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Posts posted by Morthan

  1. 14 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I think the easiest solution would be to add these two lines to your go file (/boot/config/go):



    This will make the temporary solution from @HyperV more or less permanent since this is applied on every boot of the server and no physical change to the file are needed because that's all done from the go file.


    Hope that also helps and is appropriate to this thread.

    Pardon my rudeness but your sed command replaces the entire line with just that text.


    I adjusted it a bit and use this instead, so it only replaces the found text ( I almost always use different delimiters because the slashes get in the way of seeing what is being done with the backslashes in the way)

    sed -i 's#@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@#\@Docker-Content-Digest:\\s*\(.*\)@i#g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php


    I used https://sed.js.org/ to check the syntax

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