuilt is a data drive then check that the emulated drive is showing the content you expect to be there as the rebuild process simply makes the physical drive match the emulated one. If this is not the case then you may want to ask in forums for advice on the best way to proceed. Stop array Reassign disabled disk (optional) Tick the box to start in Maintenance mode. If you start the array in Maintenance mode you will need to press the Sync button to trigger the rebuild. The advantage of doing this in Maintenance mode is that nothing else can write to the array while the rebuild is running which maximises speed. The disadvantage is that you cannot use the array in the meantime and until you return to normal mode cannot see what the contents of the disk being rebuilt will look like. Click Start to initiate the rebuild process and the system will reconstruct the contents of the emulated disk. This process can be used for both data and parity drives that have been disabled.
  7. I shut down my array about 2 weeks ago to add a new refurbished drive. Rebooted, preclear went fine. My array began its scheduled monthly parity check abt 32 hr ago, and 31 minutes in, disk 11 was disabled by the array. there are a series of read errors in the log, followed strangely by a series of write errors. Disk 11 is an existing array disk and the new disk is not yet in the array. anyway i would like to rebuild the disk but thought I'd ask for folks to have a look at my logs and help me make sure the disk is ok, or should i do a warranty return. here are the logs and thank you for your help. PA repository-diagnostics-20240807-0712.zip
  8. fyi. i updated my primary server from 6.8.3 to 6.11.2 using the webtool without issue.
  9. I updated my backup server from the GUI from 6.8.3, went smoothly. Main server in a bit after next parity check.
  10. tyvm Jorge, and you're right. Ive been avoiding updating, I will follow future release notes.
  11. Apologies if this isnt the right place to ask, but i am on 6.8.3. Is there an upgrade path or do i simply do the normal procedure on my usb (back it up, shutdown, copy new files to it, boot server, all smiles)?
  12. Chiming in, NV, If i am correct in summarizing your initial post as "I am afraid to use unraid because of the possibility of bitrot" then my sarcastic thought in reply is that it is similar to thinking "I am afraid to go for a walk outdoors because I am afraid of being struck by lightning/bitten by a cobra/hit by an asteroid" I am not taking a side on bitrot being a problem or not, but if it is, it is a very low probability problem with a very low file loss rate. I am not even sure it is unique to unraid. You should have a separate physical backup of anything important - something which absolutely has nothing to do with unraid. Like many, my first unraid array, built in 2011, is still in service as my primary nas. I have a second and my next PC of any type will also be an unraid array (who cares, just mentioning). It is reliable, as cheap as it can be when you have 10's of TB of storage, and its as easy to use as it could be. If you've never maintained a NAS before, you will see that you have a lot to learn no matter which you choose. Like many, I'd recommend unraid but it's your life. Use unraid or no, but bitrot fear seams a ludicrous reason to avoid unraid. good luck, Pete
  13. I wont annoy anyone by posting my objection to the UPC again, but in case it makes any difference to the company, for whom I have had great respect and good feelings for about 11 years, this will represent the end of my support. I will not upgrade from my current state. I have ZERO interest in having my servers connected to the internet except for one application on my backup server. There is no need to take any risk whatsoever of allowing some mistake/mismanagement/malicious attack/ whatever at Lime technology and _especially_ over this "for information only" forum. I am stunned that connecting registration on this forum directly to our server license and information was even floated except over a beers. I really can't believe this is being considered. I suppose the modern way of things is subscriptions to gouge every last dime out of customers at a seemingly low price month by month but I am rejecting it from microsoft and will reject it here. I am quite happy with my purchase, have recommended UNRAID uncounted times to others and several friends are now users but that is at an end. I will remain at my current version of unraid that that's that. It sounds like i need also to delete this forum account, unfortunately. I am certain noone gives a rat's but I thought I would clarify my position before signing off of the forum. Why not just charge for version upgrades instead? Is that because people might decide they dont need the current version and you'd like to charge them anyway? At the price of the security of my servers? I just dont understand. I have happily paid for my licenses and was actually considering purchasing a third, but man this will get very expensive very quickly if i pay for it every month. what happens when i stop paying?
  14. Agree, no risk like this is acceptable.
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