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Everything posted by rutherford

  1. @sizo try what @Stupifier mentioned above. "Update: Figured out how to access UnRAID GUI. Did NOT figure out how to be assigned a local address on my primary WiFi subnet though. In Admin Page ----> VPN Settings go to Routing section and add a line for the subnet you want your clients to have access to (for example, I added which is my primary WiFi subnet and where I can access my UnRAID GUI locally)"
  2. @aptalca thank you very much! Almost got it working - I would like to mention that the README.md (github link) wasn't specific enough for me to follow. I'm sorry! I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed for sure. I need more concise instructions for unRaid. The Spaceinvader video is great, but it's got old info now. But thank you thank you again for all your work here - and answering the same questions again and again. I'm definitely guilty of that! I donated $5 to you guys. 1. use bridge networking 2. don't set interface variable (like Spaceinvaderone video) 3. make sure correct ports are forwarded and mapped 4. add the cap-add statement looks like the cap_add statement is already in the command root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='openvpn-as' --net='bridge' --log-opt max-size='20m' --log-opt max-file='1' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'PUID'='99' -p '943:943/tcp' -p '9443:9443/tcp' -p '1194:1194/udp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/openvpn-as':'/config':'rw' --cap-add=NET_ADMIN 'linuxserver/openvpn-as'
  3. @aptalca you are exactly right, I'm guilty of RTFM no doubt. I did try and read it, but it was beyond me. [SOLVED] I got the regular docker template, and made some changes/additions. Repository: "linuxserver/openvpn-as:2.6.1-ls11" Network type: Host Privileged: ON and had to add a couple VARIABLES, I think: INTERFACE, and one of the PGID or PUID variables too. Once I muddled through those bits, it came back up. It did take a minute or two. It was tripping over something initially (something about finding an old configuration, and I should run command DELETE), but I didn't do anything, and it came up. I don't see any errors in the logs any longer. Weird that I had to make additions and changes to the template. Last time, it was only a couple changes that @SpaceInvaderOne made in his video. But it's a little old now, 12/2017.
  4. I'm finally getting around to fixing openvpn-as, and it looks like I'm a few weeks behind all the threads. My openvpn-as stopped connecting, can't get to web-ui either. I deleted the docker, image, and appdata. The new settings don't match what Spacedinvader's video has, there's no INTERFACE section. A bunch of the defaults that come up are not the same. When I just do the best I can in there, and hit Apply, still no web-gui. I see that some folks posted docker pull linuxserver/openvpn-as:2.6.1-ls11 But I can't get this command to work in either the Main ">_", or in the docker Console >_ docker pull does return a message, so there is a "docker" command in the Main console, but it gets confused when I put the rest of the "linuxserver/openvpn-as:2.6.1-ls11" on the line, also with "double quotes". I tried installing the docker, then updating the Repository in the Docker template to "linuxserver/openvpn-as:2.6.1-ls11" but I still don't get any of the correct fields. Would someone spell out the steps for rolling this back correctly to make it work for the interim? Including turning off auto-update to keep it from breaking automatically during the next update? whuffie in advance.
  5. It out put the correct info: IP, the mysite.duckdns.org, and the alias nextcloud.mysite.com, it's the nextcloud config.
  6. @ijuarezah yeah, DDNS, like dynamic dns right? I use Duck DNS my host is Zuver for both DNS and web hosting. @j0nnymoe something tells me there's more to it. Like here chbmb adds a few lines to /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php, and the 'trusted_domains' array. Adding those lines don't do the trick, and also break it locally. As soon as I revert back to a saved config.php, it works locally again, but I still can't get to my sub-domain, nextcloud.myserver.com:444
  7. Thanks @j0nnymoe I was hoping it was going to be that easy, but it's not responding. I opened port 444, forwarded it on the router to the server. I can get to nextcloud locally, I get a time-out unreachable for both my subdomain, and my direct IP (from whatismyip) the port is open, I checked port 444 at https://www.canyouseeme.org/
  8. Got nextcloud up and running, and I'd like to make it visible outside of my network without using Letsencrypt. It was my understanding I could use SSL, have it not be valid, and still get the benefit of the encryption - with a nag screen. Where are the settings to allow Nextcloud to function with a subdomain, nextcloud.myserver.com:5678 ? thanks!
