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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. You really need to start your own thread. Basically, your problem is the reboots and why they are happening. Where or not there are parity errors depends on whether the array had finished all of its writes to disk when the lockup occurred.
  2. When I did my conversion on both of my servers, I used this procedure: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/File_System_Conversion#Mirroring_procedure_to_convert_drives I made up a table of what the variables that I had to change in the command line for each conversion and the which disk format settings for the two disks involved. BTW, you can use the BASH shell editing features (UP-arrow and DOWN-arrow to move up and down the 'stack' of commands coupled with LEFT-arrow and RIGHT-arrow to position the cursor) to edit any command previously entered so as to minimize the required typing. Most of the time, you are only changing a couple of numbers. I checked off each step as I did it! I also printed out the instructions and worked through it in my mind (and a bit of pencil and paper work) until I figured exactly what I would be doing. This instruction set is not real clear without some very logical forethought as to what is be be done.
  3. You might want to read through the first page of the 6.4.1-rc1 release. There are some posts that discuss the Intel Meltdown/Spectre patch that is in the 6.4.0 that caused problems with certain Intel processors. One of the changes in 6.4.1-rc1 was the removal of that patch. No guarantee that this would address your problem but it another factor in the bigger picture.
  4. It looks like these files are after the reboot. The files that are needed are the one before the crash. IF they are not on the flash drive, after the next crash, pull the Flash Drive before rebooting, stick in a PC, and copy the files off.
  5. The reason that I asked about what you are seeing is that it was installed on my Test Bed server and I am currently running 6.4.1-rc1 and the plugin initializes when the icon is clicked in the Tool tab. (I don't have a disk available for testing the actual preclearing at the present time.)
  6. You might get a quicker response with a more detailed description of what the incompatible errors are and a diagnostics file.
  7. Total Band width on the Card-to-MB buss (Not enough channels to carry the full data rate for SSD's)
  8. Have a look at your smart reports for the disks that you have connected to that 3ware controller. (They are in the smart directory of your diagnostics file.) Notice that that controller is not passing through the information about any those disks--- no SMART reports, not even the serial numbers. (That is probably the reason for all of those lines in the syslog!) I saw a copy of the manual on line (Fee for downloading, so I didn't!). I did determine that it was basically a hardware RAID controller but apparently has two modes for that were not standard RAID configurations--- Single and JOBD. You said that you had it set up as JOBD. As I said, JOBD is not working properly with unRAID. I don't know if single will. I would suggest that you do a bit googling to see what the 'single' mode is (and does) and, if that doesn't work, how the controller might be forced to behave in a more conventional JOBD manner.
  9. My gut feeling is that unRAID is probing the disk for some information and the 3ware controller is rejecting the request. Have you download the manual for that 3ware controller and read it? Are you using the JOBD or Single Disk mode?
  10. If you are not comfortable with crossflashing a card, you can go to E-bay and Google with the term IT mode and the model number of the card you are interested in. That will usually bring a list of vendors who will provide crossflashed cards for about $20US more. You want to watch the ratings of any vendor on E-bay so don't be guided by price alone. I got mine for about $80US in the summer of 2017.
  11. As I recall, this is primarily a security issue. You have to decide whether the 'risk' in allowing version 1.0 to run is worth being able to to browser your shares. (If you trust the folks who can browse your network, you should be alright.)
  12. Why don't you post a link to this thread in the "Window Issues" thread below: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/53172-windows-issues-with-unraid/
  13. I used @Joe L. command to fix it to run post 6.2. That fixed the problem with the script not working at all. As far as the issue the second part of the second one 'fixes', I don't really care which parameter the report contains, time or speed, either is equivalent of the other. (As a note of disclosure, I have not run the script for more than a year. The last new disks that I precleared, I used the plugin. But that was before the release of 6.4.X.)
  14. Someone more knowledgeably than I will probably also jump in but I don't see the problem with using the legacy boot option. LimeTech has previously stated that they only added the UEFI boot option because there are now some new MB's that did not had the legacy boot option. You might make sure that you have the latest BIOS for your MB.
