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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. I seem to recall that some of the other boot problems with 6.7.0 have been fixed by using Limetech USB Flash utility to install the software on the Flash drive and that fixed this problem. BUT before you do this, make a backup of the current flash drive (You can do this clicking on the 'Flash' under the Boot Device on the Main tab and then clicking on the 'Flash backup' button) so that you have a copy of the config directory/folder which you can then copy over the default config directory after the utility does its thing. The utility can be found here: https://unraid.net/download
  2. If you are truly concerned about data corruption you should have a MB with ECC memory installed. Many of us feel that most 'Bit-rot' problems are actually memory issues (ex., bit-flipping due cosmic radiation, static discharge, or power surges) as modern hard drives are designed to have detect and correct any disk errors as they occur on-the-fly. If the HD can not correct the issue, it reports a read error.)
  3. Try googling unraid dell r520 as Google does a much, much better job of searching this forum than the forum's search engine. (While I could post up a couple of links, you should more quickly find what you are looking for if you searched the result yourself. )
  4. Open up the shares in Windows using File Explorer and see if the 'missing' files are there. It is my understanding that excluding a share from a disk only prevents writing new files to that disk. Existing files can still be read. What could be happening is that Plex is attempting to access those files in a read-write mode and that might not be allowed. EDIT: you might want to read through this thread:
  5. I think what step 17 is referring to double check/verify that you have requested the format changes to the proper disks on the setup screen BEFORE you click 'Apply'. Because if you didn't, you will lose all of the data on an 'innocent' drive as soon as it starts the format procedure. As I recall, this is a point at which it is actually quite easy to make a mistake. That was why I had a table prepared with what the settings were to be on each step and I checked-off each step as I did it!
  6. If I remember you are using an older XEON CPU. It has eight cores. That is why it is a reasonably powerful processor even today but you have to realize that each of those cores has only one eighth of the total capability of the whole. You have probably dedicated several of them to the VM. I am not sure quite how LimeTech has implemented the parity2 calculation. Does it only run in one core or can it be spread across two or more cores?
  7. A quick look at your Diagnostics file showed that you're using an older processor and you have dual parity. The parity2 calculation is a complex matrix arithmetic operation which requires a lot of cPU cycles to complete UNLESS your CPU has the AVX2 extensions. See here for more details:
  8. There are some LAN speed testing programs out there. I have used one of them is the distant past. ( LAN speed test on Google will find them for you. I believe I used the one from TutoSoft.) You will want to bypass using your cache drive by setting up a special "test" share that does not use cache as a part of your testing. Make sure that you generate a very large file (>10GB) when you test as you don't want to be measuring the transfer speed to and from the RAM buffer. Speaking from a personal experience, finding the solution to these types of problems is a tough nut to crack. In my case, I found out that I was using an outdated RealTek NIC MB driver on a Win7 computer. Updating the driver with the latest driver release from the MB manufacturer fixed the problem.
  9. This is not the reason you should be disabling them. You have to assess whether you might be a target for what is turning out to be a very difficult to implement attack. Plus, after it has been installed on your computer, the data recovered will have to analyzed to find something of value from a massive amount of data. In fact, it may have to uploaded to an outside recipient client to do this analysis. Another thing you have to consider is how the software is going to be even installed on your server. Many of us are running pure servers and access to the outside world is updating Unraid, its plugins and Docker apps. The folks running VM's have a bit more exposure from two standpoints. First, a VM may be exposed to a much broader range of Internet content and some of that content will have a higher risk factor for getting a potential malware 'dose'! Second, the things being done on that VM may well have a higher financial worth than the mundane day-to-day data transfers of a server. Plus, I suspect that majority of these data transfers would not even be accessible via these attacks. Plus, from what I have surmised, these attacks will most likely come from three-letter government agencies (both foreign and domestic) due the cost of developing the software and analysing the recovered data. You have to ask yourself, am I (or my company/organization) likely to be a target of such an agency?
  10. Yes, everything is on the Flash Drive. IF you want a quick way to make a backup, got Main >>>> Boot Device Click on "Flash" under the Device column, then Flash Device Settings and click on the 'Flash Backup' button.
