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Report Comments posted by FooYoungHi

  1. 32 minutes ago, limetech said:

    If you are using some kind of mechanism to fetch a keyfile from an external server during the Unraid boot process, e.g., via the 'go' file, and that operation fails and leaves an invalid or zero-length keyfile, you will also get 'wrong key' even if you type the passphrase.  This will be addressed in the next patch release 6.8.2.

    This was the problem for me. I've tried to fetch the keyfile from an FTP server by using spaceinvaderone's video, but couldn't get it to work, but never bothered to remove the code in the 'go' file. Removed it and it worked like a charm!

  2. I'm having the same issue after the update to 6.8.0.

    I tried copying my passphase to a text file and use it, but to no avail. (It is just a .txt file with the passphrase, no clue if this is how it is supposed to be done)

    The passphrase contains a '!' in it as the only special character, the rest is just lower case and caps.

    I'm pretty sure that, like the others, if I downgrade I can get in again, but in 6.8.0, there seems to be no way in.