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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. You can also submit a 'Feature Request' in this sub-forum. It might be time to revisit this feature again. https://forums.unraid.net/forum/53-feature-requests/
  2. There are a lot of us you do not really trust MS, Firefox and Chrome to be our password manager! They already have told us that they snoop into our personal lives and collect as much data about everyone of us as they can accumulate and that they plan on marketing that information. . Perhaps, we are paranoid but with their history and business plan, I would rather err on the paranoid side then truly trusting them with 'protecting' the passwords to my financial and personal life!
  3. If I understand what you are doing, I would suggest this approach. Setup the HD share (Call it --Long_Term) and restrict it to the HD's. Setup the SSD's share (Call --Short_Term) and restrict it to the SSD's. By using the shell script, you can easily tailor it to copy from the Short_Term share to the Long_Term share. You just have to determine at what age, you want to make the move from one to the other to minimize having to go the long term storage side of things for work-in-progress files.
  4. This can probably be done via a BASH shell script that you would have to write. To learn how, try googling something like how to write a BASH script that your script would copy 'aged' files to the other 'side'. By the way, It is my impression that using SDD's as array drives can be a long term performance issue as you can't run the TRIM operation on them. In any case, you could setup your 2-2TB SSD cache drives as a cache pool with data protection. Of course, you would only have 2TB of cache storage in that case. But it would give you the speed you are looking for along with data protection.
  5. You are missing the point! HE was looking for this screen:
  6. Try this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/ Edit any parametrer and wait after you click on the 'Apply' button.
  7. You could make up a BASH shell script to do steps 1,3, and 4. If you wrote with full path names, you could even skip step 1. And I would bet that you could also add another line to start utt...
  8. Sounds good. Please provide some basic instructions on how to run the test(s) and how to interpret and use them! It is probably obvious to those who have assisted you in the development of this tool but the rest of us could use some guidance!
  9. Here is a link to a section of the documentation that may be of some help: http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html
  10. Since you have an ssh connection, be sure to grab a Diagnostics file from the command line before you do any playing around with attempting to restart the GUI. you can do this by typing diagnostics on the command line. I thought I remember that it was supposed to be restartable when they shifted to nginx but I could not find any directions on how to do it. I believe you can reboot the server with the command reboot IF you want to do a bit of playing around from the command line with trying to restart nginx, I would suggest googling man nginx to get the command line parameters.
  11. What are you saying here??? Windows does not support NFS, only SMB! (Are you a native English speaking person? Reading your posts, I have reasons to suspect you are not.) You did hijack the thread. (Of course, you were not the only one in this case.) Apparently, you are the only one left who still has the issue. This should indicate to you that the problem is in your setup external to the Unraid server. It can be an interaction between that setup and the Unraid server. That is what people are trying to help you figure out and resolve. With Windows 10, this is a difficult problem as Microsoft is constantly updating Windows 10 to address security issues-- often without the user being aware that it has even happened! Here are some questions for you. 1-- Do you have any Users assigned on your Unraid server? (This is besides root.) 2-- Have you changed the security of any of your shares on your server from Public to either Secure or Private? 3-- Do you have your Windows 10 computer setup to automatically log into any other computer on your local network?
  12. Have you tried Googling the problem? You are most interested in finding a way to get the server to boot with both cards in it.
  13. Off the wall suggestion. Have you checked out to see if a BIOS upgrade might solve this problem?
  14. You are running 6.7.2 which has a new feature for use in cases like this called "Syslog Server". To use it go to Settings >> Syslog Server and Enable 'Mirror syslog to flash:'. (The 'Help' feature in the GUI will provide you with more information.) That file may provide more information to the real Gurus. Did you do any hardware upgrades just before this all started? Any other system configuration or modifications?
  15. Please describe in detail exactly what the circumstances are that involved in your unclean shutdowns. (Server 'crashing', normal attempt to shutdown the server, etc.)
  16. Thank you so very much. There are so many of us who have been PATIENTLY 😉 waiting for this enhancement to arrive!
  17. https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Changing_The_Flash_Device and https://unraid.net/download You can backup your Flash Drive by going to Main >>> Boot Device and click on "Flash" under the 'DEVICE' column. Now click on the "FLASH BACKUP" button under the Flash Device Settings section/tab.
  18. I would be doing a bit of research on the Internet and reading of the MB manual to see if I could some direction as to which module it might be.
  19. And I believe there is usually a screw to secure it. Be sure to look for the screw..
  20. Whatever you do, don't do any formatting of any disk!
  21. IF you are using older Hardware, you should read this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/49598-unraid-server-release-620-rc4-available/#comment-487759 Dual parity is a very complicated mathematical bit of matrix algebra and requires a lot of CPU horsepower if it has be done by brute force. But there were some special CPU instructions added to the CPU to do this calculation which reduces the number of CPU cycles required. (Intel and AMD realized that these functions were needed if they wanted to supply the CPU's for the big server farms most of which are apparently using dual parity.)
  22. Apparently, it went missing about here: Jul 20 15:52:05 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 994 QID 14 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:07 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 491 QID 5 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 465 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 466 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 467 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 468 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 469 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:13 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 470 QID 4 timeout, aborting Jul 20 15:52:35 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 994 QID 14 timeout, reset controller Jul 20 15:53:06 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: I/O 27 QID 0 timeout, reset controller Jul 20 15:54:10 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: Device not ready; aborting reset Jul 20 15:54:10 Tower kernel: nvme nvme0: Abort status: 0x7 It does not show up in the SMART reports in the Diagnostics file. Meaning that it is missing in action. By the way, that Internet speed test is spamming your syslog. It would probably be well to turn it off until this issue is resolved. I am not an expert on exactly how to proceed at this point but I would be tempted to reboot the server and see if it comes back online. (You might want to wait for a few hours and see if anyone else has seen anything...) If it does, at that point, get a new diagnostics file for a new post and that may contain some information about the state of the drive.
  23. Working the principlal of trying all the possible combination of things, have you tried entering the port number here? EDIT: have you google to verify what port your Synology box is using for this service?
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