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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. I am one who was HOPING to find a proper login page included in this release. Is it scheduled at all? When?
  2. I am another one who was hoping this feature would make it into 6.7.
  3. Hard to tell. The WD Red is still in production so new production drives are available. But it still could be a refab. But you still have the remainder of the Red's warranty (I think the Red has a three year warranty...) and there are many things that can could wrong that would require the replacement of (let's say) the controller board or some other part. I am also certain that the drive will be subject to a test regiment that is at least as rigorous (and probably more so) than the original factory tests. I have the feeling that they will simply scrap any drive that they feel will not be as reliable as a new drive. (The last thing they want is for a customer to get a second drive that gives problems. That type of event is positively certain to result in a scathing review on numerous sites!)
  4. Since no one has taken the time to reply about the state of this drive, let me give you my thoughts. I would never add a drive to a array which had any Attributes numbered 187, 188, 197 or 198 that were not zero. I would not add a drive to an array whose Attribute number 5 was not zero UNLESS that drive had been through THREE preclear cycles with increasing! Attribute number 199 is the one Unraid 'flagged' attribute which is usually not related to a potential drive failure. It is usually a cabling or (rarely) controller issue. In your case, another complete preclear cycle should clear up the two #197 errors but that should also result in a corresponding increase in the Reallocated Sector Count (#5). (I, personally, would then run another two preclear cycles to make sure that everything was now staple!) The reason for my caution is that replacement of a failed array drive always has the potential to cause data loss. Rebuilding a failed drive requires (in a single parity setup) that every sector on every other drive in the array must be able to read perfectly. If only one sector on any drive cannot be read during the rebuild then the rebuild will fail. For this reason, I never want to deliberately put any drive into any array that I have the least question about its initial reliability! I would RMA this drive if possible. (My past experience is that HD manufacturers don't argue about warranty claims. They have always shipped the replacement to me on the day they receive the old one! After all, ripping out a drive out of most computers for warranty replacement is really big hassle and every few people do it on a whim!)
  5. @moose, found another problem with WIN10 access (security policies block unauthenticated guest access) and its solution. You can read his solution here:
  6. If I read your post correctly, the owner and group is root This is probably the source of your problem. This is the output of the smbstatus command on my server. root@Rose:~# smbstatus Samba version 4.8.7 PID Username Group Machine Protocol Version Encryption Signing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10960 nobody users (ipv4: SMB2_10 - - Service pid Machine Connected at Encryption Signing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPC$ 10960 Tue Jan 15 09:16:04 PM 2019 EST - - Backup 10960 Tue Jan 15 09:16:07 PM 2019 EST - - Locked files: Pid Uid DenyMode Access R/W Oplock SharePath Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10960 99 DENY_NONE 0x100081 RDONLY NONE /mnt/user/Backup Albums&Pictures Tue Jan 15 21:16:10 2019 10960 99 DENY_NONE 0x100081 RDONLY NONE /mnt/user/Backup . Tue Jan 15 21:16:07 2019 Note that the owner is nobody and the Group is users. These are the normal default owner and group for Unraid. Deviating from that generally causes problems. Furthermore, there is this line in the smb.conf file: invalid users = root I would think that this would prevent any files owned by root from being shared! (The reason for this is to prevent access to system files via smb!) Now, as to how to fix the problem. Go to Tools >>> Docker Safe New Permissions (This utility is a part of the Fix Common Problems plugin.) You can use the Tools >>> New Permissions utility BUT you have to exclude, at least, the appdata share!!! If you have a VM as a part of your server setup, I am not sure if there are any shares that would have to be excluded as I don't have a VM on either of my servers. (The reason that my files are 'Locked' is for security. In fact, there is only read access to any of my Samba shares for protection against Ransomware. The 'normal default Unraid setup has no locked files, and anyone and any process can modify them with a file operation via Samba. You do not have to change the owner from nobody to control access to directories and files via Samba. If you set the SMB Security Settings for a share to Secure or Private, you will be able to assign 'users' with permissions for various different access rights for that share.)
  7. In the GUI, under the Shares tab, the shares which are being exported are shown under the protocol (SMB,NFS,AFP) with the security status. If the share is not being exported using that protocol, it has a - (dash) as a location holder.
  8. When I was talking about exported shares, I meant a 'User Share' actually has to be set up to be exported via SMB, NFS and/or AFP. First, you turn on the Protocol under the Settings tab. Then you have to chose which shares you are going to actually export (make available) using those protocols under the Share tab for each of your User Shares. You click on the Share 'name' in the "Name" column to get to these settings. Did you see this in your syslog: Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower emhttpd: Starting services... Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower emhttpd: shcmd (2685): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba start Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower root: Starting Samba: /usr/sbin/nmbd -D Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower root: /usr/sbin/smbd -D Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower root: /usr/sbin/winbindd -D Jan 9 13:50:03 DeerhillTower emhttpd: shcmd (2685): exit status: 1 An exit status of 1 usually means a failure for most Linux processes! I looked at my syslog and did not have this last line.
  9. Check to see that you are exporting the shares with SMB. If you are, attach your Diagnostics report with your next post. Tools >>> Diagnostics
  10. Are you using a 'Work network' setup? About six months ago MS turned off network discovery for the 'Work' type of networking setup. You can get around this by using the 'HomeGroup' setting instead. Beyond that you can use the IP address of the server to access your server. When I first encountered this I manually used the IP addresses of the server to open up each server path I wanted in Windows Explorer. I then dragged that address from Windows Explorer and created a shortcut to it on my Desktop. If you need several such shortcuts, you can create a folder on the Desktop and name it something like "Network View" and drag those shortcuts into it.
