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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Basically, I try to put about 72-100 hours on the any new drive. (That was the old burn-in time for computer fabricators back in the 1990's.) Old drives would depend on whether I thought the drive truly had a problem or if some other event triggered the failure. (I replace any drive problem or failure with a cold spare and figure out if the drive was or wasn't the cause of the problem at a later time.)
  2. OR run it from the console (monitor and keyboard attached to server).
  3. I believe you have to keep both the terminal window open until badblocks finishes. Otherwise, it will be terminated. Of course, this will also mean that you have to keep the PC up-and-running for the duration which will be some goody number of hours. ? EDIT: Just realized that you said, you started a screen session. That would allow the user to close to the terminal and re-access the screen session at a later time. IF you are going to do this be sure that you have screen on your system. The easy way to get in to install the Nerd Tools plugin.
  4. If you have the Community apps plugin installed, search for preclear and you will find the plugin. Now, I have used the plugin many times over the years and have never had a problem with it. But let me say a few things. I have a simple NAS system. I never installed the 'optional' Statistics package (which phoned home). I do not run the unassigned devices plugin. I have never attempted to clear more than one drive at a time. Since I have not done a preclear in a few months, I just started one to see if it still works with the latest version of unRAID. (I have an old Seagate ST3000DM001 that I use just for checking this plugin.) It will take about a day to finish. I will report back if I have a problem with the plugin. Do you have to preclear with the plugin? NO! unRAID will now preclear the disk in the background, then format it, and add it to the array. But if you would rather make sure that the disk you had to your array is working and without surface defects, you need test it before you add it. You can use the manufacturer's disk testing program and there are folks who do. Those are your three basic options.
  5. Do you have the Fix Common Problems plugin installed? (If not , do it) Turn on the 'Troubleshooting mode'. That will write the syslog file periodically to the logs directory. Also connect a monitor up to the console and seen if you see anything on the screen. You may have to sit there and watch it until it reboots. You want to keep an eye on the GUI and watch the system temperatures. Make sure that the CPU coolers are secured locked down to the MB. That has been at least one person who had a flaky PS that caused similar issues. I am assume that the server is actually rebooting. After the first reboot does it do it again in another 30 to 45 minutes? I would stop Docker, shut all of the VM's down and see if that makes a difference. That will tell you if you have some software/hardware conflict or just a hardware problem. There have not been any reports of the base NAS doing anything like this.
  6. I am confused. What hardware are you currently using in the server? Does the problem happen every time after you start the server? How many times has it happened? Did you run a 24 hour memtst on the RAM? ( Memtst is an option in the boot menu and tests the installed memory.) Please provide us with a list of the new hardware that is failing.
  7. With a no pending sectors at start and over 100 pending sectors by the end of the test, I would never consider using this drive in any server of mine. (Some folks may tell you to run another preclear cycle and see if they clear up, but I would be more worried that this disk is already in a failure mode. Remember, you have to be able to read every sector on every disk if you are going to rebuild a failed drive....) With only 6500 hours on it, it may be eligible for a warranty return.
  8. Good to know. Just goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat. ?
  9. Here is a link to fix WIN10 problems of not being able to access shares. Basically, MS has turned off SMB1/CIFS for WIN10 and thus turned off support for HomeGroups. Here is a very good explanation on how to enable SMB1/CIFS again.
  10. Here are @johnnie.black recommendations. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/69018-sata-controller-replacement-question-and-advice/?tab=comments#comment-630097 I have bought two cards (see specs below) on E-bay. I have always searched for cards that have had the IT mode software already installed on them. I also select a vendor who has a good reputation. (It costs a bit more but the peace of mind is worth it to me.) Each card was about $80US including shipping. (Try to avoid the cards straight from China as some are counterfeit. The 'used' cards may be the best overall value. Most of these were originally in servers built by some of the biggest names in the computer world and they used only the highest quality parts.)
  11. Might I suggest that you open up a new thread in the 'General Support' subforum and be sure to include a diagnostics file which contains the time period during which you had parity sync errors. I can tell you that SATA cards with Marvell chip sets have had issues in the past. (I am not saying at this point that is the your problem but there is precedence.)
  12. Typical!!! Solution achieved by trying permutations of all possible settings... ?
  13. Also Google ASUS H87Iplus boot issues unraid and ASUS H87Iplus boot issues Double check that you are running the latest BIOS. There seems to be some issues with this MB.
  14. I would be trying moving the SanDisk to the top of the Boot Override list.
  15. Just updated and this remained unchanged for me (no password required). If it works to add a password for those who wanted it, everyone should be happy.
  16. I am not sure of Broadcom history about delivering bug-and-trouble free updates, but I would be feel better about using the card as received to make sure it works (no warranty issues that way) and see if I had a problem with the board in my unRAID server that a firmware upgrade might fix.
  17. The default in the past has always been to have it turned off. Thus, most people will expect it to be 'Off'. To avoid a support hassle, I would leave that as the default. Plus, if I understand what the risk is, the malicious person has to gain access to the LAN side of the router and to that segment of the network which contains the server. They also have to know that port 6080 is open (or port scan all of the 65000+ ports since it is out of the normal range) to do their worst. This would require a network with poor security on it or assigned/allowed users who are untrustworthy. Most of us don't have these network problems as our servers are in a home environment. But I can see where a server in a business environment might easily have this type of situation...
  18. Here is the URL for Krusader: http://192.XXX.XXX.242:6080/vnc.html?resize=remote&host=192.XXX.XXX.242&port=6080&autoconnect=1 I wonder if the autoconnect=1 is an option to which allows the autoconnect. If it is, perhaps, a variable could be setup which would provide the appropriator string to require a password or the current one which does not require the password. Thus the user could choose which one he wanted depending of his assessment of the risks involved. EDIT::: IF you set autoconnect=0 , it does put up a connect button but clicking it doesn't require a user name or password. So that is only a partial solution. But if the UN/PW code is inserted, then the user should be able to select which method to use.
  19. I was using the latest version of the Krusader Docker to delete some files. I quickly found out that it now deletes them to a Trash bin. While I realize that there people who like this sort of thing, I am one who does not. How does one turn it off? (I hate waiting the time that it takes to copy the files to the Trash container and then I have to delete them again from the Trash.)
  20. You should also be considering the problem of heat dissipation If that cabinet space has six sides. Even if it only has four, I would be concerned as you are going to pack a lot of heat producing devices in a very confined volume . Even the 5-in-3 housings have presented cooling issues in the past. You really have to move a lot of cool air through them to keep the drive temperatures down. And that means that you actually have to plan out a air movement strategy for you case.
  21. Here is a thread that discusses problems with version 1803 of Win10 (AKA, Win10 2018 Spring update ). https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/71601-windows-10-spring-update-2018-changes-solved/
  22. You might want to watch this video on how to setup Krusader. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XCFPAsWZE While it is for the old Docker package, Krusader in the new version is not that much different than the old one. It will show you how to setup your toolbar so that you have bookmarks to the locations that you go to the most often. This is how my additions to the toolbars look:
  23. Please NO!!!! You logon onto the server with a user name and password. When you logon, you have root privileges. You can log off from the GUI by clicking on a button if you wish to prevent access to this Docker. Why introduce another username and password to get to a file manager which has far less potential for doing damage than the 'popup' terminal built into the GUI that has absolutely no protection on it?
  24. Did you run the proper make-bootable script for the OS on your PC? See here:
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