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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. OK, open the terminal (it is the >- symbol on the Toolbar). type the following ls -al /mnt/user0 That will get you something like this: total 4 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 75 Sep 8 02:30 ./ drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 180 Aug 6 10:58 ../ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 305 Sep 1 18:20 Backup/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 273 Nov 6 2017 CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup/ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 27 19:01 Media/ These are the Shares on this server. Now pick one of the shares that contains a file that has the problem. I am going to proceed using the Share 'Media'. (Note capitalization is IMPORTANT with Linux!!!) ls -al /mnt/user0/Media This gives an output like so: total 8462508 drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 27 19:01 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 75 Sep 8 02:30 ../ -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 7726504 May 24 2017 100-Magic_Act.mp4 -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 169788268 Mar 2 2013 107D_OutdoorCupboard.mp4 You will, of course, have will to pick a path down to a directory which has a file with the permission problem. When you find one, left click at the beginning of it and 'sweep' the entire line. Now right click on it and copy it. Paste into a reply. Be sure to format it as 'Code' --- the </> symbol on the Toolbar --- as this will keeping everything lined up neatly.
  2. Have you run the Docker Safe New Permissions script (it is part of the Fix Common Problems plugin)? Tools >>> Docker Safe New Permissions Does this fix the problem temporarily? Do you know how to use the Linux (or UNIX) command line? The reason being, it could be problem with the owner/permission settings and it is necessary to find out how the underlying Linux system is handling those. We can walk you through the procedure but it would be easier knowing where you are. (You only need a very slight knowledge to get the information that is needed.) But the amount of instruction necessary from no knowledge to some knowledge is considerable!
  3. I assume that "boom" means it failed to work properly. You might try googling unraid ssl issues and see if you find something there. Part of the problem is that the explanation that Firefox is giving you is in Spanish and many of us do understand Spanish. What I suspect is that something is blocking the DNS redirect to get the proper <long hex string>.unraid.net address which is the address that the security certificate is issued for. If this is your problem, then you (or someone) have to figure out what is going on. As an example, I had the same problem and it was the way my router was configured. You don't have a router problem as your Linux laptop works fine. But it could be something in your antivirus or some other setting on your Windows computer. (The DNS redirection is often considered a security risk and, for that reason, it may be prevented!) Just as a piece of information, you can read about my particular problem and many other router issues in this thread: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61265-what-router-are-you-running/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-637221
  4. Please put all screenshots directly into your message. (You can drop-and-drag picture files into the message into the message body. You may have to convert them to jpeg.) I do not read Spanish(?) and the site where you posted them virtually covers the screen with some agreement that I can't read/understand that I apparently have to accept in order to be able to see the screen capture. I will not do this and probably many other people won't either. Tried with direct IP and vault101.local. Both addresses go to same pages. The exact syntax is very important in trying to figure out what is going on. I am looking for something like this: Bookmark: Bowser URL address for this bookmark: https://ab121XXXXXXXXX5d952000fa0ca836d0b3fa12d6745.unraid.net/Main Since you have a Linux computer that will give you access, you should be comparing its results on the URL with what you are seeing on the WIN10 computer. This can easily some type of block in accessing the DNS redirect to get the address that is registered for the security certificate. By the way, WIN10 has a an enhanced screen capture utility. See here for details: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-snip-sketch-take-screenshots-windows-10-october-2018-update Be sure to read this section entitled "How to enable Print Screen button to use Snip & Sketch" on how to make the 'PrtSc' key a shortcut to the tool. It really makes it super easy!
  5. What is the URL entry that you are using (either the one you type or the URL entry in the shortcut/bookmark) and what appears on the URL address bar where the error message appears? EDIT: If that URL begins with a string of letters and numbers, delete or (cross out) about a third of them.
  6. I did a google on unraid.net " firefox: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER" and got only two hits. You might want to do the same and see if anything in the 'solutions' might help with your problem. (I have never heard of this issue with Unraid before.) If these did not fix the problem, please get a screen capture of the entire Error message and post it up with your next post. Get a screen capture of the output of the command winver (With Win10, you type this in the search box on the bottom toolbar of the desktop.) Did you have your server setup with a certificate to use https? Can you access the GUI from any other device or computer? What antivirus software is installed on your computer?