  11. You should probably post this up in the Support thread for DevPack, also, if it is not already an known issue.
  12. Same result. I know this must be frustrating for you... EDIT: Perhaps the link has changed with the new permission.
  13. I do know that RealTek NIC had problems with stalling in a earlier version of Unraid (back in 2015) when coupled with low power CPU's streaming 1080p content. (Case in point was a AMD Sempron 140.) This was a straight stream of a BluRay iso files to a dedicated settop box which mounted and played the iso. LimeTech and I worked together on the issue and we definitely determined that it was the RealTek NIC driver that was bundled with Linux at the time. (Apparently, RealTek is a really barebone operation and Linux is the ugly step-child...) My solution at the time was the Intel network card which fixed the problem. @gacpac, I don't think that LimeTech is going to include the USB driver in Unraid. You can make a feature request as there is a forum sub-section (Three boxes below this General Support sub-forum) to do this. However, you have found that (apparently) Unraid is a solution that you can use. If cost is a concern, look for a used 4-8 year old computer and use that for your Unraid server. (You will soon not be happy with an single e-sata connection to your array HD's...) My two setups (detailed in my signature) have a MB, CPU, memory cost in the $250-300 range and will be a more than adequate solution (probably even PLEX-transcoding a single 4K stream) unless you want to run a VM. A case and PS could easily be less than $150.
  14. Current recomendation is to use LSI cards. The ones you should be looking for are listed here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/69018-sata-controller-replacement-question-and-advice/?tab=comments#comment-630097 You can find most of these for less than $100US on E-bay. The used cards (particularly, HP and Dell OEM) are prized as the are generally genuine LSI parts. But they must be crossflashed with the LSI firmware to be in the 'IT Mode'. New LSI cards can be counterfeit and the seller must be carefully vetted to determine if they are selling genuine LSI cards. (Cheaper is not the way to go if you want to avoid getting a counterfeit card. The Real Deal is going to cost a bit more...)
  15. I am no expert on Plex but it is a CPU hog. The rule of thumb is that you need 2000 Passmarks of CPU power to transcode a 1080 video stream! I cannot imagine what the Passmark requirement is to do a 4K video stream. One thing I cannot figure out from your post is the exact setup that you have. (1) Are you running a Plex Docker on the Unraid server to do the transcoding or (2) do you have a Unraid server that is passing a raw 4K data stream to another computer which is the Plex server? One major problem with most laptops is that the thermodynamic designs are terrible and most of them can quickly overheat under high CPU loads and reduce the CPU frequency to control the temperature.
  16. There are single port Intel NIC cards available starting as a modest cost and going up as the number of ports increase. There are many folks with Unraid servers who have installed them to get around onboard (often RealTek) Nic chips. See here for an one of those entry level cards: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-PRO-1000-Server-Adapter/dp/B000BMVM6S/ref=sr_1_14?crid=2MY6EN2HA3GQZ&keywords=intel+nic+card&qid=1559246356&s=gateway&sprefix=Intel+NIC%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-14 You can find a lot more cards on Amazon by searching for Intel NIC cards
  17. Another thread about Win10 access issues:
  18. We have no idea what your similar situation is! You will have to provide much more information about your problem. Please, before you respond, read this thread backwards and see if any of the solutions will fix your problem.
  19. It is in the config directory/folder. Before you modify it in any way, I would suggest that you do two things. First, make a backup copy of your entire flash drive. You can do this from the Main page. Click on Flash under the Device column. Under the 'Flash Device Settings', you will find the backup button. Second, make a copy of the network,cfg file in its folder. That will make it easy to recover if you need to revert back to your original configuration.
  20. Do a bit of research on the BIOS updates for your MB. I had a look at your Diagnostics file and it looks like you have might one of the early Ryzen systems. As I recall, there were a lot of issues with them. I seem to recall that AMD actually replaced some CPU's that were having issues with Linux. Google is your friend in doing these types of searches.
  21. That makes sense. I never thought about the fact that those services don't really start until fairly late in the boot cycle. So I further gather from this comment that it is sticky across reboots. That is great as it will allow checking times and other details without have to look at two seperate files. Hopefully, this will turn out to be a really useful tool to troubleshoot the type of problem that this OP is experiencing.
  22. The reason, I am hesitant about recommending using the Flash drive is because of the wear-and-tear on the flash drive. (I would not worried about my flash drive but having other folks do it is a bit of a concern...) But I have a question about how this logging function works. Is there a problem with looping back to the same server? Another way to ask the same question: Can I save the syslog to an share on the server that the syslog is for? Second question: Is it 'sticky' through a reboot? That is, if it is running when the server is rebooted (deliberate or otherwise), will the syslog server be running and logging as the server is starting up?
  23. OK, you are running 6.7.0. The version contains a new troubleshooting tool. This is an (slightly) edited tip from the Tip and Tweaks plugin... "There is a very cool feature in Unraid 6.7 that can be used to capture your logs and help in troubleshooting a situation where your server locks up or becomes unresponsive. Go to Settings -> Syslog Server and enable the Syslog Server. Put the IP address of your server in the 'Remote syslog server' field. This will log all your server log entries to the Syslog Server and save the log to an array share. After a reboot from a lockup or hung server, you can view the saved log using the Syslog viewer." ('Help' will provide you with some tips on how to get this setup if you still have questions.) Hopefully, this new tool will capture things that the old 'Troubleshooting mode' in the Fix Common Problems plugin would miss.
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