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Everything posted by comet424

  1. so i did a reboot 2 VMS i force stopped and rebooted.. when i get the non correcting parity after the boot up i cancel it the 2 VMS i force stopped stay stopped.. but the 2 VMS paused boot up Paused when i try to to start either of the VMS i get if I start any Stopped VM's that i didnt have running they automaticlly go Paused.. whats going on? is it from the issue i posted about the My Servers Plugin bricking unraid from booting and had to delete the pluggin in to get it to boot up
  2. i was in the middle of using some VMS.. and they shut down on me,,, i found out they all went to Pause i didnt do anything Vm backup isnt running can you see anything in the logs? i guess i gotta do a reboot.. wen you do Resume it stays in PAUSE i have to FORCE STOP then Start to get it out of Pause its also paused my Windows VMs too cant get those started.. Update: if I force Stop Then Start it automaticllys goes back to Pause ill include a 2nd Diaganostic tower-diagnostics-20210708-1032.zip tower-diagnostics-20210708-1038.zip
  3. @SpaceInvaderOne anyway you can add/make the Home Assistant Icon to your database..
  4. @ghost82 so i ended up rma my nvme as i having flaky issues and then my Home assistant VM broke spent all day on that.. but i tried my usb sound card i use for Volumio that i set to 24bit 44hz to get out the crackly as it runs as a VM if i use the same soundcard for windows 10 machine so i can use it to play to a projector.. it still stops and starts using VLC player using a tv and my usb as the audio as you can see in the videos i posted.. i didnt do a video of the Mixer as and the DJ software as i was just testing the sound card.. i set all the MSI util when i ran it i check boxed them all.. but hopefully you can hear the audio cut out i used my cell.... video play back seems ok just not the audio... i also have problems trying to pass the Onboard Audio you can check it for sound card in VM but windows cant see it if you do the onboard in the VM for Volumio it actually wont boot up the VM for some reason but here is my Onedrive link https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkZ74ugB21knumJX1YGm9TE0vcVR?e=iRPBvW
  5. anyone deal with this plugin tonight bricking Unraid? i rebooted unraid and it no longer came online.. had to plug a video card in and boot up and it hung 45 min before i ssh into unraid and deleted the my servers plugin. in the plugins folder and rebooted.. it still part of the plugins and somewhere in unraid its keeping the plugin but i was able to boot back up so the first image is it hung 45 min.. the 2nd one is after i booted back up are ssh and deleting the plugin but its still in Plugins
  6. ive tried the commands losetup xparted lvdisplay vgscan vg fdisk -l -u /dev/ndb0 parted none of these commands are able to fix the qcow2 file to recover my partitions and get my files back so any experts be great 🙂 very frustrating my backup save files apparently i was saving to the VM and not to the unraid array
  7. since its not showing a partition is there any receovery software to fix this.. so i can retreieve the files in the vdisk i need to mount it somehow
  8. anyone have any idea??? i tried and posted help in the General as i tried space invader how to mount a Vdisk but its not working and so far no replies yet not sure if ill get help i need to mount the disk its not showing any partitions but need to mount and retreve the files any help be great
  9. i also tried adding the home assistant drive as a 2nd drive in my ubuntu and then i tried looking for it there is a disk section but i get error of you cant view blocked stuff wanna search... was hoping to do like windows you plug in your hard drive and copy the files off it.. but i dunno how to do this 😞
  10. so i trying to mount a home assistant drive that wont boot anymore.. i had nvme issuse so i moved the vms to the array.. and then it wouldnt work anymore so i moved to a sata ssd and still will no longer work... i tried to follow SpaceInvader video.. but it doesnt work for qcow2 he doesnt state what to do when you get an error.. only when it works i need to save the files from Home Assistant so i need to mount the drive and recover the files it wont show the partition like he shows in the video shows 32g disk is there any recovery to try
  11. so i was getting help with a different issue and i was having SSD problems slowness i copied the VMS to the array put a SATA SSD in instead of a NVME but she wont boot anymore.. and the home assistant is important the backups are in the VM apparently... so i need it to boot up so i can save it.. the VM Backup Plugin wasnt runnning i had i tried making a new vm and use the orginal vdisk it isnt working.. so i need a program that opens the Vdisk lets me goto the file directories and copy the files at least but here is a image and if i set it to seabios she not bootable.. so i need a file editor to save the files inside it
