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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. While are using the terminal (SSH or console), check the results of this command line: ls -al /boot The reason for this request are these lines in the syslog: Apr 21 14:36:50 Tower kernel: md: could not read superblock from /boot/config/super.dat Apr 21 14:36:50 Tower kernel: md: initializing superblock Apr 21 14:36:50 Tower emhttpd: Unregistered Flash device error (ENOFLASH4) Something is going on with the boot drive... You might want to check to see that it is plugged into a USB2 socket rather than a USB3 socket. (USB3 and the boot drive are occasionally not compatible...)
  2. Try using the address in your browser:
  3. Upload that diagnostics in a NEW post in this thread. Shut the server down. remove the Unraid Flash Drive and you will find the diagnostic ZIP file in the /logs folder/directory. You can shut the server down cleanly by (1) type the following command on terminal powerdown or (2) push the server power switch for about one second.
  4. I took a look at your diagnostics and the syslogs consisted of ~25,000 lines of the same error message! I would recommend that you reboot the server and grab ethe diagnostics as soon as it comes up. Then check to see if /mnt/user is present as a directory. Post the diagnostics file and your observation. If it is there, watch and see if it 'disappears' again and get the diagnostics file asap.
  5. I have read some discussions about using this switch. Just realize what it will do if you decide to use it. If you 'accidentally' (or anything else happens--Hacker, careless user, malware. etc.) delete a file from the source, this switch will delete it from the destination file system. This will make it difficult (or, possibly, impossible) to recover those files. IF you just leave them there on the destination file system, they will be there if you ever need to find them again. The only reason for using the -delete switch is to make sure that both the source and destinations file system are mirrors of each other. If your objective to be able to recover 'missing' files, it may turn out to be counterproductive in some respects! If you are backing up temporary file systems and there is a need to delete them periodically, I would only use that switch on that segment of the file system that those files are in. (I store the complete command line for each of the rsync commands that I use a plain text file and copy-and paste the appropriate command line into GUI terminal window.)
  6. You are well beyond me on using rsync. I did enough research at the time to develop a command line that would work for my simple case. I ran modified versions of it to break up in the job into manageable chucks. (I was moving 19TB of data in that initial move!) Since then I run it manually when I deem necessary. Of course, it only moves those files that are new (or changed) since that initial backup. It does provide a listing of those files in the terminal. I do look at that output to verify that it is doing what I expect, I am not concerned about logging its actions. (rsync is a well tested utility and I don't expect that I would uncover some great hidden bug!) Here is my command line: rsync -avhPX /mnt/remotes/\ Movies/ /mnt/user/BackupMedia/All\ Movies/ And I have attached a file that I put together when I was building the switches that I used. Hope this helps... Rsync--ComonlyUsedSwitches.txt
  7. Not sure about SyncMate as I have never used it. (I have used rsnyc for a few months to keep my Media files in sync and I can tell you it is trouble free. But I only use it to update the back server from the main server with all new files and any file updates done on the Main Server.) That was why I asked where you were running SyncMate from. If it was from the Unraid there should be a support link where you should be able to get your answers. Quick note on rsync. It is a freeware distribution that has been ported for virtually all UNIX/Linux distributions. It is a command line utility in its basic form. It is included as a part of the Unraid installation package. I understand that there are Windows and MacOS ports. It is required that the computers on both ends of the connection have rsync installed.
  8. What are you using to do this transfer. SMB or NFS. With SMB, root is not a valid SMB user on Unraid ! Where is SyncMate running? You have listed the error messages in the above post. Is this how they appear when you see them? (If there is more than one 'paragraph' to each of these error messages, it would be helpful if they appear as you are seeing them.) Try using the code (The </> icon ) message formatting option.
  9. The connection is 'broken' is always broken when the client is shutdown. As I understand, the client and the server do a handshake operation the first time that the client tries to connect to the server. (Note that this first contact could be setting up a 'mapped' Windows drive...) Be sure that you read that post from LimeTech back on 2013 about the login handshaking that goes on. SMB has its roots back in Windows for Workgroups which was introduced back in the early 1990's. At that time, SMB was intended to link together a few computers in small engineering groups who wanted to share data without restrictions among their group. (My first experience using it was with 10 base 2 cards and RG-58 cabling.) It has evolved over the last thirty years into the basic standard networking protocol for the Governments and businesses. And this has resulted in it becoming a prime target for every hacker in the world. So security is now the watchword for SMB. The goal of SMB is now to ensure that only verified authorized users ever gain access to a SMB server. If you as a user don't qualify in even the smallest detail, SMB is going to deny you access.
  10. That PC is only allowed one login/connection to any Server. (That restriction is enforced by the client PC.) That means if that client PC establishes a login to your Unraid server silently, any attempt to login with another set of login credentials will fail! Here is an old post that describes what happens behind the sceans: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/25064-user-share-problem?tab=comments#comment-228392 No. I should be a one time deal to add them and Windows should continue to use them forever. Note that every user on that client has their own environment...
  11. Windows will allow only one connection from a Windows client computer to any server. (As I understand it,this is strictly a Windows policy!) There was a backdoor where you could use the IP-Address of a server and the server's Network name to set up two connections. BUT I have not been able to get that to work for some time. Windows also has recently implemented a policy that guest/anonymous connections to servers are not allowed. Window networking error messages are confusing and often misleading. Many folks try to get around Windows security policies and sometimes, they are successful. But, essentially, they are just hacking Windows security and MS may plug these hacks at any time in the future. I feel that it best to just set things up the way MS wants them to be. Here is a link to a couple of PDF files that will help you do this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110580-security-is-not-a-dirty-word-unraid-windows-10-smb-setup/
  12. Did you set up a Windows credential for your Unraid Share Access user in Windows Credential Manager? (Windows can do some strange things about logging into servers at times. It is often best to force Windows into using the login that you want it to use. Credential Manager can do that. You should reboot the Windows computer after you make the change.)
