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Posts posted by darvvyn

  1. I was looking into getting an rtl-sdr and was very happy to see that there is already a container for my unraid server.
    (this is the one I'm considering: https://www.amazon.com/NooElec-NESDR-Smart-Bundle-R820T2-Based/dp/B01GDN1T4S )


    My biggest concern is passing the usb sdr from the host to the container.  Is this a complicated process? or something that is straight forward? Any suggested reading material?  On a scale from 1-10, my Linux knowledge is about a 4.


    Once set up, I'm hoping to transmit local police/fire/ems to broadcastify with the icecast container.
    What kind of processing power would this be? I have an old I7, but my server is mainly a Plex server and I wouldn't want to stress it too much.

    Thanks for the container and any info!




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