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  1. I hope someone can help me. My setup includes pihole, nginx proxy manager, and my various tools (nextcloud, sonarr, radarr, organizer etc) and I use cloudflare. I also recently moved to a .ovh domain name. I've been using my setup for years, however after upgrading to 6.12.4 when I try to connect to my various applications via domain name I get a cloudflare error 522. I have tried removing the proxy/ changing the security on cloudflare with no joy. I finally found if I disable pihole it works fine. I tried deleting pihole and reinstalling it thinking the problem was a rouge setting that I couldn't find. That didn't work. So I tried an alternative Adguard and was also getting the 522 error when it was enabled. I have searched google and various forums with no success. I'm at a loss and don't know what to try next any suggestions would be welcome. YouTube videos etc helped me to get my setup to were it was, so I'm a novice with regards terminal etc so please be gentle 🙂 Thanks
  2. Hi Guys, I hope someone can help. All was working yesterday on my install of binhex-qbittorrentvpn. This morning when I try to log in I get a log in error. I check the logs and I see the below, I have changed nothing recently. Any help would be appricated. I'm using the binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn repository and am on the latest version. Thanks
  3. I'm having a similar problem, followed Spaceinvaderone's video, however when I check the port I get the can't connect error. I have opened the port on my router. I am using nginx proxy manager (NPM) and cloudflare not sure if these would have an effect. not sure what else to try. I this this is because NPM and unraid.net both need to use port 443, however I could be wrong.
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