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Everything posted by comet424

  1. @trurl ah ok ya thats where i mentioned i had to set to cache perfer because cache only doesnt work when u wanna use the mover when you switch ssd's ok so i did that.. appdata takes forever.. is the problem Docker is slow due to Plex running and or transmission/deluge i have noticed plex takes forever? should it be appdata on its own ssd vms on its own ssd plex docker on its own ssd would that speed it up? here is the diaganostic when i click the compute its fast for vms,system but took 30 seconds to do appdata so i was wondering should we be doing seperate SSD to to speed up the system.. least for Plext as it doesnt matter if its on a Sata SSD or a NVME 3500/3000 or a 7000/5000 nvmes it was still slow as molasses so thats why i was also thinking its unraid the bottle neck too maybe when i gone to the faster nvmes tower-diagnostics-20210812-1142.zip
  2. but ill check with krusader to make sure none of those 4 folders be on the array but it shouldnt be i know i may have mixed up words i see i had the cache only set to prefer.. i was doing a NVME transfer to send in for RMA and i set to Perfer when i was using Mover as there is no option when VMS appdata etc is on the ARRAY but you set it to CACHE ONLY that mover will move it from the array to cache.. mover will only move it when you set to PERFER so thats why its set there but i should have set things to ONLY after it was done.. it be nice MOVER would move the Folders from the Array when you set things to CACHE ONLY so i double checking things with krusdader but i been having this slowness problems for over a year now even when all the settings were set to Cache only and nothing on the array
  3. @trurl i have it set cache only i dont have any cache on the array but /mnt/cache <=== would read the Cache Only /mnt/user <==== would read cache and read the array shares i basiclly commenting on the one guys findings that setting your Docker appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata and not to /mnt/user/appdata that its possibly acting slower pointing to user not to cache is basiclly what i was trying to get at i have no appdata/vms/docker/system they all on the cache nothing on the array so my cache drive set to Cache only and has 126gb free onit.. it doesnt really change unless plex gets bigger.. as i dont do any caching its just vms,docker,appdata,system so thats only on the cache download drive is just a Spinner Cache drive just so i can download from transmission or all my Windows Downloads go directory to this spinner drive so the array stays off lancahce pool drive is just the drive for downloading Epic Games as i have to re install the games. so i reported this issue back in 2020 but never had any solution.. where you can see the Docker Video so slow loading but VMs page will load faster. i picked up a 12TB drive yesterday so i preclearing it so thats going to take a week.. and i not sure if you can take the array offline without messing up the Pre clear progress.,.. i not sure if it stops if you stop an array.. and Fix Common Issues doesnt find anything so what what should i look for? so recap after reading all my dislexia writting non of the 3 pools save to the array.. they all cache only the appadata,docker,system,vms all on the cache drive i was asking if its possible slow because vms docker points to /mnt/user/appdata and maybe i need to change to /mnt/cache/appdata as another user was finding slower speeds this way too and figured it was reading the array when you point to /mnt/user instead of /mnt/cache hopefully you can understand i know with my dislexia it sounds ok in my head not always as you read it also why i asked should VMS and the docker/appdata/system be on 2 different SSDS too
  4. so i still struggling with Docker speed.. where it can be like 2 3 seconds to 10 seconds to 1min to populate also i find that the Transmission Icon goes away as an orphane but it has come back once i shut down a VMetc here is a video i made here some Diganostics i took also the Docker acts like a Spinner Drive when put to sleep takes time to power up.. and get working... would it be better to set the appdata cache only to /mnt/cache/appdata and not /mnt/user/appdata this way it wont go to the array i not sure? my video of docker never loading.. when i do it takes about 1 min.. i took this on aug 9 https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkZ74ugB21kngYMnucOZA60pvyfm6w?e=WM2LLm so i not sure whats causing it.. the orphane pic is transmission isnt even running but i noticed if i shut off a VM the image usually comes back and then Docker will speed up but it will go back to sleep later currently running on a Sata SSD.. but this happens on my NVME 3500/3000 it doesnt matter what it does its always sleeping and takes a long time to run but vms always populate before the Dockers.. and in dockers i only running maybe 2-3 apps always is it a memory thing then? and should you put your VMS on a different SSD then your appdata? would that help things i run like 4-5 VMS but they basiclly idlying tower-diagnostics-20210809-1045.zip tower-diagnostics-20210812-1033.zip tower-diagnostics-20210812-1020.zip
  5. @HynesJeff ya Top Tabs of the Gui Docker Plugins VMs, etc i find it slow choosing Docker.. i took video how i stop choose a different option after .. it takes like anywhere from 2 seconds or 10-30 to 1 min to load up the Docker Page
  6. @Linguafoeda is it working well no issues? im having trouble myself with AMD audio on the Asus X570 windows VM pops and pauses passing the audio running a Volumio VM not a problem.. as soon as i do it for a windows VM it cant pass through right.. not sure if the intel boards have the same issue.. i can get a usb graphics card to work .but getting the audio doesnt even running this MSI program didnt help
  7. @HynesJeff have you also noticed that Docker and VMs are completely slow on the top tabs its like the SSDs goto sleep after a given amount of time and you gotta wait for them to spin up even though they are a SSD they act like a spinner so clicking a Docker or a VM takes about 10 seconds to populate give or take. on a 3500 or a 7000 nvme like it was a spinner drive but once running its quick no one in the forums could answer it. its still and un answered question i asked multiple times..so i wrote the tech support unraid to ask... about the slowness and the slowness of 3500 and 7000mb/s nvmes unraid cant reach those speeds seems to be capped around 2500 and may spike to 3000 at the end of a Disk speed test.. so i asked them as no one could answer it in the forums i wonder if that would solve the issue.. if i change it from /mnt/user/appdata to /mnt/cache/appdata as all my appdata is on the cache but it will go to sleep and i asked this question for a couple years now i think i may have to try.. see if this would help mine..
