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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Post up your Diagnostics file Tools >>> Diagnostics
  2. I agree with you, feature creep has always been a problem-- particularly with plugins. (I am not as familiar with Dockers.) That is why I made my suggestion with the 'rolled eyes' emoji. While it might be 'nice' to have VLC as a viewer in Krusader, it is not really that necessary (at least, for me). (I can always use Windows Explorer to do that type of browsing but from a different platform.) After VLC, there would be a request for a compressed file manager, then a viewer for PDF files, an editor for configuration files, ect...
  3. Since no one else has jumped in, let me give you a couple of thoughts. First, if you search in the APPS plugin for Unraid, you will find that there is a CUPS container. I had a look at the support thread (last few pages) and seems to be a project in slow motion. You could try that one as you could get some support if you have problems. Second thought, running a printer server today is practically obsolete! That is why there isn't much interest in a CUPS environment for Unraid! Networks printers are so much easier to deploy and use. And you really have to scrape the bottom of the price barrel is even find one without WiFi or Ethernet support. (I, personally, use a wired connection for all my printers as they are almost foolproof to deploy and use with very few networking issues.) I believe that all recent releases of all OS's have an easy setup to print directly to a networked printer. I know for Windows that every networked printer I have installed, the printer driver will actually search and find the printers that it supports.
  4. If it seems worth while and it is a good addition, perhaps @binhex might consider adding it. Of course, the next request might be for the VLC media player...
  5. There is a fork in this plugin and that fork is the one being supported in this thread. See here for the way to get on this fork!
  6. Did you check the owner and group? It should be nobody and users While the New Permission script was developed at the time when version 6 was introduced, its use is often required when a misconfigured Docker or VM writes files with the wrong owner and group and, occasionally, permissions. New Permissions can be used but it has been known to change permissions in the configuration shares that are connected with Dockers and VM's. You can use it if you take the time to figure out which shares you need to run it on. (By the way, just running it on those shares would not hurt anything but I suspect in your case (with 50TB of data), it will take a few hours to finish but much less time than a copy-and-paste operation.
  7. When I first read your post, I assumed that you copying the file from the server to your Windows computer. Now, after reading your next post, I am not so sure. How are making this copy that will play and where is it at physically? Now thing you can try is to run the the Docker Safe New Permissions utility. ( Tools >>> Docker Safe New Permissions ) That utility is installed by the Fix Common Problems plugin (as I recall). Using Krusader might have messed the permissions on the files which will might be giving you problems.
  8. That did the trick. For anyone else who wants to do this the cache_dirs file is actually in this directory: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/script The commands using the built-in Terminal popup to make the permission change are : cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts chmod 777 cache_dirs EDIT: IF you reboot your computer you will have to make these changes again as you are making the change to the file in on the RAM disk that Unraid uses to install the OS on.
  9. Make sure that your Network adapter drivers on the Windows machine are up-to-date. I had this same problem with high bit rate video files and VLC a year or two ago. I about went nuts before I finally decided to update the drivers. That fixed my problem!!! (By the way, I would download them from either the MB or computer manufacturer rather using any driver via MS update.)
  10. As I said the version of the script is 2.2.0d and I used the files that you pointed to. I turned on the 'Include user share (/mnt/user) in scan:' and it seems to work as of last night and a quick test shows it is still working this morning. I also added back the caching of only the user shares that I normally would access with the 'Included folders' option. I also see the arberg update on "Plugin" tab of this server (my main Media server) that but not on the other server (my Testbed server) which is currently on the 'standard' release path. Strange... Not sure what is going on there. With things working at this time, I am not going to disturb (by 'updating') my Media server (WAF type) at this time. I will wait for the dust to settle a bit... I usually do most of my testing on the Testbed server but the issues with cache directories were so bad on the Media server that I had to do something/anything to resolve them!
  11. So what is the version number that you are running? @Alex R. Berg says that he has a version 2.2.1 available (I assume that is the version number of the script that does that actual work!) and I followed @Fireball3's directions to install that version in my post and I currently have 2.2.0d installed. (Applicable quotes in my post that you quoted me from for both of these posts.)
  12. @Alex R. Berg, @Fireball3, I have cache_dirs version: 2.2.0d shown as running. There appears to be some discrepancy between the version that I have and what @Alex R. Berg indicated I should have. I followed the instructions in @Fireball3's post. Is this the current version?