  7. I am so happy to see that support of password managers is actually coming that I don't care what it looks like!!!! 😁
  8. Here is a good one to start with. It breaks it down to a simple explanation avoiding most of the rigorous supporting theory as to why it will always work. https://igoro.com/archive/how-raid-6-dual-parity-calculation-works/
  9. If worst comes to worst, you do have the option of instead of rebooting, just power down and restart. Of course, this will require direct access to the server rather than a remote reboot...
  10. Try another PCI-e slot on the MB. My guess would be that LSI card is not getting reset when you reboot. If you Google lsi 9220 problems , you will find that it was a solution to a basically same problem as you are having.
  11. I would suspect that one of two things is occurring. (1) You have some type of corruption in one of the files on your flash drive. Shutdown the server, pull it and run chkdsk on it. (2) One of the Dockers (or possibly, a Plugin) is attempting to download a corrupted update file.
  12. For anyone who has never ending problems with SMB and Window 10, If you are using WIN10 PRO (or above), you can use NFS instead of SMB. You will need to be somewhat comfortable in the use of the command line in Windows (called Command Prompt in WIN10). Note that this will require that you mount your NFS share(s) as a mapped drive(s) in Windows. If you want to minimize the number of mapped drives, I would suggest using /mnt/user0 as the mount point. The following article describes the steps that are necessary. https://graspingtech.com/mount-nfs-share-windows-10/ I have not yet tried this but it seems fairly straight forward. Enabling the NFS services will add another command to the Windows shell-- mount which is used to setting up the mapped drive on your Windows computer. Note that in the instructions, it is setting up the anonymous user as root which could be a potential security risk.
  13. Sorry if I might have appeared as 'talking down' but there are so few people here that have even a smattering of Linux knowledge. (I, personally, know and remember just enough to make me really dangerous...) I hope you will consider participating in providing support on the forum. Here is where to file that bug report: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/ Be sure to read what details and information should be included.
  14. It tries to but you have the final say in how things are actually done. If you go to Shares and click on one of the User Shares, you can select the "share SEttings" tab. Now turn on the Help function (Icon on the toolbar) and look for the 'Allocation method:'. The Help will give you a description of the four choices. I believe that 'High Water' is the default. (It tends to spread the files across all on the data disks which means file access speeds are faster --because the outer tracks of the disks are all used before you start using the slower inner tracks-- without spinning up any more disks than necessary.) But if you feel that another method would be better for your situation, you can chose it from the other three choices. The only one that is missing is a random distribution of files among the data disks but who would really want that???
  15. It looks like it is still moving. Of course, the other thing is that you now have valid parity for the data disks. (Everything beyond the 4Tb mark is just for the 'record'.) (If something should happen to one of the other disks, you can rebuild that disk from the parity information that is on the parity disk at this point.) If you are the patient or paranoid type (Take your choice 😈 ), you will let it finish, or you could just shut it down and get on to installing that new LSI card.
  16. I am looking at the screen capture that you provided in the post above. What is surprising to me if that all of the data disks are still spun up when the parity check is 96.8% complete. Looking at the writes, the only disk that has any substantial number of writes is disk5. disk4 appears to have substantially more reads than the equivalent size disk3. I would conclude that something is carrying on some type of disk operations on both disk4 and disk5 and probably while the parity check is running. Plus, by this point the only thing the parity check is doing is verifying that the parity disk can be read... Disk activity during the parity check will cause the check to run more slowly but this seems to be a lot more than would be expected. There are a few other threads floating around (including one bug report) about file speed issues. @905jay, do check and see if you can figure out what is causing those extra reads and writes. I would suspect it is something that is happening in the background as you are only complaining about the speed of the parity check at this point. That is the 'why' for the questions about the mover. The mover was added to Unraid so that it could move the files off of the cache drive in the middle of the night so that it would not affected normal disk access speeds. Most folks have it setup to run once a day or once a week-- not once an hour.
