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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. But there ways to virtually guarantee the your server will win the election. Add these lines to box in the SMB Extras ( Settings >>> NETWORK SERVICES >>> SMB >>> SMB Extras ) I believe you have to start and stop the array for them to take effect. (MS will raise the value of the os level with each new OS software release to help assure that the computers running the latest OS will have preference in winning the election. ) [global] domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255
  2. I almost waited until someone with much more experience than I have with Corporate Security jumped in here but I am under the impression that these folks can (and often do) set up Policies that are included in the Registry that restrict the connectivity that will be permitted using their computers. If they decided that they are going to restrict/prevent any connection to non-Corporate networks, you may be $crewed.
  3. Does your IT department control the updates on this computer and its "policies"? This can become a major problem if they decide to restrict what purposes and uses its equipment is going to be allowed to access. Beyond that you are to going have to figure/find what variety (Home, Pro, Enterprise) and which version (These have numbers like 1709, 1803) both machines are running. There must now be close to 15 combinations of these two variables out there in the wild... And you wonder why Win10 is such a disaster!)
  4. See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename#Reserved_characters_and_words However, while I see an 'escape' character for the "space", I am not seeing one for either the "( " or the ")". And the periphrasis are two of the gray area cases. The problem is that sometime while the underlining OS is capable of handling the 'gray-area' cases with some special handling techniques, utilities may not have implemented them and thus choke on them. I generally try to avoid using reserved characters in any File or Directories names. (For the "space", I generally use the Underscore "_". In your case, I would probably replace the space-periphrasis with a dash as an example, Movies-shorts That should work with all OS's. In case, you are confused I expected to see: Aug 27 12:29:21 unRAID1 cache_dirs: ERROR: included directory "Music\ \(audio\)" does not exist.
  5. Is the server actually booting up in the normal mode? If that is the case, Start with this threads: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/73512-unable-to-boot-into-gui-mode/ and then go on to this one: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/69163-upgraded-635-641-and-now-get-blank-screen-after-boot-completed/ If this does not fix it, describe what you see on the see as the server boots up. Can we safely assume that the server is working aside from this issue? Guess what I am trying to say is that we don't want to be looking for a solution to a 'problem' when the actual cause is something completely different.
  6. Depends on the battery capacity and the true percentage of charge that is on it. I look at most of the numbers (concerning the state of the battery) as SWAG's (Stupid Wild A$$ Guess). Plus, in many cases they really mean it when they say to charge the battery for 24 hours. While the battery may have been charged to 100% at some time in the past, we have have no way of knowing when that past really was. As most of these batteries are made in China, it is probably (at least) six months ago as nobody is going to airship these batteries at the price they are asking for them. The best way to test to allow it to charge for 24 hours. Shutdown your server down. Now plug in a number in light bulbs to approximate the power load that the UPS unit will have to supply. (Spin up all of the drives and look at the UPS load for a reasonable estimate) and then pull the power plug. Take data points of time vs Runtime Left. Then plot the data points. As I have always stressed to anyone who will listen, you should set the Time on Battery before Shutdown to some value like 30 seconds. In the developed countries of the world, if the power is out longer than this, it will be out far, far longer than the batteries in these inexpensive UPS's can ever supply! Plus, you want to make sure that you will always have enough battery left to actually power the server when the battery is three years old. A second factor is the charging time of the battery is at least ten times longer that the discharge time. IF you have a power outage and run the battery down to 40% of full charge and then shut the server down. Lets assume that the power is out for two hours. The power comes back on. An hour, someone decides to restart the server. Fifteen minutes later that power goes out again. Now the UPS will not have enough charge for shutdown sequence before the battery is exhausted and you will have an unclean shutdown!
  7. My guess would be that this is a larger capacity battery. Some of these were fabricated by combining two smaller standard batteries together into a (apparently) single unit so be sure to have a really careful look at it. (Doing it this way was cheaper that getting a non-standard designed and built in comparatively small numbers.)
  8. Most of the time the battery is changeable. (It would be a super cheap unit if it were not.) Depending on the power rating, the cost could be nominal as the size and Ampere-hour rating are fairly standard for the batteries used in most of the lower wattage/VA units. Best thing to do to remove the battery, read the label and measure its size. Look for one that is the same size, Ampere-hour rating and voltage (most are 12V). By the way, it may have protected your server many times over the years. We probably have a six-to-twelve outage that last less than thirty seconds (Power Company switching gear handling power surge due to lightening hits.) and one or two where the server has run on the battery during server shutdown where the power will be out for a couple of hours.