  11. OK. I did a bit of playing and I did get the http://Server_Name/Main to work. The server does have a fixed IP address and the router's (Ubiquiti ER-X) Static mapping table has the Server_name as a part of the Static Mapping Information. This would make it available for the router to be able to resolve that IP address from the host name. Using https://Server_Name/Main does result in a security warning violation. Does this help...
  12. Most folks very, very very seldom have a sync error. These seem to occur mostly after unclean shutdowns --- usually caused by power outages on servers without UPS's or bad (old) batteries in those UPS's. The second cause is actually Bad Memory. Any Memory test should last, at least, 24 hours. The more memory, the longer the test should be. (You are going to get more tests on each byte of Memory in 4GB server than 64GB server in a fixed time period!) ECC memory is used by some folks but the MB has to support it and most consumer MB's don't. Server type MB's usually do. However, in my opinion, ECC memory will do more to protect against 'bitrot' than sync errors. By the way, I seem to recall that some folks have had issues the Marvell SATA chip sets producing random errors. The usual solution for these folks was to replace those ports with one based on LSI chip sets.
  13. Let me make a suggestion. 1-- Create a new Bookmark in your browser. (You will probably have to open the Bookmarks manger to do this.) 2-- Name the Bookmark with the name of your Server. Now in the URL box, enter the IP address of you server followed by /Main ( 192.168.XXX.X/Main ). Now save the Bookmark. (You can also use 192.168.XXX.X/Dashboard to open up on the Dashboard page rather than the Main page.) 3-- Drag this new Bookmark in the spot when you want it in the Bookmark hierarchy.
  14. Are we talking about the GUI? And what are you using to access the server (PC, Smartphone, etc., which program or App)?
  15. I had a quick look at what I thought were your array drives. They all looked fine. What are you using as a SATA expansion card? That would be my next suspect. It might be bad or there are some boards with Marvell chip sets that seem to have problems when used on Unraid systems. The parity check can really stress expansion cards during a parity check since all of the drives are running full bore and the time required to complete the check is quite long with 8TB drives. Cheap cards can also have an undersized heat sink... By the way, the cache drive problem has nothing to do with the parity sync errors.
  16. I would suggest that you stop the array, wait two minutes and restart the array. Then get a Diagnostics File as soon as the array has restarted and the parity check is running. Tools >>> Diagnostics This should be all be done in less than fifteen minutes. (This will make it easy to find the time period when you did all of this in the log files.) We need the complete Diagnostics file and not just the log files!
  17. Look here and see if this is your solution: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/71764-support-binhex-krusader/?page=4
  18. Make sure that you are not being bitten by one of these bugs/features/limitations: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/25064-user-share-problem/?tab=comments#comment-228392 Make sure you read not only this post but the following posts as they cover a lot of possible causes of intermittent SMB issues.
  19. When I did the conversion, I used a console monitor and keyboard. (You can turn the monitor off and it does not effect the session.) I don't why you are using the Safe Mode. But I can tell you that if you have any type of interruption of the connection to PuTTY, it will terminate the session! That is why folks use screen or the console mode.
  20. look here: http://wiki.yobi.be/wiki/Screen_Tips It might be a bit old but I doubt if screen has changed much over the years.
  21. If it were I, I would do it! Reiserfs is a dead file system (Its developer is in a US prison serving a life sentence for murdering his wife) and there has been little work done on it in close to ten years. It seems to have problems with larger capacity disks and it appears that you are moving in that direction with an 8TB parity drive. Do it now, as the time involved will be much shorter than waiting until you have some 8TB data drives!
  22. You had best not try this unless you understand how Unraid uses parity. Accessing the drives can cause parity to become invalid!!!!!!!!! Now, as to your real question, yes, the PC should be able to mount and access the drives in the housing via its USB port if your PC supports reading--and-writing of the format that the drives are using-- reiserfs, XFS or btfrs.
  23. Does this mean that those of us who were on @Alex R. Berg's fork of of the Preclear plugin will end up back on this version or will we have to uninstall and reinstall?
  24. I can only assume that you got those files off of the flash drive. If they are there, they indicate a problem has occurred in the file system sometime in the past. I looked again at the Google drive uploads and things look good there. You may be wondering why we are concerned about the health of your flash drive. It be cause of that Error message about your Flash Drive not being Read/Write. That fact will prevent you from updating or installing any Apps. That is why I suggested that you open the new thread. MAC's do have a disk checking routine. I don't know how to access it but someone here will if that is an issue. By the way, posting up those files on Google Drive can potentially reveal a lot of information that is stripped out in the requested Diagnostics file because of security concerns.
  25. I had a look at one of the files (FSCK0000.REC) that you uploaded and your boot drive has file corruption in the File table area. The contents of that File were actually the content of /config/ident.cfg in standard boot file system. This file was apparently generated by the Linux disk checking utility. I would suggest that you get screen printouts of EVERY setup and assignment page on the Unraid GUI if you don't have a backup of your flash drive. In any case make absolutely sure that you get one of the Main tab of the GUI!!!! EDIT: I would also like to suggest that you open up a new thread in the General Support area of the Forum as solving this problem could get messy in this thread if anyone jumps in with Problem that is actually Preclear Plugin problem.
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