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Report Comments posted by xorinzor

  1. This used to happen to me until I updated to 67.0 or so, now it just shows an empty window until all docker containers have updated, before outputting all the text at once.

    Haven't tried updating to 6.8.0 yet, but since I recognized this issue, I figured I might as well add my 2 cents.

  2. 5 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    There are very valid reasons why it is designed this way

    1. Reading disk attributes (including temperature) can negatively impact the normal reading/writing of the disk. The temperature reading is done at a much lower interval with its own timer setting as reading the other disk statistics to keep impact on normal operation as low as possible.
    2. Reading disk attributes may spin up a disk, that's why attributes are never read once a disk is spun down. The moment a disk becomes 'active' the aforementioned timer is started to read temperature with minimal interference.

    Yes, but if I click on the disk it isn't showing the live values from S.M.A.R.T. is it?

    So if those values are stored / cached somewhere, then surely they can just be displayed in the dashboard semi-live without impacting the disk itself, this would fix the entire issue.

  3. In all honesty I don't get why you'd program the dashboard to work like that instead of just using the data it has, live.


    Additionally I don't get why the Spin up button would trigger a refresh, but the automatic spinning up of the drives wouldn't, but that relates back to the dashboard not using live values in that case.


    If it's not a bug I'll leave it, but I find it a very weird design choice.


    Maybe worth noting I'm not in the actual "dashboard" tab, but the "main" tab.