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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Might I also suggest that you setup Notifications ('Settings' >>> 'Notifications' ) to provide you with warnings when things go awry with your server. It can save a lot of grief...
  2. Procedure for doing this is here: https://wiki.lime-technology.com/UnRAID_Manual_6#Replace_a_Failed_Disk
  3. This disk: Device Model: WDC WD20EARS-00S0XB0 Serial Number: WD-WMC1H0011599 Has these errors: 197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 18 198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0030 200 200 000 Old_age Offline - 18 This would cause unRAID to to take the disk off line. If it were I, I would replace the disk with a new disk and allow unRAID to rebuilt Disk 3. If you want to see if the disk is salvageable at that point, you could run the preclear procedure (via the 'Preclear' plugin) to see if these errors can be cleared up. I would use a least three cycles with zero errors after the first cycle. (That would be when those sectors should be replaced with spare sectors and the Reallocated_Sector_Ct would increase by 18.)
  4. Post the diagnostics file. 'Tools' >>> 'Diagnostics' It has much more information in it (including the syslog) which will assist those trying to help you.
  5. I would suggest waiting to addressing this problem until after you have the server converted over to XFS. reiserFS does some real issues apparently as disk sizes get larger and when the disks are almost full. (Development ended sometime in the 2009 time period when the developer (and maintainer) of this file system was convicted of the murder of his wife and sentenced to life.) EDIT: IF you wish to pursue this slow copy issue at that point , please start a new thread.
  6. Not, not in theory anyway. But the the second Parity Drive ( or the first for that matter) must be as large or larger than the largest data drive. In this case, since you have already have a 6TB parity drive and you are out of space for more drives in the case, it would make much more sense to go with a 6TB drive for that second parity. As I recall, you could actually use an 8TB drive for that second parity if you wanted to. (Some folks have gotten good deals for 8TB drives by shucking them from 8TB USB drive enclosures.) About the time required for the conversion, I seem to recall that it took about 2-3 hours per TB (depends a bit on file sizes) to copy the data over using rsync so the task is not one that takes forever. The time to do the other housekeeping tasks is about thirty minutes per disk. Both of my servers were converted over about a two week period.
  7. Reverse these two steps then you will have room in the case for the new drive. After the 'New Config' step, you are ready to convert. This is the procedure that I followed: https://wiki.lime-technology.com/File_System_Conversion#Mirroring_procedure_to_convert_drives I make a printout of this portion of the instructions and studied it until I completely understood how the procedure worked and formulated in my mind how I was going to do it. Then I made a paper table with all the steps that had to be done for each disk. I checked off each step as I completed it. If you look carefully at the procedure you will see that only one parameter gets changed in the rsync command. The shell used for the Command line Interface has a extensive built-in editing features which makes editing of the commands used a very simple task. (Basically, the up-down-left-right arrow keys are your friends in this case...)
  8. What I would purpose is to remove these three disks and set them aside. Then proceed with the other steps except that you would mount these three disks (one at a time) into the USB external housing use for the copy in step 06. It has been some time since I did my conversion but if you follow the steps correctly, step 07 is merely a verification that parity is correct. (This assume that the first XFS formatted disk is large enough to store all of the files from these three disks and the next one to be converted.)
  9. I believe you can also use the 'Unassigned Devices" plugin and plug the removed drives into a UBS housing to a USB port on your server to do the copy locally rather than using the network. This would save the time required to copy to an second device...
  10. Thank you for this. While I knew that the close button was not there, this plugin takes a long time to install on my servers as it loads several different components during installation. (Most of the other plugins I have that get regular updates finish within a couple of seconds.) I always had to remember to wait until I was absolutely certain the install was complete before I clicked on the 'X' to close the dialog box.
  11. Nope. Once I installed and connected the cable to the drives, the server booted and was up and running with the array mounted in less than three minutes. It appears to be the right one. I would made sure that I actually needed a 1M long cable. I actually got this one (.5M long) from amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FBYS2U/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Shorter cable makes for a less clutter inside of the case.
  12. I just plugged it and it worked. It does add a few extra seconds to the boot time and it does have a control key combination to get to the card's BIOS but I have never even looked at it. I did order it with the P20 firmware. (I contacted them and they responded quickly with instructions on how to request that version when I placed the order.) Don't forget that you have to get cables...
  13. You should probably read through this thread. The link is to a post by LimeTech which shows why SMB can be such a bear to get working properly. Reading through the rest of the thread may give you some insight into how to solve your problem. Unfortunately, you often have to reboot everything that is involved in your SMB system to test out a different approach because some prior action may prevent the solution from working...
  14. It is always best to start a new thread if you have any doubts that your problem is related to the original issue (threads are cheap like digital film) rather than posting to an old thread like this one. Plus, this original discussion in the thread was more about SMB and other networking issues. When you do that give the complete specs on the system including how you were setting up the sdd drives, any passthrough of devices and what OS you want installed on this server. Also provide the diagnostics files. 'Tools' >>> 'Diagnostics' and attach that to the first post.
