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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Internet Explorer version 11 does not function properly with 6.6.3. While the Main Tabs work (Dashboard, Main, etc.) work, none of the buttons or icons inside of the individual tabs work. Reproducible. Just try to use IE11...
  2. I observed (in your settings capture) that the version of apcupsd is well over two years old. I just checked and that is the most recent version available! (I suspect that development has ceased...) You might want to try the NUT plugin (available through the Apps plugin) and/or generate a thread in the Staple Release section of Bug Reports sub-forum stating that apparently the newer APC models are having issues with this old apcupsd software. If NUT works, you might suggest that it be used instead...
  3. If you are talking about the root account, the owner of that account is root. The account is the same one that you use to log into the GUI in your web browser and at the login prompt on either a console or ssh session. So the password will be the same as you use when you do those logins.
  4. Bitrot probably does exist with the same probability as the the Modern Physics concept that predicts if you thrown a tennis ball at a brick wall long enough that is a possibility that the tennis ball will emerge on the other side with both the wall and ball intact. 😲
  5. Basically, Unraid uses a even-parity calculation across all the data drives to be able to reconstruct the failure of a single data drive. See here for how it works: https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/UnRAID_Manual_6#Parity-Protected_Array Raid is faster in data writing and retrieval operations. However if two drives fail in a RAID configuration, you lose all of the data in the array. Also all drives must be the same size. With Unraid, writing is much slower and the read process is limited to the read speed of the data drive which contains the actual file data. Also if two drives fail, you only lose the actual data stored on the drives which fail. The data on the other drives can be read on any Linux system. The capacity of the data drives can be different as long as the parity is as large or larger than the largest capacity data drive. It is also quite easy to add capacity to any Unraid server by simply adding another data drive. In some cases, it is possible to recover some of the data from the failed drives depending on the nature of the failure. But it is best not to count on it. The second parity drive uses a Reed-Solomon encoding scheme (which is basically a very complex matrix operation) to allow reconstruction (in use with the first parity drive) to be able to rebuilt two failed drives at the same time. If you wish to know more about Reed-Solomon, you can google it! (You will need the equivalent of a college degree in Mathematics...) One import thing to realize is that parity protection is NOT a substitute for a reliable multiple-copy backup scheme with one of those copies being in a remote location. Just think of having your server in a house fire, flood, hurricane or being stolen. It is also not a replacement for a due-diligent administrator who monitors his servers and sets up all of the notification services so that he receives the earliest possible notice when any problem arises!
  6. I would suggest looking here for your answer: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/47527-tips-and-tweaks-plugin-to-possibly-improve-performance-of-unraid-and-vms/?page=3&tab=comments#comment-670049
  7. I downloaded one of your themes and opened it in Photoshop Elements. It was only 1000 X 47 pixels in size! You may have to add a dummy extension onto the file name to 'trick' the BBS to prevent it from scaling your original artwork.
  8. If (for what ever reason), your UPS will not deliver these parameters to apcuspd, there is nothing display as two of the display items are the NOMPOWER and LOADPCT parameters and the third one is calculated by the product these two. If you look in the Apps page of the GUI and search for NUT plugin, it does basically the same thing as apcuspd, and possibly, it might be able to do what apcuspd can not do. If your UPS does not generate those parameters, then nothing is going to generate the values out of thin air.
  9. Look at my UPS Details below and compare to yours: You are missing the NOMPOWER and LOADPCT parameters. Your UPS is not providing this information back to the apcuspd plugin. These two parameters are used to calculate the UPS Load value. See this post from @bonienl in this thread. You can try to play around with the various UPS types and see if one of them will provide these two variables. Beyond that you are probably out-of-luck...
  10. Original Poster, @SavellM, did you get your problem solved yet? If not, be sure to capture a screen shot of the UPS Details area of the UPS Settings page.
  11. First read the General Configuration Directives section of the manual found here: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf.5.en.html (Found with our friend Google) You say the UPS is brand new, I would think that it would be the ModBus one... If that does not work, I am not real sure to go next but looking at your Diagnostic file, I found this in the lsusb.txt file Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 002: ID 04f2:1181 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 051d:0003 American Power Conversion UPS Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Note line that has UPS in it. it indicates that Device 3 is assigned to the UPS device. That is where I would start. You can't really break anything by a trial-and-error approach...
