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Pim Bliek

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Posts posted by Pim Bliek

  1. I recently installed InfluxDB and Grafana. However, after every update to InfluxDB it loses *ALL* of it settings and data. I have to completely set it up again. Very annoying..

    How can I prevent this from happening again?


    Also, my /mnt/user/influxdb is empty. It is properly configured in the docker settings for this app. The directory is writable to the group users and is owned by 'nobody'.


    *edit* I should have read the previous page on this thread... I changed the setting for this mount from /var/lib/influxdb to /var/lib/influxdb and now it does save files.

  2. On 7/2/2019 at 12:05 AM, Squid said:

    If you want to always run the latest, greatest, (and occasionally bug ridden) version of Plex, then you should instead ru the version from linuxserver.io

    Sent from my NSA monitored device

    It's not too much to just politely ask, right? I'm also curious when we can get the new version on this Docker image, since now my EPG is not working anymore. I did manage to work around it with an EPG-XML grabber and using that but it's far from perfect...


    So, as politely as I can: can we have an estimate on when we can expect a new version?

  3. I just installed this docker container and I have a little problem. I did change the parameter --env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url ''" to reflect my situation. This works fine, for one exception (I have found so far).

    When you try to create a new milestone it tries to go to: http://unraid:9080/pim/pimbliek.nl/milestones/new  which is not reachable since that is not resolvable.


    How to make sure the is used in the *whole* application?

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