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Posts posted by PureLoneWolf

  1. On 1/6/2023 at 5:43 AM, PureLoneWolf said:

    If anyone has a suggestion, I would appreciate it.  Tried each release since my last post and it's the same issue each and every time.  6.8.0 works flawlessly when I go back to it.



    I finally had a breakthrough whilst I was doing a fresh install.

    I removed calibre with the "Delete Image" checkbox ticked and then went into my appdata folder and renamed the calibre folder to calibre-680.

    Then I installed from Community Apps as before and added container paths for /books and /import and it worked.  Loaded up normally.  It was only when I tried to enable the OPDS content server and spotted it was sharing on a Bridge network that I saw the difference.  I have been running for years on the "host" network type.


    When I switched the network from Bridge to Host I was immediately faced with it not launching as before.  Switching back to Bridge and it works again.  I have just left it with the Bridge network type now and just added the OPDS port mapping.


    Not sure if this will help anyone else, thought I would share.


    TLDR - If it won't launch on the current version where 6.8.0 works and you have Host network type selected, change to Bridge and test.

  2. On 2/16/2023 at 9:06 AM, IamDan said:

    Any chance you can explain how you changed the UI? I would like to use web control

    Sorry - I didn't get the notification....

    I downloaded web control from here https://github.com/ronggang/transmission-web-control/archive/master.zip


    Then, I extracted the src directory from master.zip, renamed it to web-control and placed it in my Downloads share (accessible from the docker as /downloads, in my case /mnt/user/Downloads).


    Lastly, I edited my Transmission docker template to make sure that there was a variable called TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME:


    Config Type:  Variable
    Value: /downloads/web-control/


    Now, when I head to the WebGUI, I get the web-control interface.


    Hope that helps

    • Like 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, JWMutant said:

    When I do a fresh docker install this is what the path info looks like for the books, this is default info and nothing has been changed by me. The name info doesnt look correct, but thats how it looks out of the box.



    However Just to be on the safe side I change it to what yours looks like.




    And then when I press save the below happens.



    And do you have a /mnt/user/eBooks on Unraid?  If so, try /books/Calibre in the GUI and see

  4. On 2/24/2023 at 7:46 AM, JWMutant said:

    Hello all, Does anyone have issues setting the library once the dockers is running.

    When im in the GUI I set the location and once i click save it keeps saying "DB Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path"

    Probably a stupid question, but you are relating it to the location as the Docker sees it, not as Unraid sees it?


    For example, in my container setup, I have the library location setup as:




    And I use /books/Calibre for my library from within the GUI.


    And if I wanted to use a completely different location, I would have to give the container that path manually like with /books in the image.


  5. On 2/4/2023 at 10:35 PM, mortist said:

    [Update] - Gave up troubleshooting and Uninstalled Calibre, Deleted the image and reinstalled the :latest.... Now it works2.


    Would you mind posting the steps you took to uninstall/delete the image.  I tried that a little while ago and nothing changed for me...


    I just want to make sure that I am not being an idiot.



  6. 5 hours ago, cherrybullet said:

    You can pin your docker to a specific image version or tag by adding a colon and then the tag name.




    if you really wanted to, you could change the repository field in your transmission settings to `linuxserver/transmission:version-3.00-r8`





    but personally i also prefer Transmission Remote GUI



    Would anyone happen to have a link to how they installed Transmission Remote Gui for Unraid?


    ***EDIT*** Figured a solution out - I went with web-control and installed it under /appdata/transmission/web-control and then used the TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME variable to specify /config/web-control/

  7. On 11/29/2022 at 7:01 AM, PureLoneWolf said:

    It was a lovely 11 days..:(


    Updated to 6.9.0 this morning - Immediately met with Connection Refused.  Logs show as before, it doesn't get to the "Listening" stage.  Tried with and without the --security option.


    Back to 6.8.0 and it's fine - My Unraid is up to date 6.11.5 if that helps.


    Would anyone have a solution?

    Tried moving to 6.10.0 just now - Same issue.  Never gets to "Listening" and the logs show a load of weird characters at the top like in one of my previous post attachments.  Has anyone found a solution to this?

  8. On 11/18/2022 at 7:34 AM, PureLoneWolf said:

    Small update - Not sure what changed or if the newer iteration of Unraid helped, but now it works with the latest version and the --security extra parameter.

    Fingers crossed it stays that way now :)

    It was a lovely 11 days..:(


    Updated to 6.9.0 this morning - Immediately met with Connection Refused.  Logs show as before, it doesn't get to the "Listening" stage.  Tried with and without the --security option.


    Back to 6.8.0 and it's fine - My Unraid is up to date 6.11.5 if that helps.


    Would anyone have a solution?

  9. On 10/30/2022 at 9:06 PM, PureLoneWolf said:

    I wish that was true for me - After reading this I went through and updated, checked with and without the security option - Same results as in my previous log files - It doesn't get to "listening" - Went back to 6.4.0 - Works instantly :(

    Small update - Not sure what changed or if the newer iteration of Unraid helped, but now it works with the latest version and the --security extra parameter.

    Fingers crossed it stays that way now :)

  10. 1 hour ago, wizzy said:

    The most recent docker image update fixed my issues with calibre.  I'm able to run "latest" and not stuck on 6.4.  No change beyond updating the image.

    I wish that was true for me - After reading this I went through and updated, checked with and without the security option - Same results as in my previous log files - It doesn't get to "listening" - Went back to 6.4.0 - Works instantly :(

  11. 1 hour ago, clowrym said:

    I dont know if this is causing an issues, as you aren't using PIA, but can you remove this and try again.