  12. ah ok when i type lsusb i dont see the drive i just see the Enclosure i guess is the ASmedia learn something new everyday.. ill have to try your plugin tomorrow ill re try my desktop as it was a pain needing my laptop to detaach attach my keyboard and mouse.. hopefully i can figure my nvme slowness too as its frustrating
  13. ah ok ya its mounted thats the drive i have multipartitions i learning as i go.. i figured it would said 1TB or WDSN.......... (WD Serial) thats why i didnt know so its showing so hopefully this will work in the VM from the stopping of attach detatch but then again for these VMS i just do RDP and VNC.. . i was having the issue of my desktop i was trying to make 2 VMS 1 CPU and had that issue so ill have to try retry on my desktop PC and do the VMS again and try this and why is PCI passthrough better? and ill have to make a video of the software how it plays and stops plays backwards then forwards maybe your app can fix it.. and maybe helps in the VM forum too.. as a video better then me trying to explain things lol but i was also thinking maybe the NVME SSD slow due to i have like 16 HDS on PCI Raid Card.. and then i use 2 Sata ports off the motherboard.. so i dunno so my 3500/3000 mb/s i was only getting like 2200/1000 mbs in the diskspeed docker and such if i run crystal disk in VM on unraid will i get proper readings though
  14. i relie on the kindness of the group i really dont understand the interupts and the binding all that stuff.. i need more specific spaceinvader dummie book type explanation.. i just try what i told to try as i dont know
  15. i dont know enough of that info.. also the usb manager doesnt show up hard drive i have 1TB in an enclosure usb startech it doesnt show usb hard drives right thats different from everything else? as for the 3 options i really dont know anything about that stuff.. i was only told in the VM section forum join the 2 to try to get the Virtual DJ Software and the mixer to work right but it didnt help yet the sound sounds normal except choppy . like you havign a Record.. and as your playing it will stop and start like you placing your fingers on the record as it plays.. also it will sometimes go backwards the audio.. stop start.. and then sometimes the VM just reboots .. i have done this MSI i was told to check mark all the checks.. it still didnt work still causes the Windows 10 VM to reboot and the audio to be choppy or play backwards forwards for a second as you can see it in the VM... testing the hard drive i never tested the XPG 8200 in a VM i posted in the General Forums i pulled the SSD out and shoved it in my Windows machine and its slower then a new one.. my questiin was asking if unraid gets slower when cache drive ages... as my entire unraid has slowed down alot.. and all the vms have slowed down and i dont know how to do interrupts.. etc
  16. i was getting help in the VM forum. and they suggest to pass through the usb hub i having troubles passing through my DJ Mixer as a sound card without VM being choppy as heck.. that its playing like you playing a record and keep touching it.. and this is also through Remote Desktop on a Windows 10 machine i also posted in the General forums i found copying from my NVME to a Spinner on the array i only copying at 13meg/s and posted a Crystal Disk report from my desktop that its somewhat slower and that Unraid reports it 1000 meg/s slower at least but i didnt post a pic of that didnt get a scren shot so the VM guy was helping me try to solve the audio choppyness so thats reason i guess its bound .. i still dont understand it 100% i need a vfio for dummies video lol but i unchecked it and rebooted.. i also find my Volumino not as choppy if i pass my DJ mixer to it.. but running windows 10 and the drivers its choppy so now been thinking its a SSD nvme issue? i dunno i still new to ssds even though had them for a couple years been used to spinner
  17. some reason my usb enclosure wont mount.. its not showing up.,. it will light up if i plug into the usb port below unraid usb is it because i have the vfos? cuz my 1TB SSD wont show up in any of the usb ports except the one should i uncheck those