  9. Wondering if it's possible to set this up without being able to forward external ports to different internal ports, as Spaceinvader One suggests port 80 > 180, 443 > 1443. My crap-tastic router doesn't support it! So, will I be able to get my Nextcloud visible outside my LAN? thanks!
  10. Doesn't look like this is current any longer, 6.6.7..?
  11. hilarious problem I just had. Put pihole with this docker, followed SpaceinvaderOne's video, terrific. I had my unRaid Network setup to get it's IP from the DHCP server, which was reserved in the DHCP server on the router to the MAC address. When I the DHCP over to pihole docker, as the server was coming up, it couldn't figure out it's IP. SOLUTION I used my phone to scan IPs and found I manually set my computer to, and was able to get to unRaid's webGUI and change my Network settings to static (after disabling Docker and VM Manager <enabled> in Settings. It was a crazy hassle! I could get to pihole on, but my server itself was on a lost IP.
  12. ;tldr if you hit a wall, try doing what the instructions say and call Apple. Wanted to share my experience here in getting iMessage finally working on this macOS Mojave VM. I went through @SpaceInvaderOne 's (Ed) awesome video (thread). I'm only trying to get iMessage working, so I could relay that using wemessage server, and corresponding android app on my phone. I did end up having to use a friends mac laptop to get both Mojave and High Sierra images. Something about the process Ed talked about only downloaded a 22MB file for Mojave, I knew that wasn't right. I was able to download the larger 6GB dmg of Mojave using Ed's posted "Download macOS tools" link, posted in the description of his video. I also had a trip-up that hung on the Clover install, where the "Install macOS" icon didn't appear (this part of the thread). I believe what happened there was I didn't let the Disk Creator finish it's job creating the bootable dmg/img. There wasn't much in the way of a working status bar, but I just left it alone, and eventually a "completed" dialog popped up where I had to hit OK and continue. Those images worked swimmingly and the "Install macOS" icon popped up fine. Finally, iMessage. I was able to sign into iCloud using a created Apple ID. But when I went to sign into iMessage and send a test message, I got stuck. Here are the two error messages I recall seeing, I scoured these from internets This is getting long, added a tldr above. So, if iCloud is working, and you're still getting these pop-ups, try actually doing what they tell you and calling Apple. I got that from this reddit. Another good guide to fixing imessage also here at tonymax86. Marked is solved.
  13. @bluntcascade @MasterMark ***SOLVED*** Was having the same issue, trying to get Mojave, following step by step video, unRaid server has an AMD RYZEN 3 1200 4-Core YD1200BBAEBOX processor with SVM turned on in BIOS. There was no "install macOS" big picture button above the Clover buttons. I believe I found the issue: I didn't let the Disk Creator step entirely finish (there was no blue progress bar, and I quit out before I got the "Creation Completed. Click <OK> to continue" pop-up, so my install media was bunk. Once I redid that install media in Install Disc Creator, waited for the completion dialog window to pop-up, bing, all working. I verified with High Sierra install, and am going to just go with that one. This also reminds me, I had a bit of a stumbling block at the download Mojave from the app store steps. For some reason, when I did that, I only got a 22.5MB file, who's icon and name was the exact same thing. I ended up using the "macOS Mojave Patcher.dmg" to download the full 6GB "Install macOS Mojave" file. Also short PSA: great everyone is posting css details, but how about using pastebin, or hastebin, to keep the goods more succinct on these long threads? 😉
  14. Is it possible to make the boot/install media on a Windows machine, for people who don't have easy access to a computer already running Mac?
