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Posts posted by mwoods98

  1. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Because you're using a NetApp enclosure SMART report is pretty much useless, I believe there's a way of getting a correct report manually, but you'll need to search the forum since I never used one of those enclosures.

    I haven't been able to find anything yet on pulling a report from a drive in an enclosure.  I'm still curious as to why this drive is now showing up as unassigned. 

  2. Update:  So I still have Disk 17 being emulated but I went back and I saw this: After re-seating the drive, I noticed a new unassigned drive showed up. It has the 

    SN as the "missing" drive




    I also downloaded the smart diagnostic from this drive. 


    I'm looking for suggestions on what to do from here? I'm not sure if I can mount this drive and replace it or tell it that its drive 17.





  3. 14 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Disk17 dropped offline so there's no SMART, check connection and post new diags after that but most likely disk is fine, disk15 on the other hand appears to be failing, and that could be a problem since you don't have dual parity.

    @JorgeB - You mean check the physical connection correct?.

  4. 10 minutes ago, trurl said:

    And of course there have been drive replacements, mostly just replacing drives with larger drives. Never lost any data, never started from scratch, just OS upgrades, incremental improvements, and some configuration changes.


    Old parts and drives from my main server became my backup server, and other old drives that were still good and large enough became offsite backups.


    Here is my recent rebuild thread if you are interested:


    Thanks for the thread. I'm going to look at it as I had to swap to a 1U Supermicro. My 4U would not boot reliably and I would still like to revisit that one day to try to figure out the issue and maybe build a second server. Sounds like you have been on Unraid for a while. I know there are so many things I'm not doing right with my setup and I'm trying my best to learn. 

  5. 13 hours ago, trurl said:

    Simpler if you don't cache user share writes really. If you write to your server and you are waiting on it to finish then maybe it would be worth it. Most of my writes are scheduled backups and queued downloads, so I am not waiting on them anyway. I actually keep some shares on SSD pool permanently so they can be read faster without spinning up the array. A copy of a subset of my photos that get used as wallpaper or screensavers by other devices on my network. A copy of a subset of my music so it can be played by other devices on my network. These don't need redundancy since they are just copies.


    When we got multiple pools to work with on v6.9, and I had to rebuild my server anyway, I went with a nvme SSD as my "fast" pool for dockers/VMs and those quick access permanently on SSD shares I mentioned. And I have a "cache" pool of 2 SSDs just because I can, torrents and other downloads go there now to get moved to the array later, and it does speed up postprocessing, but I could live without all that and probably wouldn't notice much.


    Just depends on how you want to use your server.


    The main thing is to keep your cache or other pools, and indeed any of your disks, from getting too full, but there are several things to consider and settings to make to get things working well enough that you don't have to pay a lot of attention to it.


    So the caching pool new to 6.9 did interest me but I haven't taken the time to really learn how to set it up properly and how it can best function on my server. When you hard to rebuild, did you have to start from scratch?

  6. 1 hour ago, trurl said:

    You have some free space on cache now. Do you want to use any of that for caching user share writes? If so there are a few more settings you need to make.


    So as I mentioned , I had never set this up but would be willing to do so if this will help me performance wise.