  8. and i guessing your setup is just passing a video card with the audio where im actually passing a USB sound card or the onboard sound with a usb graphics card with no audio so i can goto a projector and a sound system
  9. ya i had a guy help me pass the USB controllers it still the audio pops or stops... i have DJ mixer for playing music i tried in it too with DJ software so i could play music or use it as a VLC player.. video streams fine.. but nothing works right.. so i passed through the usb controller checking it off in the system devices.. setting the VIFO to Both streams i still getting issues and using the dj mixer ahd the Virtual DJ software i can see how the music will jump forward back and pause for a second then play again.. the audio just soo spuratic how did you manage to solve audio issues? i dunno if it even could be with ASUS?as really there is no support for such stuff Windows yes but running a VM not so much are there Bios settings you need to enable disable? as its truly frustrating
  10. i running a ryzen 3600 on a asus x570 tuf gaming plus board i run volumio and audio runs fine but if i shut it off and run Windows 10VM the audio is cutting in and out.. and that fix from cd quality to dvd quality doesnt fix it.. if i use either a usb audio or on board.. i cant get it from cutting in and out.. even did remote Desktop.. is there a fix for this issue? i have tried some MSI thing that didnt help either
  11. @SiteAssemble ah ok.. ya i run for my 3 intake fans on a Y.. they are noctura industrial 3000 rpm fans.. then the 2 fans cpu and the chipset fan.. and then my 2 exhaust fans are 6000 rpm fans.. my bios sets all the fans to manual so it wont ever come on except for unraid telling it too.. supposedly lol.. but comes on when i dunno.. i cant tell why its coming on unless the main page is slow reading the temperatures where the fan control reads the temperature more often i dunno
  12. @Meles Meles reason i ask is.. like Video games and Windows 10 can not use the speeds of Gen 4 SSD the difference from a SAta and NVMe Gen 4 is not much difference.. so i was curious if Unraid say in version 10 will be optomized to run faster things for a Gen 4 at 7000mb/s or might as well go with just sata of a 3500/3000mbs i just trying to see if its worth keeping a Gen 4.. i posted a new posting.. Windows can get 7000mb/s but unraid cant get it in disk speed
  13. now only if they offered fan control for unassigned drives be nice.. unassigned drives are over heating in the bays cuz the array is off but fans still come on when main page says the temps are not the minum speed so i guess the plugin sees the temp before the main page does
  14. @SiteAssemble figure it out.. i dunno if they can fix it fans were on Hwmon2 orginally was on Hwmon1 but then i added and nvme. and moved to hwmon2 now when i added ta 2nd nvme it moved fans to Hwmon3 thats why it buggered it up i dunno why nvme doesnt goto hwmon3 so thats why its buggering up my fan control needs a disclaimer.. each time you add a nvme run terminal run pwmconfig and see what hwmon(x) your fan moved to... this frustrating.. dunno why hwmon keeps moving finally its quiet i was getting frustrated and you forget these things
  15. @SiteAssemble seems fan control is broken if you have 2 NVMEs installed you cant turn off the fans they just running.. you can disable them all and then enable they dont even spin down and this is after i plugged a 2nd nvme in
  16. @SiteAssemble ok ill email you later but are you finding the Fans are running when they should be shut off?? it was working but Fans are spinning 2 exhaust at like 80%.. when i plugged an unnassigned drive in the 2nd nvme slot.. i can not turn it on and off at the moment.. gonnna try to disable then re enable the fans to see if it fixs it but fan control is spinning all the fans even though the temperatures arent at the min setting.. its messed
  17. i running disk speed on a 3500/3000mb/s and a 7000/5000mb/s nvmes they both perform around 2500 mb/s o dunno if its read or right in the diskspeed docker app.. the 7000mbs/5000/s peaks at 800-1000gb going to 3400 mb/s but the 3500./3000 stayed constant around 2200/mbs roughly and my wd Satas they stay constant so is it a bios, is it limited to the OS, is it board i running on a Asus X570 Tuf Gaming.. both Nvme are Gen 4 slot Pcie4 so i not sure why i not getting faster speeds is there a setting in unraid? i wanted to use for dockers and hopefully speed up Docker/Plex... sometimess Docker seems to be sleeping when you click it.. like a Spinner drive.. you gotta wait till it spins up then works.. it seems to be same for Docker.. also i wanted to speed up Plex it seems to be slow at times... first to are Sata WD, 3and 4 are the XPG 3500/3000 and Samsung 7000/5000 mbs... i just seem to get max speed for sata but not for nvme
