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Posts posted by AntaresUK

  1. Hey yo. You could try passing through a ssd to the vm as the only disk. I.e. eliminate vdisk completely. I did some testing on a VM that I was trying to remove the lag when scrolling on Divinity Original Sin 2. I tried pinning, xml changes, changing cache disks, nothing helped. What did help was passing through the entire disk to the VM (as the boot disk). I also did this technique for my bittorrent VM and got much better download speeds. So maybe give that a shot.

  2. Could someone please check whether they can download vm icons and banners using spaceinvader ones script? I get errors and I was wondering whether spaceinvader.one domain has issues or whether its just me lol



  3. I tried the "competition" Proxmox and I thought the GUI was garbage. Lots of errors and then the task would complete anyway. So back to unraid. I guess those whose first programming language is linux dont mind doing just about everything from a shell but I much prefer an intuitive gui

  4. On 10/8/2020 at 12:07 PM, BillX said:

    I'm thinking of setting up Windows VM in Unraid and use it as my daily driver. The Windows VM will mostly be used for gaming with a flagship graphic card. Will there be any perfomance penalty running it within a VM and if yes, how much?

    Either put your VM on the cache drive or on an unassigned drive. Either way it should be on a SSD or nvme drive. I have mine on the cache on 2 nvme drives in raid 0

  5. Finally figured out what was causing the stutter. I had an all core overclock to 4.2ghz. Once this was taken off and MSI interrupts added no more stutter. I even was able to play DOS EE with g-sync on for the first time on unraid :) Oh happy day. Thought Id post the solution here in case anyone else is facing the same issue.


     No overclock, MSI interrupts, g-sync on and triple buffering = happy gamer finally

  6. i may be wrong but I believe you have to pass through all elements of your 1660ti. the USB and serial bus controller may need to be stubbed in order to prevent unraid from using them. Something like vfio-pci.ids=10de:1aec,10de:1aed on the flash boot page should do it. Then I guess you would see those two elements in your VM details. I dont have a 1660ti so I cant be 100% sure this will work

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  7. I have a 2950x with cores 1-7 isolated for vm use. Clock speed is 4.2ghz. I have my vms on the 2 nvme cache drive in raid 0. MSI 1070ti

    I am getting scrolling stutter in Divinity Original Sin enhanced edtion, grim dawn and also Torchlight.  No matter what I try i cannot resolve this.

    Its a persistent stutter for a second or two when scrolling


    I have tried:

    Passing through a SSD and installing windows on that (thus avoiding a vdisk)

    Various xml enhancements like raw rather than qcow2 and using SCSI as the driver

    Tweaks to the CPU speed in terminal to set the min speed of cores 1-7 to 4.2ghz

    Tweaks to nvidia settings - max performance, low latency setting on, vsync on, triple buffering on

    tried cores 0-8

    tried more cores, less cores

    MSI interrupt fix

    looked through the forums and googled and tried various other tweaks but no way is this near bare metal


    Nothing else is on the server of consequence. Some dockers but nothing with heavy load.


    I have a 6700k also and when I play DOS EE or the other games mentioned no stuttering


    I am wondering if a) anyone else has this issue b) its a KVM bug as I have seen reports of gpu stutter with games


    I truly am at my wits end, I dont want to give up on unraid for gaming but this issue is making these games unplayable


    vm.xml and diagnostics attached

    vm.xml bishop-diagnostics-20200908-1514.zip

  8. On 11/16/2019 at 3:25 AM, evo85 said:

    I realize this is YEARS later, but in case it helps someone else... in my case (debian host, win10 guest + Nvidia GTX 1650 GPU passthrough), setting cache=unsafe for the disk drives gave me a smooth experience. It was actually the disk cache causing stuttering. The stuttering was barely noticeable when I turned off passthrough and used VNC instead, so I assumed it was GPU related. However, the resolution shows that GPU passthrough was just causing more context switches for interrupt handling, or some other load, so that the existing level of disk accesses became problematic. I also configured MSI based interrupts via the registry and I believe it also required installing the Nvidia Control Panel, i.e. not the minimalist install.


    Anyway, here's my example for adding a drive in qemu: "qemu-system-x86_64 -drive id=mydisk,cache=unsafe,format=raw,discard=unmap,detect-zeroes=unmap,file=/some/path [etc etc etc]"

    Similar settings exist for virsh, etc.

    I am also getting this issue when playing Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition

    2950x on the 6.9 beta, two nvme raid 0 for cache, windows 10 vm on cache, nothing else on server (not even Krusader), nothing added to vm aside from graphics driver and steam for DOS:ee install


    Scrolling is very choppy, I have tried CPU pinning, the tweaks suggested here on the vdisk, nothing helps. Also have tried various combinations of cores and pins. VM has 7 cores and a 1080ti passthrough. So should have enough grunt for this game


    Issue happens on grim dawn as well :( so its not specific to the game

    Please help - this issue is really annoying and is stopping me from using 2950x for gaming

    vm xml attached







  9. 19 minutes ago, Maddeen said:

    Same „unknown device“ here but running on an i7 6700.  Sadly I’m not able to decrypt this information, too! 🙈😜


    where should I go to „list all devices“ ? 



    Its under update driver, then "browse my computer for drivers", then "let me pick from a list of available drivers for my computer" then show system devices, then the acpi driver is on the list on the right hand side


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