  9. Have you ever tested it? (Easy way is to plug in a couple of hundred Watts of light bulbs and pull the plug and see how long it runs.) You didn't say when you purchased the unit but I would suspect that the batteries have gone bad. Two to five years seems to be a typical battery life and usage (Running on battery power) does not seem to be a big factor. Personally, I try to prevent deep discharge of the batteries in the UPS that I have. I start shutdown as soon as the power has been off for 30 seconds. (Years of experience has show me that if it out this long, it will be out for far, far longer then the batteries will last in any UPS that I could afford!)
  10. Did any of this help @JustKev85's problem?
  11. OK, It is not anything really simple. I would now suggest that you get a get a diagnostics file from the server. You can do this two ways. First way, from the GUI. go to TOOLS >>>> Diagnostics That will generate and save the diagnostic zip file to the download folder/directory for your browser on your PC. Second Way. Use an SSH session and log onto the server to the Command line interface. Now type diagnostics at the prompt. This will write the file to the logs directory on the flash/boot drive. Put the flash drive into your PC and copy it off. Which ever way you get the file upload it in your next post.
  12. OK, What do you see when the server is booting up? You should be seeing the 'Splash' screen of the MB BIOS followed by the unRAID Boot Menu which stays for about ten-to-twenty seconds, followed by a couple of hundred lines of text as Linux is being installed. IF you are NOT seeing this, there is something with the Video setup. Double check that you are connected to the proper connectors on your MB. (Double check that your MB/CPU combination will actually provide a Video output as unRAID does not actually require a video connection to run! I almost hesitate to mention this but more than one person has been bitten --- including me--- by this. I have seen MB's that contain video ports that are not usable unless you pick a CPU with a GPU designed into them.) unRAID does not have any firewall, anti-virus or malware software installed as a feature. I don't believe that the version of Firefox that is used has any real security features. You would be entering a world of predators completely without any type of protection. You are safe as long as you just using the website that is a part of the unRAID GUI as you never even leave the server. The danger starts as soon as you type "www" on the URL box...
  13. $#**!. It should be 24 hour memtst. (My brain is faster than my fingers and I always read what I thought I typed...)
  14. I didn't see anything in a quick glance through your syslog but I am not a real Guru at reading them. In the majority of these cases of random reboots, the problem is hardware. I would start with a 24 memtst (unless you have ECC memory) and see if that finds anything. Then I would suspect the power supply. There have been several cases where it has been found to the problem. (I had a brand new PS that was doing this...)
  15. I am not completely sure what problem you are having. Are you simply trying to boot to the GUI mode because you want to see if it works? Or do you have a specific reason that you need to do it? (The principal reason for using the Console GUI mode is to solve network problems.) As I read your post, it appears that you can access the GUI from another computer using a web browser. If this is true, you will be able to do exactly the same things using that interface that you can from the Console GUI. In fact, that is the preferred method as there are some real security issues if you use the console GUI to access the Internet! Your server has to meet certain hardware requirements in order to pass the GPU through to a VM. You should first check to see if you hardware meets the basic compatibility criteria by clicking on the Info option on the GUI menu. You will be looking at the HMV: and IOMMU: results. Many times these can be turned on in the BIOS if they are disabled. For further information on hardware, you can read this information here: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/UnRAID_Manual_6#Determining_HVM.2FIOMMU_Hardware_Support If you don't find your hardware listed, ask about your hardware as the list is not always current. This is particularly true is you have recent hardware.
  16. The title to your thread may be misleading many people. What I assumed was that you were having an issue with a Win10 VM being unable to connect to a User Share. (A lot of folks don't even like getting involved with SMB issues because they can be a bag of worms...) Apparently, your VM is not starting correctly which is an entirely different problem area. I have never run a VM so I am unable to help you figure out what is going on. Hopefully, someone will take a look and will be able to help you. EDIT: You can change your title by editing your first post in this thread.
  17. Oop's!!! I forgot to embed the link..... https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/?page=2
  18. Read through the posts on this page. There are a number of ways to get this resolved. You just have to find which one works for you. (Hopefully, MS has not made another change to make life difficult...)
  19. Go to Settings >>>> Identification >>>> Management access Now turn on the unRAID GUI 'Help'. Go to the bottom of the webpage and read how to configure PFsense.
  20. I may have found a solution. On the Dashboard GUI page, left click on the Krusader Dock icon and 'Restart' it. That worked for me.
  21. Well, now I am in the same boat as you. I was playing around trying to see it I could get the same condition as you got you self in. When I right clicked on the Krusader icon down the task bar, the icon disappeared! And nothing seems to work to bring it back. I am hoping that @binhex will jump up and tell us what to do--- Hopefully short of uninstalling the Docker and reinstalling it.
  22. Look down to the bottom of the Krusader VNC window and click on the icon to see if it is possible that the app was just minimized.
  23. +1 Another request for inclusion of a proper login page that would work with LastPass (or any other password manager)!!! Pretty, pretty please.
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