  7. Name                              Container     Writable          Log
    binhex-krusader                     1.92 GB      35.6 MB      23.4 kB
    binhex-plexpass                     1.62 GB       247 MB      4.60 kB
    binhex-lidarr                       1.59 GB       131 MB       130 kB
    RDP-Calibre                         1.49 GB      22.5 MB      32.6 kB
    binhex-delugevpn                    1.35 GB      1.04 MB      52.2 kB
    DiskSpeed                           1.23 GB      5.54 kB      45.1 kB
    binhex-sonarr                       1.04 GB      35.2 MB      31.3 kB
    ApacheGuacamole                     1.01 GB      48.7 MB      22.0 kB
    binhex-radarr                        947 MB       133 MB      35.0 kB
    binhex-sabnzbd                       869 MB      12.4 MB       289 kB
    overseerr                            647 MB      8.92 kB      1.64 MB
    FileBot                              494 MB      28.0 kB      22.5 kB
    swag                                 365 MB      2.07 MB      10.6 kB
    HDDTemp                              339 MB          0 B          0 B
    HandBrake                            324 MB      39.1 kB      1.03 MB
    gaps                                 311 MB        238 B      19.9 kB
    lazylibrarian                        259 MB      16.5 MB      8.78 MB
    mylar                                253 MB      36.6 MB      6.97 kB
    JDownloader2                         227 MB      3.89 MB      36.6 kB
    FileZilla                            221 MB      23.8 kB      20.4 kB
    Grafana                              213 MB          0 B      5.50 kB
    telegraf                             184 MB      41.5 MB      38.5 kB
    Influxdb                             183 MB          0 B       914 kB
    cops                                 170 MB      24.7 MB      4.69 kB
    tautulli                             158 MB      38.7 MB      22.2 kB
    youtube-dl-server                    149 MB       327 kB      1.86 kB
    cadvisor                            69.6 MB          0 B      1.21 kB
    Varken                              56.2 MB      70.7 kB      2.73 MB
    syncthing                           49.8 MB      9.22 kB      8.86 kB
    duckdns                             26.4 MB      9.81 kB      10.2 kB
    Total size                          17.8 GB       831 MB      16.0 MB


    1 hour ago, trurl said:

    On the Docker page, click the Container Size button at the bottom, then post the results.

    Container size as requested

  8. 1 hour ago, trurl said:
    1 hour ago, mwoods98 said:

    Full honesty, I thought that once rebuilding things the cache drive would have been emptied but doing this bit of work now

    Why would your server automatically empty your cache of files you might want for later?

    Excellent point, I just thought things were loaded into cache at boot up time. 

    Currently the cache drive is at 21% utilization. 


    @trurl - I really want to thank you for your help today. I know this is not your job and I just wanted to say thanks for helping me today. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, trurl said:
    4 minutes ago, mwoods98 said:

    The cache drive is still listed as 96% full 

    Have you deleted any of those appdata folders that you no longer need?


    Full honesty, I thought that once rebuilding things the cache drive would have been emptied but doing this bit of work now


  10. 29 minutes ago, trurl said:
    1 hour ago, mwoods98 said:

    Do I need to remove the image that is in the cache?

    You have to delete and recreate it.




    Ok, I have deleted it, and restated the docker services. None show up. Docker says there are no installed containers.

    I have rebooted the server and still don't see any dockers.

    Updated diags posted.





  11. 21 minutes ago, trurl said:
    1 hour ago, mwoods98 said:

    666G    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-emby

    I don't use that, but its size seems ridiculous. I thought emby was a media server. That would normally mean your media is located in some other user shares not living on cache. Have you put your media into its appdata? Does it have DVR capability and you are saving recordings into its appdata?


    Plex appdata seems to large too. Why are you running both emby and plex?

    When I first setup this server, I was trying to decide between Plex and Emby. I did install both. Plex is preferred so I can kill emby and save a bunch of space

    The media is on a different share, its not in appdata

    24 minutes ago, trurl said:
    1 hour ago, mwoods98 said:

    I had to expand the docker size

    1 hour ago, trurl said:

    making it larger won't fix filling it, it will only make it take longer to fill.

    I run 16 dockers and they use about half of the 20G I have given docker.img

    Using the suggestion, I dropped the size of the docker image to 50G. However, the docker service will not start. Do I need to remove the image that is in the cache? that's still 100G and still there.


    25 minutes ago, trurl said:
    1 hour ago, mwoods98 said:

    there are a number of dockers that I tried but removed, (nzbget for example) I thought they had been removed from the system, what would be the best way to remove these ?

    You can delete the appdata folders for any docker you don't need anymore. Of course, nzbget for example, will only give you back 76K.


    Do you understand docker volume mapping?


    I think I do but  I could always have a hole in my knowledge. I'm more than happy to apply suggestions to get this fixed.




