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Posts posted by Danny08

  1. Hi, updated to 6.11.1 and after years without problems my server doesnt boot up.

    It only boots up in GUI-Mode, but not in non-gui mode.

    All i can see is that its loading bzroot and then it crashes.

    GUI mode seems to work even if its only appending bzroot-gui. in GUI Mode bzroot does work.


    Any ideas?

  2. Anybody got any ideas?

    Just tried to get my "online usv yunto 1200" to work.

    Autodetect says:

    driver = "nutdrv_qx"
    port = "auto"
    vendorid = "0665"
    productid = "5161"
    product = "USB to Serial"
    vendor = "INNO TECH"
    bus = "001"


    So i switched to manual only mode and put it in ups.conf.

    When I start NUT it says:

    Updating permissions...
    Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller
    Network UPS Tools - Generic Q* USB/Serial driver 0.39 (
    USB communication driver 0.43
    Can't claim USB device 0665:5161 (Resource busy).
    Driver failed to start (exit status=1)



    Whats the problem? i tried different usb2 and 3 ports.








    Nevermind, a simple reboot fixed it.

  3. 1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

    The btrfs errors are warning you of a hardware problem with the cache device, start by replacing/swapping cables.


    good mention, but i forgot to add that this is an m2 (sata) SSD.

    So cable swapping is not possible.

  4. Hi,

    a few days ago my server started spinning up disk AGAIN, just randomly at random time.

    I already killed all vms, all dockers (except a Minecraft Server for friends, which only runs on SSD). Checked all plugins. Nobody is accessing the disk via smb.

    But every few hours one or two disks spin up just to read few bytes.

    why is that?


    I already installed iotop to check what its actually doing but i only see:

    shfs /mnt/user -disks 7 2048000000 -o noatime,big_writes,allow_other -o remember=330

    with about 30kb/s of reading.


    what can i do?


  5. 1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    Please keep in mind that this error is a totally game specific question and should be asked in the game forums.

    Also this is only a warning (even on my 32Thread server with 64GB of RAM and the game on SSD's i get this error) it indicates that the cpu is pushed to hard by the minecraft server try to lower your view distance.

    Also there was a bug in the game i think *link* try a quick google search for: Minecraft server ticks behind

    This is a very cpu intensive game and likes speed over threads (5Ghz better than 12 threads)...


    If you don't get any lag just ignore the warning message, it happens mostly on my server if i go to an undiscovered area where the server must generate the terrain but if it's created and you go again to this area everything works just fine without this message.

    k, thanks.

    just tried switching to papermc because it seems like the worldsave was causing lag in spigot.

  6. Hi!

    When more than 2 players are playing im getting these overload errors:

    [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5736ms or 114 ticks behind


    But, why?

    Im using Spigot 1.14.4 (latest), XMS & XMX are at 4096MBs (and not even fully used, its at 2,3GBs). The Docker can use all of my 4 Core i3-8100 Cores and its nothing more on the server active.

  7. Hi,

    I noticed, that the parity sync gets slower and slower over time, starting with about 180MB/s and ending about.. 120MB/s?

    Why is that? I think its because the outer tracks on a hdd disk are maybe slower and its syncing from the inner to the outer tracks?

    Can somebody explain or is this just my system?



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