  18. @SiteAssemble well it didnt last long... ugh.. had a 7 Count for Air Flow i labeled them doing 1 at a time but now she buggered up.. the 3 Air Flow fans dont even match anymore rear fan left pwm1 is actually Chipset Cooling cpu pwm2 i not sure what that one is now i guessing Drives Intake anddrives instake pwm3 is actually CPU Fan there gotta be a way to hard code it.. it just decides to turn on and off itself as it feels like it air flow keeping the 7 fan count is not constant.. i tried enabling all the fans pwms in the fan speed array.. just enabled go figure actually they arent the right speeds either.. it seems to be picking up fan speeds from the rear fan for drives instake pwm3 its just like you mentioned its looping.. its not picking correct Fans its just picking random fans and choosing the wrong ones whatever kinda comes first.. not fan1 =pwm1 if pwm6 fires up thats fan0 i been noticing.. so i never know what is the actual fan running lol grr
  19. @Vr2Io thanks that fixed it.. i appreciate the help.. almost need do do a check list when re installing unraid do this this stat... might have to as you forget these things now to work on my other issues later today lol
  20. my go file is #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & #hardware decoding for Plex #modprobe i915 #chmod -R 777 /dev/dri #CPU Mobo Temperatures for AMD Ryzen modprobe nct6775 force_id=0xd120 /usr/bin/sensors -s my flash drive settings so ill try that.. add it to the unraid OS i forget where i have add'd extra coding cuz its not like i edit it always.. set it once and forget it.. but ill give that a try
  21. i been dealing with muliti issues ever since i had a really bad issues with a nvme drive i ended up doing a clean install. i copied the config folder minus the folders plugin-error, plugin-old-versions,plugins-removed i did a new BIOS update as well.. but i no longer have fan control for my PWM fans when i run pwmconfig root@Tower:~# pwmconfig # pwmconfig version 3.6.0 This program will search your sensors for pulse width modulation (pwm) controls, and test each one to see if it controls a fan on your motherboard. Note that many motherboards do not have pwm circuitry installed, even if your sensor chip supports pwm. We will attempt to briefly stop each fan using the pwm controls. The program will attempt to restore each fan to full speed after testing. However, it is ** very important ** that you physically verify that the fans have been to full speed after the program has completed. /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed i also ran sensors-detect and hit enter on everything.. ad then did it again and at the end say YES to save to rc.local but its not detecting my 1 to 7 pwm fans... is there something i nee to run its running on a AMD Asus X570 Tuf Gaming Motherboard
  22. oh ok.. figured you had to do the unraid tool so it can make any hidden partitions etc.. so tried to use the tool
  23. @JorgeB i think i solved it.. in the previous version of unraid it had no issues but i guess after this new upgrade and i only have the 1 monitor for unraid so what i found.. is if i hit enter like 5 times.. the Tower:Login shows up if i randomly type stuff doesnt show up.. after i login with root and then when you type "a" and hit enter then it shows up its like unraid console is off 2 Lines its going 2 lines before the display View so what i mean is you have a box and the stuff is showing 2 lines below that box.. but in the previous version i had not issues.. as i cant adjust my video card output for the generic console.. is there a way to fix that..? to expand my video card 2 lines. or is unraid able to so whatever you type you cant see it till you hit enter.. so its outside the graphic zone.. is that a bug ? or video card issue if i do safe mode no gui.. it also cant display the login.. guess i should chose that.. to helped diagnose things as i kept doing safe with gui.. but is there a way i can fix that ? back to like 6.8 login worked its probably not probably important to bug section... guess ill copy my plugins back and see if i get any improvements now on a clean install update: updated the motherboards bios to the latest.. and it fixed the unraid issue now it fits on the screen.. so i guess with each update of unraid should always check your bios is upto date too least that 1 issue fixed.. from others i got but work on them later
  24. @JorgeB all i know is when i did that Safe Mode i think you told me to do or whoever. i did Safe Mode no plugins , but have gui the login shows up there at least ill retry burning hte usb and not copy anything and see what happens update.. clean install didnt copy no key or that other file still no login... what can be corrupted that i lost the login? gonna try pulling my ssds and nvme drive
  25. so i recently doing testing of unraid having issues.. and when you using the usb creator there is a bug in it you can not use it without internet.. my internet pass's through unraid first .. as i wanted to burn the ZIP file to the USB... but your not able to choose it unless you have internet.. it should be fixed that when you have no internet you can use the software for Local Zip file.. but you can see its grayed out once no internet is detected and 2nd option be maybe be able to run the make bootable.. not everytime does the tool make the usb run bootable. dunno why but if the app could run the batch file again before its done writting but here is image shows the tool does not work without internet
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