  12. Since not one else has jumped in, I will try to get you started. First thing, is how old is this UPS. (APC model numbers are virtually useless as when I google using one, I always get several obviously different units from a physical package standpoint!) I seem to recall that both older and newer APC UPS's have separate issues. Not all models, but enough to make life really difficult in solving problems. If you look in the upper right hand corner of the screen capture, you will find a link to the Online Manual. Be sure to use it. A quick glance at it showed that there are two settings that you could try in the "UPS type" 'dropdown' box--- 'APCsmart' and 'ModBus' . The 'ModBus' one is for some of the newer units. Be sure to click the "Help' on in the GUI as it will provide a lot of help in what each setting does!!! Remember that Google is often your best friend in these types of problems. If you use unraid as one of the terms in the search bar, you will find that it will do a much better job of searching this forum than the built-in search engine.
  13. I suspect that it is Chrome that is filling in the user name and password. You can easily test this by logging out of Lastpass. If it still fills it in, it is Chrome. (BTW, there is a logout button/option in Unraid, so testing is easy.) If you are using BOTH Chrome and LastPass, you have a potential security issue. (My personal opinion is that Chrome is not near as secure as LastPass and cracking that Chrome password file will be easy compared to LastPass.) Use one or the other but not both...
  14. It seems like it was from this post in the thread that request a Proper Login Box that would work with Password Managers...
  15. Waiting for that promised proper Login page so that a Password Manager can be used...
  16. Mine in Azure looks like this: So it appears that the 'skin' determines what the buttons look like...
  17. Look in the first post of this thread at the first and third questions in the Q&A section for the location of the script for downloading. If you are wondering why the scripts are not installed with the plugin, read that first post very carefully... (like a lawyer)
  18. I realize that you are very frustrated but if you really want to help solve the problem(s), you are going to have to provide some more information that might help in solving it. Specifically, your unRAID Diagnostic file and the preclear log file. You will find the download button for the latter on the top right of the Preclear plugin page.
  19. Try putting either or in as the 'DNS server2:' entry and see if that helps.
  20. Try stopping (red X ) and restarting. That worked for me...
  21. The restart of the Preclear did resume and complete successfully. I am attaching the Preclear zip file and the Diagnostic file that I captured after the test finished to this report for your analysis. Do you have any thoughts as to why the preclear process hung up? I feel I must point out that I did not upgrade the Preclear software after the hang occurred as it was already on version 2018.08.27. So the hang did take place with this latest version. I will also point out that the Seagate ST3000DM001 did preclear successfully a day before The WD Red had issues using this version of the software. If you want me to run any other tests, I am willing to do so. But I do want to update this server to the ver 6.6-rc1 to see what is really new and great in that release but I will delay for a couple of days before I do it. rose-diagnostics-20180901-1750.zip ROSE-preclear.disk-20180901-1743.zip
  22. I decided to try this and it picked up from where it left off. It has now completed 1% of the Post Read. I will report back if/when it finishes.
  23. Had a preclear failure yesterday. Using standard script. It stopped (apparently) at the beginning of the Post-read. The Preclear Status condition was "unRAID's signature on the MBR is valid". It has been 'stuck' at this state for more than eight hours and probably closer to twelve hours I have attached all of the pertinent information in the attached files. The Preclear_Failure.txt file is the current state of the Status Window. EDIT: I did preclear a Seagate ST3000DM001_1CH166 disk (one of the infamous series) a couple of days ago without a problem. rose-diagnostics-20180831-2208.zip ROSE-preclear.disk-20180831-2153.zip Preclear_Failure.txt
  24. Nope. But why would you want to allow all three of your servers to become the Local Master? (You might have a good reason.) The basic reason for wanting one computer to always be the Local Master is that all of the SMB_using_computers seem to always check on a reboot/startup for the Local Master that was active when they were shutdown to see if it is still the Local Master. Always having the same computer be the Local Master seems to minimize issues when a workstation_Client/SMB_server comes on online, it quickly shows up across the network. (I have two servers and I only allow one to even participate in the election.)
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