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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Interesting observation. I have both Binhex_Preclear and Binhex_Krusader installed. If either one is 'Started', the other one will error out when you attempt to start it with this message: 'Stopping' the first one will allow the other one to start. Apparently, you can not have two running instances of noVNC running at the same time.
  2. It is extremely difficult to measure inrush current required by a HD unless you are using a oscilloscope setup to measure the actual current waveform directly on the +12v buss. It only lasts a few hundred milliseconds. I suggested that you investigate this situation and you are convinced that it is not a problem. By the way, most PS's use electronic overcurrent protection on each buss and the delay before the trip protection activates is measured in milliseconds! And, is the trip point set at 25.1A or 30A? Al interesting things to consider...
  3. I looked up that Power Supply and it has THREE +12v busses of 25 Amperes! I would not be surprised if it was not having problems spinning up all of your hard drives at once!!! You need to research that PS and see exactly what each of those +12v busses is assigned to supply. Plus, the total +12v current rating is 58 amperes.
  4. If as you try to access unsecured unRAID, you get a request to "Enter Network Credentials", try this: Apparently several folks have found that this will work!
  5. There have been a couple of problem areas that LimeTech is addressing to fix before releasing the 6.8-rc series. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/sqlite-db-corruption-testers-needed-r598/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-5428 and https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/67x-very-slow-array-concurrent-performance-r605/page/8/?tab=comments#comment-5448 They were hoping at the time that these problems could be quickly resolved and that a 6.7.3 stable could be released first but they both have proven to be quite difficult to solve. There was a post some place where Tom provided more details on what their initial thinking was but I can't find it at this point.
  6. This version seems to work fine for many people: FWVersion( The better vendors will spell out exactly what you are getting. If you are comfortable with flashing the firmware, it does not matter much what software/firmware is installed. However, you must be aware enough to check and take any appropriate action required.
  7. Yes. The part numbers that @johnnie.black listed were the ones that have the LSI IT-mode software/firmware installed on them at the factory. (Note that LSI has been bought by a couple of different entities since 2014.) I (personally) would be very careful in using that compatibility list as it is not really maintained to see that obsolete information is removed. See this information which is at the beginning of this WIKI:
  8. Another factor would SSD or HD cache drive(s).
  9. You can get LSI cards from many different vendors on E-bay and the cost is quite reasonable-- <$90US. Read the offers carefully and vet the vendors with care as there are some 'bad' actors selling counterfeit cards. I believe that many of the LSI cards that Johnnie listed are discontinued as that should be a clue when someone is selling 'new' ones. If you are uncomfortable with flashing (or crossflashing), some vendors will provide cards with it already done. Be care on E-bay with the LSI Model numbers. Some vendors will list the card model number based on the hardware but the LSI part number also refers to the software/firmware installed on the card and LSI RAID software/firmware versions may not work with Unraid.
  10. I thought about suggesting that but I also saw in the spec sheets for his MB this : I was not sure that an LSI card would be happy with this. Perhaps, you could provide more insight.
  11. The Marvell chip sets have been an issue for quite some time. (For more information, Google Unraid.net Marvell 88SE9230 Chipset ) You can try turning off any virtualization options in the BIOS. This thread gives more details: You should also check the spec's on that power supply. (You may have to physically look for the ratings on the units as I could not find any in the specs.) There are very few folks using 250W supplies with Unraid. The +12V rails are usually the problem. The recommendation for Unraid use is that the PS be the single rail type. (Commonly, the less expensive PS's will be dual rail with the second buss being dedicated to the GPU card.) You also have to be concerned about total power consumption rating. (I have seen a PS rating where, say, a 300 watt supply will have a 24A rating on the +12V busses which only leave 12W for everything else.) You need between 8-to-12 ampere rating on the +12V buss to allow for the peak starting current when all of the drives spin up simultaneously.
  12. Yous should provide the Diagnostics file. Tools >>> Diagnostics You might also give us a rundown on the actual hardware since it is brand new build. Is the PS new or recycled?
  13. Welcome to wild, weird and wonderful of SMB. Solving problems often seems to be more depend on witchcraft than science...
  14. I would imagine that Tom would like to know your answer to this question:
  15. A bit of googling ( rsync --info=progress2 ) found these two links which should give what you need: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/show-progress-during-file-transfer/ and https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/215271/understanding-the-output-of-info-progress2-from-rsync
  16. I am assuming that you are using WIN10. Did you do this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-758464
  17. Multiple users to do what? Unraid only permits a single user with root privileges. You can add multiple users from the USERS tab on the Toolbar. You can add any (or any combination thereof) of these added users to any 'Secure' or 'Private' share with assigned privileges (R/W or Read only) for each user. I can't think of any possible reason that you would have to add a user via smb-extra.conf file. (This requirement would give any large system administrator, with a couple of dozen servers to handle, fits...) EDIT: As a point of information, you can not use root as a user for any SMB share. This is prohibited by smb.conf. (It is a security risk.)
  18. I wish you luck. When you find a solution, would you please write it up and post it in one of the FAQ stickies on this subforum-- General Support. It will probably help some other person in the future.
  19. OH, things just keep getting better and better. Can you see them in the file explorers on the MacBook and Windows? One thing I just notice while ls sorts files alphabetically, CAPS come before small letters. So Files letters data files sort this way Files data files letters EDIT: Be careful with this example. Windows will only find one of those two with the same same base (Files and files). The other one will be invisible. Folks have 'lost' whole groups of files by putting them into a directory on an Unraid system with two directories that differ in name only the first letter being capitalized!
  20. Try this: grep '^group_name_here:' /etc/group This is new ground for me as well as you. As I said, "Google is your friend" and I must admit that I do not not the in-and-outs of exactly how things are handled. I assume that your conclusion is correct but I have no firm proof of that truly being the case. I was never involved with a Windows Server setup that used AD. (I do seem to recall seeing some posts on this forum about folks not having great experiences linking Unraid to it.) I actually retired before 'Windows for Workgroups' was introduced but I did help administer a UNIX server that provided file serving for a number of DOS computers that were connected by means of AT&T StarLan. As I recall, we also had a Laser printer (Do even ask the cost of this device) connected to this network. The entire network was less than twenty devices
  21. Another thought. Did you map these shares to your PC as a drive? Did you rework the WIN10 permissions on this mapped drive? The reason for these questions is simple. You should not have to do anything on the WIN10 end for any additional security on any Secure or Private Unraid SMB share. All of the protection is being provided on the server by the Unraid SMB system. (IF the Unraid SMB did not do this, the file would be exposed to any (say) Linux computer!) The system sharing storing the file must provide all of the file security. Thus if you share one of your local hard drives on your WIN10 system, you will have to lock down the files from that computer. I am not sure quite what the Unraid SMB system is going to do if you are implementing file access restrictions on the WIN10 end, It could cause those ACL extensions to be applied!
  22. Did a bit more research. Did you notice the + sign on the -rw-rw-rw-+ string of permissions for all your files and directories. Apparently that means that there are extended permissions called ACLs. (Google is your friend in these cases.) There is a command--- called getfacl ----- that will list these. So try this command: getfacl /mnt/user0/MWPBDocs/Logo/Computer\ BG.jpg and let's see what it tells us.
  23. Try this command first: chmod 777 /mnt/user0/MWPBDocs/Logo/Computer\ BG.jpg Then check if the other user has access to the file. You can see what this command did with this one (again): ls -al /mnt/user0/MWPBDocs/Logo
  24. Use the Up-arrow key to recall the last command. The arrow keys are very useful in the Terminal window. play with them a bit...
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