  18. i having issues with unraid being extremly slow lately VMS running slow Dockers slow unraid just i dunno,, its just acting funny.. as i trying to get help also in the VM forum section here but i dealing with unraid being just slow and pages dont always work or what not.. i dunno how to explain it all.. as i not video recording using it to show the issues i using a XPG 8200 1TB SSD when transfering isos vms appdata off the SSD to a 12TB Spinner using single drive and using Unblance to transfer it was only copying at 13meg/s i should be getting least what 250mb/s since thats the max speed on of a 7200rpm drive? also its to my array i ment.. disk the 12TB spinner is Disk 6 and my Parity Drive is a 7200rpm 14TB i popped out the nvme drive shoved it into my other other computer both computers running AMD cpus Tuf X570 Gaming Boards. both use XPG 8200 so the nvme from the unraid is i guess 2 yrs old.. the Adata info said 50% left i apparently used 323TB written didnt realize i used that much for vms isos and appdata but she is slower so i shoved into Windows i reformed the unraids nvme to default windows format and ran crystal Disk the 😄 is the new XPG 8200 i bought has 1.81TB written to it as i been trying to get VMS wot work 2 Machines 1 computer and the E: is the XPG 8200 i use for unraid has 50% left 323TB written to it so is it normal i loosing this much speed? does that mean when you get to 25% left its even really slowly or should i gone Samsung or Western Digital Drives and do you need to go with muti nvmes? 1... VMS 1... ISOS 1... SYSTEM 1... APPDATA as the VMS all of the boot up slow my WD Sata SSD boots up faster then the nvme drive now.. and i used to have the TRIM thing set daily turned it to monthly now so i not sure what to do curently put the vms,isos,system,appdata back on the array to run instead also if the numbers arent bad what from you see etc... then is it gone slower because i running 6.9 from 6.8? and is there something i need to do to fix things
  19. just means unraid was not responding... vm page wasnt loading.. things taking along time to load in unraid on the dashboard.. had some weird error... i havent worked on vm for a few days as i didnt have time.. and i returned that termius usb thing i guess i need CPU with built on board video to get that type to work and then i installed a usb manager from another person he said to install as i wrote in the future features request..
  20. so i installed your usb manager plugin ... and it doesnt show anything but is the error normal? so i havent gottan a change to read that for new users i only installed the pluggins so far ill read the article this weekend
  21. does this also fix this issue i having i have that hot usb plugin nad its driving me up the wall.. i bee trying to do 2 Vms 1 Computer but evertyime the VM reboots you gotta click that damn detach Attach button for keyboard and mouse.. i do not know why you gotta do it.. but it drives me nuts does your usb manager fix that too? but ya with the vm thing drives me nuts if i start.. tells me usb isnt attached.. doesnt tell me what iti is just the address drives me nuts as for longest time i didnt know what to do i just experimented it.. to find it in the xml.. all these times last couple years i been erasing the VM starting over.. so makes ya have a headache lol
  22. update after 3 reboots system devices finally worked and vms here is the page but its still acting funny would Extended Fix Common issues find errors?
  23. i having problems... i checked boxed 30 and 23 and i guess unraid is in 22 i rebooted unraid.. and let it boot up.. i no longer have VMS, dockers dont wanna show. Fix common issues doesnt show any errors.. the System Devices Page it shows the beginning the usb devices. CPU Threadings.. and just keeps doing the unraid progress thing for loading and sits there VM page doesnt actually load anymore.. and this keeps doing it on multple reboots.. its stuck cuz i checked the 2 boxes and when you check a BOX is it linking or is it Breaking it up more to be in more groups i couldnt understand that cuz if i had the 2 groups you mention to check.. and then i was doing video cards 2 Video cards 2 Video Card Audios then that be say 6 groups linked together? or wold that be 6 groups seperated more i still havent fully grasps it.. as i thought it wasnt to bind but more to split it up but so far i can no longer use the system devices page or VMS and i noticed my 3500mb/s nvme so much slower the bench test says 2200mb/s but if i copy in krusader from the nvme to a different directory on the nvme i dont even get 2200mb/s or 1500 figure half speed.. i actually get only 120mb/s so i dunno whats going on. i wish there was like a Tweaker program like windows has runs and scans and says you should change this turn this on turn that off like Tweak IT that was for windows in the past.. any way i can fix things? or just unplug all USBS and reboot as unraid isnt responding really.. like VMS just stuck
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