    Same result unfortunately - Could it have anything to do with 6.11.0 and the fact that I had to remove the Nerdpack as it's not compatible?

    Perl is now baked in, apparently, and I don't think I had anything other than Perl installed via the Nerdpack, but I figured I would ask.

  12. 31 minutes ago, clowrym said:

    Can you do a force restart and send me your run command, make sure to x out any passwords / usernames

    Here you go, and thanks :)


    docker run
      -e TZ="Europe/Berlin"
      -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
      -e HOST_HOSTNAME="wolfnas"
      -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Transmission_VPN"
      -e 'OPENVPN_USERNAME'='xxx'
      -e 'OPENVPN_PASSWORD'='xxx'
      -e 'OPENVPN_CONFIG'='default'
      -e 'LOCAL_NETWORK'=''
      -e 'OPENVPN_OPTS'='--inactive 3600
      --ping 10
      --ping-exit 60
      -e 'PUID'='99'
      -e 'PGID'='100'
      -e 'TRANSMISSION_DOWNLOAD_DIR'='/downloads/Transmission'
      -e 'TRANSMISSION_INCOMPLETE_DIR'='/downloads/incomplete'
      -e 'TRANSMISSION_WEB_UI'='transmission-web-control'
      -e 'WEBPROXY_ENABLED'='false'
      -e 'PIA_OPENVPN_CONFIG_BUNDLE'='openvpn-tcp'
      -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
      -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:9091]/'
      -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/activ/docker-templates/master/activ/images/transmission-icon.png'
      -p '9091:9091/tcp'
      -p '1194:1198/tcp'
      -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/data':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/downloads':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/watch/':'/watch':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/':'/mnt/user/T_Media/Torrent/':'rw'
      -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/Transmission/config/':'/config':'rw'
      --log-opt max-size=50m
      --log-driver json-file
      --dns 'haugene/transmission-openvpn:latest'


  13. I do keep periodically trying (hope springs eternal) and I now see this at the top:

    ./etc/openvpn/fetch-external-configs.sh: line 16: config_repo_temp_dir: unbound variable
    uk-lon-st002. ********SNIP***************


    And this at the bottom:


    NB: Remember to not specify .ovpn as part of the config name.
    Starting container with revision: a95f586492b2b7e8ff2cc8ac7f91bc43c0cccc40
    Creating TUN device /dev/net/tun
    Using OpenVPN provider: SURFSHARK
    Running with VPN_CONFIG_SOURCE auto
    No bundled config script found for SURFSHARK. Defaulting to external config
    Downloading configs from https://github.com/haugene/vpn-configs-contrib/archive/main.zip into /tmp/tmp.SdXxgbOF93


    It does say something at the end after the downloading, but I can't catch it before the window closes and then the log refreshes as it restarts

  14. 2 hours ago, clowrym said:

    the only error i see in what you provided:


    WARNING: initial DNS resolution test failed


    I saw that too, but I am not sure where to begin to troubleshoot that.  I just setup another client using Surfshark and it works without issue.  Maybe the ovpn connections changed, but I can't find them to check.

  15. My Transmission_VPN container restarted and it refuses to load now.  It just loops - I can't view the logs at all until I force it to stop


    I'm using Surfshark, which is working fine on my other containers.  The log just shows a list of the SS ovpn files and then this at the bottom

    Starting container with revision: a95f586492b2b7e8ff2cc8ac7f91bc43c0cccc40
    WARNING: initial DNS resolution test failed
    Creating TUN device /dev/net/tun
    Using OpenVPN provider: SURFSHARK
    Running with VPN_CONFIG_SOURCE auto
    No bundled config script found for SURFSHARK. Defaulting to external config
    Downloading configs from https://github.com/haugene/vpn-configs-contrib/archive/main.zip into /tmp/tmp.U2GEmwrowd


    Would anyone have any ideas?  I didn't see an update, it was working fine last night.

  16. Just to re-visit this one as I saw a new update pushed to docker hub, which just immediately gave me a "Refused to connect" once applied.


    I have attached my docker config, just for a sanity check against others that got it working.


    For interest, I added the "--security-opt" parameter to my working 6.4.0 install and it still works perfectly.   However, when I go to the latest version, I just get a "Refused to connect error".


    I am on the latest Unraid Stable Version: 6.11.0


    If anyone has any ideas, it would be appreciated :)




  17. 19 minutes ago, Vipa said:


    Had the same problem today. But right before I sent my original post (just now) it found a new update and it seems to be working again

    Good shout - Thank you :)  I had checked a few times after it didn't work - But hadn't checked in a while.  All up and running again now :) 

  18. Hi all


    I literally just updated my Calibre and now it doesn't launch - The docker starts up normally and doesn't seem to generate errors...but when I try to go to the WebGUI, I just get a black screen in the browser window.   The little circle appears that lets me choose to show the on-screen keyboard and browser files etc is there and works, but Calibre never launches and, since the move to Guacamole, if I don't launch Calibre at least once in a browser window...the OPDS server doesn't start and I can't connect my apps.


    Would anyone have any ideas?



  19. Hi there

    I posted over at the Sonarr forums and they say that only the Image Maintainer can remove it. 


    There has been a System Message notification that is unclearable "This image is now based on Alpine. Custom scripts using apt-get will need to be updated to use apk" for quite some time, is it possible to get this removed now?


    I keep thinking I have an issue...


    Thanks :)

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