  17. Do you have something like mover scheduled to run overnight?
  18. The real question here is what caused bad.mp4 not to have a Access date info generated when it was created. Do you know what program created/generated this file? It sounds like a 'bug' and should be reported. There is a sub-forum for Unraid to do just that but you need a bit more information first regarding what has to occur to reliably generate it. There is one solution that might be done that could 'fix' this issue is to have both New Permission scripts do a 'touch' as part of their action. However, I can see where this might cause other issues as it would update all of the dates on every file... EDIT: See here for why the time on the access time is as it is: https://www.a2hosting.com/blog/whats-the-deal-with-12-31-1969/
  19. I would assume that you would mean by this to simply boot up using the 'Safe Mode' option in the boot menu. To the OP: This is a test to see if there is a hardware problem or some sort of issue with a plugin or Docker App. If it works in the Safe Mode, the likelihood of a hardware problem is virtually zero.
  20. Thanks Johnnie, I never realized that. So you can't move a data drive (formatted, say, in XFS) from any other Linux computer and use it in an array with the data intact--- correct? But it can be mounted using the Unassigned Devices' plugin and copy the data to the array.
  21. If I remember correctly from my experiences with USB drives (I use compact UBS hard drives for my off-site storage of my irreplaceable data.), Transfer speeds for USB2 is around 30-40MB/s and for USB3 it is closer to 100MB/s. (Of course, the USB3 speeds are also limited by the network speed.) Can your FreeNAS box format a drive using XFS? If it can, you could mount a 10TB drive in that box (removing the cache drive) to copy the files to that drive, then put that drive straight into your Unraid server and assign it as disk1. The other 10TB drive would be assigned as parity. This would require that you start the array using the 'New Config' tool and building parity would be a part of the procedure. EDIT: You would have to boot the server up in Unraid. Assign it as disk1 and format it in XFS. You would then format (if that is possible on the FreeNAS box) and copy the files to that disk. You could then boot to Unraid and assign it disk1.
  22. You should not need 'guest' user. Unraid is setup so that everyone can access any share whose security set to 'Public'. (They will have read-write access.) If you set a share's security to 'Secure', everyone will have read access to the share. If you make the security 'Private, only assigned users will have access will have any access to that share. (When you assign users to shares with 'Secure' and 'Private' settings, you can give them 'read-only' or 'read-write' privileges.) Now for the bad news, virtually always these access problems on the Window end once you have address the general SMB name and auto-login issues. For even more bad news for you, you are a member of a very small number of users running Win8.1. (Most of us are using WIN7 or Win10.) MS has been addressing perceived corporate-level security issues in WIN10 ever since its release. Keeping WIN10 things working has been an ever moving target as these changes often happen via the auto-update path and some folks never realize that they have occurred! Things just stop working... There is a thread for the fixes and workarounds. You can find it here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/ The first posts on the first page or two deal with general SMB issues (Make sure you have address those that might apply to you.) and the balance are deal with the WIN10 problems. How much of the WIN10 updates were ported back to WIN8 is something that I don't know. LANscan 2.01 works on my WIN10 computer. (It finds my two Unraid servers, two WIN10 Computers, two networked printers, and three Ruku boxes!) If it is not listing a computer (hopefully your Unraid server) as the MASTER, you have an issue. (You really, really want your server to be the Local Master in these situations!) Your WIN8 computer and the Unraid server should be in the same workgroup.
  23. have a look at this post and the next several after it: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/25064-user-share-problem/?tab=comments#comment-228392 Have a look at the Credentials Manager (in Control Panel) settings and see if you have any at all. If you do, try deleting them. (Sorry, I have no idea how to get to the Control panel in WIN8...) Windows provides for ways to automate the login procedure and then things happen in the background. Also, you are only allow ONE login to a server for each computer connected to it. So if you get logged in automatically, you usually can't establish a second connection. Another caution, 'root' is also not allowed as a SMB user.
  24. +1 (That would be a bad as those folks who (for what reason) think a new configuration will rebuild a drive!)
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