  15. This had been done in the past but the folks who did the original development work on these scripts took considerable offense to the practice of modifying their scripts and then reposting the modified script. (And there are actually several excellent reason for their feeling this way...)
  16. Se here for a the changes to @Joe L. original preclear script: EDIT: be sure to read the next several posts as Joe had a problem with the variables. See here for his update:
  17. Let's see what the issue might be. First login in a console ot terminal (PuTTY) session and run this command: ls -al /mnt/user/Music You should end with some like this: drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 17 18:18 ./ drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 58 Aug 17 16:42 ../ -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 7726504 May 24 06:44 100-Magic_Act.mp4 -rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 169788268 Mar 2 2013 107D_OutdoorCupboard.mp4 If you don't see some of your music files go on down the directory tree by appending another directory/subfolder onto the end of the path. In this case the nobody is the owner of the file and the users is the name for group allowed access with the group permissions. If you don't have this, I would suggestion that you fix it with the Docker Safe New Perms Tool which is installed by the Fix Common Problems plugin. This should fix the problem with the current files but the any new files will be wrong. For this you will have to figure what of your Docker/plugin is generating these files and change its proprieties
  18. Perhaps the real reason that dual parity is useful is that for unRAID to rebuilt any disk, it has to be able to read every sector on the remaining disks with single parity. With dual parity if any portion of a second disk is unreadable, the missing data from that read error can still be reconstructed and used to rebuilt the data for the disk being rebuilt. Granted, this doesn't happen often but as the drive counts go up, it become more more probable. I run the calculations for single and dual parity and provide some other interesting statistics in another thread a while back. You can read it here: Plus, it would be surprising to learn what percentage of the unRAID users have never set (and are actually using) the Notification system. I have been attempting to help in assisting users with problem for a while and it is apparent that many folks don't use it. Some, apparently, haven't even setup periodical parity checks. The first time that they are aware of a problem is when the server has several problems severe enough that it has file serving issues. And I didn't even address the the issue of hardware failures beside the hard disks. I am not really into the the commercial server environments but I am not hearing that those folks are increasing the drive counts in their servers. If high counts of hard drives have some huge advantage, why aren't they increasing drive counts and bragging about the increases? Apparently, they are going to larger-size drives and the limited data that I have seen indicates that these bigger hard drives have about the same failure rate as smaller ones.
  19. The SMART report on that Disk looks fine. A very quick look at the syslog--- didn't see anything unusual. No time today to do more looking.
  20. Attach a diagnostics file with your next post. Tools >>> Diagnostics Can you spin the disk up and get the temperature reading of it? When you are reading files off of it, are all of the other disks spun up? (Spin all the disks down before you do this check)
  21. Worked for me just now. BTW, this @Joe L script has to be modified to work with any recent release of unRAID. See here for instructions:
  22. Were you using one of the procedures in this WIKI? https://wiki.lime-technology.com/File_System_Conversion If so, which one were you using? I used the "Mirror each disk with rsync, preserving parity" method which copies the entire contents of each disk as it proceeds. (I also printed out this method on paper and setup a table to show each disk as it was completed.) While one disk was being copied, I was carefully laying out the steps for the next disk. I actually marked rsync command (in pencil) with the proper disk number and using the arrow keys to get the rsync command back so that I could edited it. Using these built-in editing features of the BASH shell (which unRAID uses), this only required changing the disk number of the next disk to be changed in the rsync command line. I, personally, found that steps 13 and 14 can be confusing and that is where the table really came in handy. I identified the physical drive in these instructions by the last four numbers of the drives' serial numbers so that I could double check that I had everything assigned correctly before I went to step 15!
  23. NO!!!! Because the rebuild of a replacement is a bit-by-bit restoration of the contents of the original disk-- Not a file-by-file copy. (Even though , you formatted the disk as XFS, the bit-by-bit restoration will result in it being a reiserfs disk when done.)
  24. Try E-bay. That is where I got mine. Just look at each seller ratings and make sure that the state of the firmware. It will/may need to flashed to IT mode. If the vendor has not done it, your friend will have to do. Here is the one that I bought in mid June and it has worked perfectly. http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-IT-Mode-Genuine-LSI-9211-8i-SAS-SATA-8-port-PCI-E-Card-Bulk-pack-US-Seller/291641245650?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 As you can tell, this one was flashed by the Vendor which makes the cost a bit higher. Of course, he will need to find a vendor either in the UK or who will ship it there.
  25. It seems to me that I have heard of a couple of other cases of this happening. What happens if you disconnect the cat 5 cable from the server after the network lockup? Will this unlock the server? You should probably also install the 'Fix Common Problems' plugin. Then turn on the trouble shooting mode. Hopefully, it will catch something happening that will provide some insight as to what is going on.
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