  15. Found this thread because of my slow read speeds, about 9-12 MB/s. I had a parity check going. Canceled that, boom, right up to 100MB/s sustained (to external USB 3 hard drive). Thanks @nuhll
  16. @CyberMew I'm pretty sure one of them is for the https and the other is for regular http access. You should be able to uncheck one of them, and free up the port.
  17. (deleted from Unraid > General and moved here) I see that Sonarr (docker linux|server.io sends a download to Sabnzbd (docker linux|server.io 2.3.3 [1f04343]) successfully. But the download just sits there, and no mkv is extracted from the rar files. sabnzbd reports Repair [630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Quick Check OK Unpack [630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds [630d80d5bde8430a9bc59eb7932c8288] Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds While Sonarr just thinks the episode is downloading 100%, and sitting there. As soon as I manually unrar e "blah blah.rar.part001.rar" the mkv comes out, and Sonarr immediately files it away.  I know Sabnzbd is sitting in a container, and doesn't have access to the normal /user/bin/unrar. I do have some odd settings in there to keep Sabnzbd from thrashing the server if it's working on a dozen or more episodes at once. Settings > Switches > Post processing > Nice Parameters -n10 IONice Parameters -c2 -n4 Extra PAR2 Parameters -t0 I don't recall where I got those things. I'll try pulling them out and seeing if that makes a difference. Anything jump out at anyone? Any other specific logs to include? attached. Not sure where the "docker run command" was, so I'll include a couple of screen shots of the config screen for both dockers. rubble-diagnostics-20180512-2139.zip sabnzbd 20180513.zip
  18. I would like to request a small re-write for the subsonic setup page. In the directions, you refer to both HTTPS_PORT and SSL_PORT. I believe these are equivalent - so when talking about each of them, you should stick with the same words. This leads people to create a new VAR called SSL_PORT, which I don't think is what you intend. I wrote an additional post that has this info, and some other custom domain setup stuff here Some of the defaults in the Setup page won't work, like the /subsonic is mapped to a cache drive, but not everyone has a cache drive. It's part of the required setup. I would add all four of these entries in the default setup, leaving the values blank: /subsonic, /music, /podcasts, and /playlists I'm not sure if this is possible, but on the setup page, I'd really put some sort of horizontal line across from Title and the Value. For instance, "Host Port 1:" is set to 4040, with a subtext of "n/a." It's almost a little tough to tell where the value goes for Host Port 1, as there's a bunch of white-space, and even a little offset between the left and right side of the page. Here is what I'd put in that Setup page: Thank you very much @hurricanehrndz
  19. @lux_en_veritasI have the same question, although I already have a library. I noticed that I download books directly from lazy librarian interface, so maybe I/we don't need the calibre server...? I'll monkey around with it more, and see what I come up with.
  20. What about dust management? Huge factor for a headless server IMO.
  21. I'd like to request a preclear plugin with status page. One that continues to preclear when I close the browser. thanks!
  22. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently Is what I'm going from. I'm on ubuntu server LTS 12.04.4, and unRaid 5.0.5, Plex 2.0.20 The ubuntu server is connecting to the unRaid server via cifs. On the ubuntu box, you need to install cifs-utils either through package manager or apt-get at command line on the ubuntu box. make a backup of the /etc/fstab file somewhere, then I made the following modifications: //dumbo/Movies /media/Movies cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,user=<username>,password=<password>,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 //dumbo/Audio /media/Audio cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,user=<username>,password=<password>,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 //dumbo/Tv /media/Tv cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,user=<username>,password=<password>,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 //dumbo/Othervideo /media/Othervideo cifs file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,_netdev,user=<username>,password=<password>,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 where dumbo is unRaid box, /media/Movies etc are empty real folders on the ubuntu box. <username> is a unRaid user name, <password> is the corresponding password. Each share is mounted with 777 full read/write/execute for owner/group/ and others permissions. I wanted to get the shares mounted like this because I'm using the ubuntu server as a Plex streaming box. Plex Server runs under the user 'plex' and that user needed to have read/write permissions for the shares, or the metadata it gathers wouldn't work - and other fails. [sOLVED]
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