  13. The observation that I made here might shed some additional light on what is going with the Dynamix ch ache folders plugin. Not sure how this observation fits into the larger picture of what is happening with the script but thought it might provide some useful information...
  14. Does it work at all for many websites? Does it work with Unraid? (Inquiring minds always need to know!)
  15. I know that the disk spinup activity is being caused by Windows Explorer trying to open up a subdirectory. (ex. "S" on the Media -> All Movies -> S ). I have a 2560X1600 monitor and I have see both the Main Tab (using Chrome) and the Windows Explorer screens at the same time. When the green bar of Windows Explorer was running left to right, the data disks would spin up one by one. As soon as all six disks were spun up, the file list would appear in the Windows Explorer pane. I implemented your suggestion that I cache all of the Shares instead of just Media. Then I wrote the first paragraph above. While writing, I wanted to verify the Windows Explorer response and started doing my testing sequence again. This time everything seems to be working fine. The subdirectories all appear to be cached. However, Data Disks 1, 4, 5, and 6 had spun up and there were reads made on those disks. (Before starting the cache Directory plugin, I made a printout of the Main tab.) I then spun the data disks down. I checked some of the other shares (besides Media) and they appear to be cached to the for the first three levels (that's the Depth Level I have set) and going beyond that point requires a wait time for the data disk(s) involved to spin up. So it appears (from my testing at this juncture) that you have to cache all Shares for Cache Directories to work as well as manually starting it. By the way, previously I had 'excluded' all of the other directories and that did not work either. (I had figured out that I should try the 'Include' as opposed to the 'Exclude' much, much earlier in my attempt to solve this.
  16. 😂!!! I had to make my previous comment because I would bet 40% of the current Unraid users have heard of Netscape Navigator.
  17. You forgot the BIG laughing Emoji!
  18. Before doing that I checked and the following packages in Nerdpack were installed: Lbzip perl screen untempter The last three packages were 'On'. I then rebooted the server. I checked on Folder Caching and found that while it was 'Enable', the Status was 'Stopped'. I cycled 'Folder Caching Enable' and the status changed to 'Running'. (The 'Max level depth:' is set to 4) I then waited for the data drives to spin down (Delay set to 45 minutes). At approximately 57 minutes of uptime, the disks were spun down. I then started up Window Explorer and opened up the server. I went down the following path: Media >>>> All Movies >>>> S (all are directories and the folder S contains 173 files.) The response for Media and All Movies was instantaneous. When I got the directory 'S', the green bar started running from left to right. I went back to Chrome and looked at the 'Main page' for the server. I could watch as all six data disk spun up. When the sixth spun up, the file listing now appeared. My conclusion is that the cache folders may be running but it isn't doing anything. Diagnostic file is attached. elsie1-diagnostics-20181026-2252.zip EDIT: I have done some further testing. I now really suspect that the cache directory plugin has some serious issues with the latest releases. First, many folks are finding that it does not start 'running' automatically. Second, (in my case), even after it is cycled and the the status says it is running, it does not seem to be actually caching any directories or file names. I can't see any reading activity going on (looking at the Main tab) during the time I would think it should be doing its thing. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what is going on?
  19. In ver 6.6.3, cache directories starts but apparently it is not actually caching the directories. I am only caching one directory (the 'Media' directory which contains about 2900 files and directories. However, whenever I access this media (using a media player), all six data drives spin up and there is a considerable delay before the information is available to the player. In Ver 6.6.2, cache directories worked just fine... Diagnostics attached. (I first posted in this in the 6.6.3 release thread but quickly realized that I had posted it in the wrong spot. ) elsie1-diagnostics-20181026-1809.zip
  20. If you are using a password manager (like LastPass and others that are NOT a browser build-in), you will not have the fields filled nor the Password Manager even recognize the existence of the login box. You are forced to cut-and-paste to fill the required fields. This started to become an issue sometime ago apparently as a result of a security issue (my guess would be a popup based phishing attack) and the really secure Password Managers switched to require a truly secure connection. Most Websites have a proper login app that meets the security requirement. However, many of the hardware devices that are LAN based (printers, routers, etc.) have not done so. I have two or three of those as well as Unraid! I would like to tighten up my password by increasing its complexity and have separate password for both my servers but I really don't want the issue of having to write down those PW's or do a cut-and-paste every time a login is required.
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