  15. Any chance of someone writing a reasonably user-friendly guide to using ddrescue with unRAID? I realize this might be difficult as ddrescue appears to have a rather complex set of options but it might provide a good start for folks with some reasonable OS system background and command line familiarity. I would envision something with the required steps with typical command line examples and an explanation of where the augments came from and what the switches are telling the program to do.
  16. I would suggest that you check the price of the replacement batteries before you purchase this large a UPS simply because you are trying to 'future' proof. Most UPs batteries are good to four to five years...
  17. Probably in this section: https://lime-technology.com/forums/forum/53-feature-requests/
  18. When I got my preflashed card, I used the term IT mode as part of the share parameter along with the OEM vendor's name the OEM model number on E-bay. I also got the P20 version software which (as I understand it) is actually LSI's IT mode software for that whole 9200-xx series of cards. (Version P19 is also commonly available and it may also be unRAID compatible.)
  19. If you can find one preflashed from a vendor with a good reputation, it can be well worth the extra cost to have it done. I seem to recall that there have been issues from finding computers that can still be booted to DOS to 'bricking' the card from doing some little detail wrong. (I recall that most of the time you will be working with the command line.) Before you decide to flash one yourself, find the directions (and software) for the exact card you are considering purchasing and read through the procedure to see if it is something you will be comfortable doing.
  20. I took a quick look at your E-bay link and I suggest you look carefully at the pictures. Notice that the LSI logo is missing on some of the pictures. (It should be between the heatsink and the connector.) This could indicate that the card is counterfeit! Reading the description lead me (From the USA) to believe the text was written by a non English speaking person. I realize that you are from Australia and probably have fewer sourcing options but I would be a bit careful.
  21. I believe it will but you might want to read this thread as it will point you to several other ways to do the upgrade: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/39323-upgrading-to-unraid-v6/ Before you do anything else, I would like to advise you to shutdown your server, pull the flash drive out and make a complete backup copy before you do anything else. You will probably not need that copy but not making it could give you a real headache if something does go wrong. The simpler your system is from a configuration standpoint (plugins in particular), the few issues you are likely to encounter. The WIKI contains solutions to virtually every problem that was encountered during hundreds (if not thousands) of upgrades.
  22. @Meph, you have found the one of the disks that the preclear script and its cousin , the Preclear plugin, were developed to find and identify. Without it, you probably would have installed this disk back into your array and it would have been installed. As has been pointed out, the SMART system has declared that this disk is fine. And, it probably is for 90% of the applications where it might be used. But not for unRAID (and virtually any other RAID setup)! Remember the SMART system was developed by the HD manufacturers and is designed to discourage the return of disks using it as a basis for a warranty claim! Both Preclear processes present the user with the information necessary to make a decision as whether to use the disk or not. The real philosophical question is whether the "SMART over-all health assessment test" results should be included in their reports. I have never seen a case where it indicated that a disk has failed where a prudent person looking at the other attributes would have assumed that the disk was good. Perhaps, if someone has encountered one, I would be the first to say leave it in the report as I believe to err on the side of caution in this type of situation. PS--- If this were a disk of mine, I would be running to the trash can to pitch it in! I would not even use it for secondary storage...
  23. Is this what you are looking for: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/2732-preclear_disksh-a-new-utility-to-burn-in-and-pre-clear-disks-for-quick-add/ If you are planning to use it, see this post: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/12391-re-preclear_disksh-a-new-utility-to-burn-in-and-pre-clear-disks-for-quick-add/?page=53#comment-460592
  24. I found somewhere that the P20 software was preferred over P19 but I don't remember the exact reason. Since the vendor from whom I got the card offered it as a free upgrade, I simply requested it. Perhaps, someone else will jump in here and provide you with a better answer. (You could also search for P19 (or P20) in this thread and see what you find.) None that I could see. You need the forward breakout cables. (I actually purchased the second that you listed. Have not had any issues.) None. These boards are very compatible with using both sets of ports.
  25. Apparently there is another round of problems with Windows 10 computers (which have updated recently) having difficulties connecting to an unRAID server using SMB. You might want to look here fro a possible solution. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4046019/guest-access-smb2-disabled-by-default-in-windows-10-server-2016 There is a possibility that the Samba group may have a fix for this in the near/distance(?) future.
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