  13. More to the point-- It is not magic! It a very simple 'grunt' type of operation. When Parity information is used to rebuild a drive, the rebuild operation duplicates the drive on a bit-by-bit operation starting with the first sector on the drive until it finishes with the last sector on the drive. If you think about what is happening, this means that the existing file system area is also rebuilt. So if the Parity information says that the emulated disk had ReiserFS before the parity rebuild started, the new physical disk will have ReiserFS when the parity rebuild operation finishes. Any file system on that physical drive will be overwritten! Also see here: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/what-is-unraid/#parity-protected-array
  14. Just looked at your smb-extra.conf file.... [global] security = USER guest account = nobody public = yes guest ok = yes map to guest = bad user max protocol = SMB2_02 That last line can give you problems as WIN11 has turned off SMBv1 support.
  15. Couple of things to try: First. Try the IPaddress \\ rather than \\Tower Second thing. Make sure that your Windows 11 clients Network type is set to 'Private'. Open Start > Settings > Network & Internet and click here: Third thing. Windows 11 will (normally) not allow a 'Guest' connection to a server. (Even if things worked in the past, those monthly MS updates have been known to make changes to the security settings!) The easiest solution to simply define a "Share Access" user (found under the USERS tab of the GUI). Than on each Windows 11 client use the Credential Manager and setup a 'Windows Credential' to your Unraid server. For more info about SMB, see here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110580-security-is-not-a-dirty-word-unraid-windows-10-smb-setup/
  16. Well, there is this bit of info: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/which-characters-are-acceptable-for-a-computer/fddb4895-4295-47ab-a2b9-7773b329718c It is a bit dated but these old requirements tend to persist forever... I would suggest that you go to the router and reserve an IP address for DHCP to assign to the MAC address of the external syslog server.
  17. Yes! IF you use Secure, this will be the case. But read-only allows files to be copied. And anyone who gains access to your LAN via WiFi also has access. (I have been told in the past, that hacking into a WiFi network is not that difficult...) If you use Private, You can set up a special Share Access user for visitors with a password. You then assign the privileges on each share that you want for your visitors. (Your choices are 'No access', 'Read-only', or 'read-write'.) But, again, read-only does allow for copying of files BUT the big difference is that if you give the Log-in info to a visitor, you probably have more trust in them. Of course, this means that you have to setup the Share Access user on the server and give out the login and password information to your visitors. (BTW, you can have several visitors all using the same 'visitor' share-access user account logged on at the same time. Unraid 'knows' that they are on separate devices and uses that info in processing requests!) IF you want more information about setting up SMB on Windows and Unraid, read the PDF files in the first post of this thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110580-security-is-not-a-dirty-word-unraid-windows-10-smb-setup/
  18. One more quick comment. I, personally, would never use Secure as a Security setting unless I was still using a 2010 era set-top Media player. Either use Public or Private, if you are concerned about privacy and security. You know what you are getting with those two! Secure is a bad mix of the two which can lure one into a false sense of security. One more thing. Use Windows Credential manager to set up a auto login to your server. If you use Private for some of your shares and Public or Secure for others, you can get locked of being able to log onto your server if you access a read-only share. You can easily be logged in as 'Guest'. Windows will prevent you from making a second login to a server with a cryptic error message that provides not a clue as to what is happening!)
  19. I looked at your Diagnostics. I found four shares that were being exported and all were set to 'Secure'. Please look at what the 'Secure' setting says: (This is the SMB settings section of one of my shares and I have turned on the "HELP" for the 'Security:' setting.) Notice that everyone including 'Guests' will have read access to every share on your server! This implies that no one will asked for a password until that user attempts to do a file operation that will result in a write operation on the server! (I know that one can copy a file off the server when that user has read-only privileges. I suspect that one can open a file for editing but it when you attempt to save it back to the server, that is when you will be prompted.)
  20. Be careful, as nomenclature can screw you up when you are comparing speeds. Network speeds are usually given in bits while storage speeds are given in bytes Bits are abbreviated with a b (small letter). Bytes are abbreviated with B (capital letter). (Of course, a byte contains 8 bits.)
  21. I did some experimenting about a year ago and there is this solution: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/137806-creat-a-user-share-containing-a-portion-of-another-user-share It is a way to share a portion of an Unraid share but read the thread carefully as a Symbolic Link is a backdoor into the original share and vice verse. (The only way to prevent the original share from being a backdoor is not to share it at all! Of course, doing this prevents anyone from accessing the other parts of that share unless you set up more symbolic links.)
  22. Notice that this is missing in your screenshot: I am pointing this out only because it is something different that I saw. (I know that often you have to enter same variable in several different locations to get things set up correctly.)
  23. I did a quick read through of your problem and I concur that you probably have a problem that can be fixed by the UMASK variable. Let's start with a link: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/148249-newbie-question-which-app-to-choose/#comment-1330081 Now that you know a bit more about what is going on, you can try to fix it. Go to the Docker in Question. Click on its Icon and pick edit from the 'Dropdown' list. In the 'Update container' at the right end, make sure that the 'ADVANCE VIEW' is selected. On the bottom at that Update container' page, if there is "show more settings", open that up. Now look at a line on the entire page that looks like this: If there is one, make sure that variable is 000 (the number--Zero Zero Zero). If not, you may be able to add it. Again at the bottom of the page, look for this option: Use the screenshot as your template to add/create a 'Container Variable' with the name of UMASK with the variable value being 000 EDIT: Probably a good idea to stop the container before to the editing!
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