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Everything posted by dev2day

  1. Sorry to revive this thread, but I have good news! I took the dive and updated my bios to 5603 from 4207 and have my passthrough working just fine!!!! I was actually shocked. I believe it is because they updated to AGESA to 1006 in bios version Version 5601 which is the same AGESA as in bios 4207. ( at least that was my thought prosses) Glad they finally released a working bios for passthrough after many years!!!!
  2. Found this thread a couple of months ago and finally got my VM hardware passthrough! Had to revert my bios to 4207. They released another bios 5603 on the 8/8/2020. Just wanted to see if anyone else have had success with new bios. Thanks again for this thread! It's been a life saver!
  3. I do not believe this is this issue. I checked in the logs and did not find that the database was corrupted. What I don't understand is if i delete all of the app data why can't i do a "fresh install" and rebuild my libraries and metadata from scratch? I have linked to the log below. Plex Media Server.log
  4. Hey guys! I am new to the forum, but I have been running unraid with plex docker container for close to a year now and have just run into an issue. Yesterday I was using plex and then 30 min later I was unable to connect to the server. If I connect to the web UI through the the container it cannot connect to the server. 1. My trouble shooting steps so far has been to reinstall the docker. (same issue) 2. uninstall the docker and delete all app data to try to do a fresh install. (still no luck) 3. installing a different plex docker. (same result) It should be noted that my array is still operational and all of my media is still in their respected folders. If anyone can help me trouble shoot this issue that would be fantastic!. Please let me know what I need to post or if you can point me to the correct forum for troubleshooting it would be greatly appreciated!
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