  12. Update:


    Ok this is the final result of the command listed above:


    root@Tower:~# du -h -d 1 /mnt/user/appdata
    1.8M    /mnt/user/appdata/DiskSpeed
    132K    /mnt/user/appdata/Dolphin
    3.9M    /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot
    1.1M    /mnt/user/appdata/FileZilla
    4.5M    /mnt/user/appdata/HandBrake
    233M    /mnt/user/appdata/JDownloader2
    332K    /mnt/user/appdata/MediaInfo
    296K    /mnt/user/appdata/RDP-Calibre
    724K    /mnt/user/appdata/beets
    77M     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn
    666G    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-emby
    34G     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-krusader
    602M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-lidarr
    76K     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-nzbget

    74G     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass
    541M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-radarr
    120M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sabnzbd
    1.7G    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-sonarr
    540K    /mnt/user/appdata/cops
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/data
    149M    /mnt/user/appdata/lazylibrarian
    652K    /mnt/user/appdata/lazylibrarian-calibre
    235M    /mnt/user/appdata/mylar
    308M    /mnt/user/appdata/syncthing
    4.6G    /mnt/user/appdata/tautulli
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/tdarr
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/ubuntudata
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/unmanic
    1.2M    /mnt/user/appdata/xteve
    36K     /mnt/user/appdata/xteve_zap
    5.0M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plex
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/macinabox
    13M     /mnt/user/appdata/calibre
    40K     /mnt/user/appdata/filestash
    0       /mnt/user/appdata/airsonic-advanced
    813M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-airsonic
    143M    /mnt/user/appdata/ApacheGuacamole
    3.0M    /mnt/user/appdata/swag
    14G     /mnt/user/appdata/influxdb
    592K    /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf
    12M     /mnt/user/appdata/grafana
    94M     /mnt/user/appdata/Varken
    11M     /mnt/user/appdata/overseerr
    13M     /mnt/user/appdata/gaps
    796G    /mnt/user/appdata

  13. Just now, itimpi said:

    With 666 GB for Emby and 100GB for docker.img file there is not much free space for anything else :(    The 34GB for Krusader also looks rather large.


    I'm not sure why Krusader has such a large size? I use that to sometimes move stuff over internally, is there a way to shrink it down? I also can decrease the docker size. 


    Please note: the command that I ran has not returned - Plex would probably be the biggest resource on here and the terminal has just pause after nzb-get

    Any idea why this would happen?


    Also, there are a number of dockers that I tried but removed, (nzbget for example) I thought they had been removed from the system, what would be the best way to remove these ?


  14. @trurl Thanks for getting back to me/


    To answer the first question, I don't remember what happened but I had an issue where I had to expand the docker size. I really wish I could remember what it was but I expanded the docker image to what it is now. I think I may have gone a bit overboard. 


    Its still reading to  send that info but here is what has posted so far:


    root@Tower:~# du -h -d 1 /mnt/user/appdata
    1.8M    /mnt/user/appdata/DiskSpeed
    132K    /mnt/user/appdata/Dolphin
    3.9M    /mnt/user/appdata/FileBot
    1.1M    /mnt/user/appdata/FileZilla
    4.5M    /mnt/user/appdata/HandBrake
    233M    /mnt/user/appdata/JDownloader2
    332K    /mnt/user/appdata/MediaInfo
    296K    /mnt/user/appdata/RDP-Calibre
    724K    /mnt/user/appdata/beets
    77M     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn
    666G    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-emby
    34G     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-krusader
    602M    /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-lidarr
    76K     /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-nzbget


    I will post the complete list when its done.


  15. Hi, 


    So I checked my server today and I noticed the cache drive was full. Last night it was in the green but this morning its full. I'm not sure what is taking up the majority of the space or why it ballooned over night. I tried manually running mover and nothing has changed. I also don't have anything major being copied to the cache drive. I did check in the domain folder and I saw some old VM's which I removed but still 97% of the space is being taken up.tower-diagnostics-20210831-1049.zip - I have included diags -


    What I want to know is what is taking up all of the space on the cache drive.

  16. 16 minutes ago, mwoods98 said:

    So I have followed the excellent guide on YouTube by Nate Harris. I have also adjusted the graphs to fit my setup but I'm still haven't trouble with a little missing data from some fields.


    I'm still not able to pull System Temps, Fan Speed and System Power. What they are not critical they are nice to haves if possible.


    For system temps 'B' is disabled - I have a feeling that if I get one of these working all 3 will work. 


    Any help is appreciated. 





    Never mind, some how I missed the impi section in the telegraph conf. 

    It's all working good now!


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