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Posts posted by PuffinDoctor

  1. I'm working on cleaning up the set-up security warnings for this nextcloud container and I'm stuck on the two database issues.  The 'missing some indexes" and "columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int."


    When I try to issue commands in regards to this issue in other threads I have different errors and I'm having difficultly narrowing down the issue.

    When I try to issue this command:

    sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-filecache-bigint

    In the default directory:


    It returns error:

    sudo: unknown user: abc
    sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

    I tried replacing the user "abc" with "root" and the error:

    Could not open input file: /config/www/nextcloud/occ

    Is returned.


    Now I believe my issue/confusion is two-fold. It seems that I should be able to call user "abc" in a sudo command and/or I am trying to execute the commands in the wrong directory so it can't find the correct path.


    Much thanks in advance for any insight into my issues.

  2. I am unable to access the web UI.  I can install, configure, and have the container start.  However, when I go to the web UI I get a "unable to connect" error.  I am unsure how to test to see if it is a connection to the MySQL db that is causing issues or an improper configuration of the container.  I am able to successfully connect to the MySQL db using MySQL Workbench using the same credentials that I am using in the bookstack container.


    Sorry for the vague issue, I'm at a loss as to where to start troubleshooting. Thanks




    Ive got it running now.  After filling out an ID10T form I noticed the small log button on the for right of the docker page.  I noticed the container was throwing up errors relating to not being able to connect to the database server.  I was originally trying to use the MySQL database container on CA Apps.  I switched over to MariaDB and tried to administer the database using MySQL workbench.  I still could not get the bookstack container running so I followed the instructions here (which is what I should have done from the beginning) and set up the MariaDB container accordingly.  So long story short, I learned to actually read the docs and to not use MySQL Workbench for editing a Maria database.

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