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Report Comments posted by Dataone

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jurykov said:

    By sticking with the older kernel, will the new Wireguard VPN support still be included in the 6.8 release?  

    WireGuard support hasn't been merged into the 5.x kernel yet anyway, so that means limetech would be building it into the kernel themselves. So I assume they will keep doing the same with the latest 4.x kernels.


    If you check the release notes for rc8 you'll see it does mention a wireguard update too, so I assume it's still there and will be in the upcoming stable version

  2. 3 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

    An easy way to install other versions is to install the Nvidia plugin, go into it, then select stock unraid builds on the right.  6.8.0 rc1 is in there.



    Just copy all the bz* images from this to the flash. I believe that's all that's needed for downgrading 6.8.0 . Worked that way for me downgrading 6.7.2

  3. 6 minutes ago, Can0nfan said:

    NFS: (SERVER IP for NFS Mount) server error: fileid changed fsid 0:51: expected fileid 0x2800000c6b19ee, got 0x2800000c6e58b1


    I also came across this today, however that was after modifying share setings for one I was mounted to. Tried to browse the share without re-mounting and saw that error. Hasn't appeared since.

  4. 7 minutes ago, limetech said:

    Why not just use a different browser until it's sorted?

    I've just been using ssh in the meantime, but it would be nice if I could fix it myself anyways and not have to think about it agian, at least until there's another update. (thanks for the corruption fix by the way, it's a lifesaver)

  5. 16 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:


    Yes, I've already decided I'll use it and have been with no issues with unraid 6.7.2

    This is why I'm looking in this thread to see if anyone has a solution, as this is an issue I believed introduced with the tty package upgrade in the 6.8.0-rc series. My thinking is that I shouldn't have to disable privacy related settings to use the webterminal, as it was working fine before hand.

    7 minutes ago, limetech said:

    Possible?  Yes.  Will we do it? No.  But we'll watch the development, eventually it'll probably get fixed.


    That's a shame, but I understand. How would I manually downgrade it? Can't find any documentation on doing so. Thanks for responding

  6. 13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    I suspect that this is more likely an issue with how you have configured Firefox.  My Firefox (ver. 70.0.1) is working fine with both top and htop.  If you google, you can find out how to reset Firefox back to its default configuration.




    privacy.resistFingerprinting in about:config was the culprit. However, I really don't want to disable this and there's no way to add exceptions per domain.


    I assume that the upgrade of ttyd with the 6.8.0-rc series would be the cause? Is it possible to manually downgrade that specific package?

  7. EDIT: This appears to be a firefox issue, rather than unraid as the terminal works on my phone. If it's still fine to leave it here, does anyone have any solutions? Can't seem to find anything to help online.


    Has anyone else had issues with the webterminal? I can no longer see any text displayed. Just updated from 6.7.2-rc2


    It appears I can still run commands, however. Screenshot attached of htop. After a second even that displayed text dissapears leaving just the colors.


    There is nothing out of the ordinary in the syslog.


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