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Posts posted by Heezy

  1. so i log in to my server and noticed the pages are loaded really slow and that a notification for popped up for common problems/fixes and when i clicked the notification, it said that i have and Out of Memory error. it said to save the diagnostics and upload it to general support so someone can determine the cause of the error.


    i've downloaded the diagnostics and attached them. can someone take a look at them and figure out what caused the out of memory error? thank you.


  2. 2 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Just restart the docker and zoneminder will update to 1.36.


    i restarted the docker, but it did not update to 1.36. so i started from scratch and backed up my config and removed the docker and image completely. reinstalled ZM and after the installation, i started up ZM and looked at the log until it was fully started up. then i restarted the docker, opened the webui and now it is on 1.36.3.

  3. i have zm 1.34.22 up and running on Unraid 6.8.3. i only have one camera setup, Wyze cam v2 with the latest RTSP firmware. i have the camera setup as Mocord, so it is continuously recording in 7 minute files as well as detecting motion.


    my issue is that sometimes, when it does detect motion, the live feed freezes for a minute or two, then it goes to the live feed again. but during that freeze, there is no video being captured, so i am missing that footage. i don't know if this is a zm issue with configuration or a wyzecam issue. here is a piece of the log,


    Component    Server    PID    Level    Message    File    Line
    2020-12-29 13:43:41    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Front Yard v2: images:400 - Capturing at 14.29 fps, capturing bandwidth 78990bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:43:38    zma_m1        27524    INF    Front Yard v2: 300 - Analysing at 16.67 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:43:34    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Front Yard v2: images:300 - Capturing at 16.67 fps, capturing bandwidth 78882bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:43:32    zma_m1        27524    INF    Front Yard v2: 200 - Analysing at 14.29 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:43:28    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Front Yard v2: images:200 - Capturing at 14.29 fps, capturing bandwidth 70734bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:43:25    zma_m1        27524    INF    Front Yard v2: 100 - Analysing at 33.33 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:43:22    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Event video offset is -1.056 sec (<0 means video starts early)    zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp    883
    2020-12-29 13:43:22    zmc_m1        27522    INF    some options not used, turn on debugging for a list.    zm_videostore.cpp    440
    2020-12-29 13:43:22    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Opening video storage stream /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2020-12-29/3523/3523-video.mp4 format: mp4    zm_videostore.cpp    63
    2020-12-29 13:43:22    zma_m1        27524    INF    Front Yard v2: 026 - Opening new event 3523, section start    zm_monitor.cpp    1528
    2020-12-29 13:43:22    zma_m1        27524    INF    In mode 5/1, warming up    zma.cpp    136
    2020-12-29 13:43:21    zmdc        27524    INF    'zma -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:43:21    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:21    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:43:21, pid = 27524    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:21    zmdc        13196    INF    Starting pending process, zma -m 1    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:21    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Front Yard v2: images:100 - Capturing at 20.00 fps, capturing bandwidth 102964bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:43:16    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Front Yard v2: images:1 - Capturing at 0.20 fps, capturing bandwidth 32700bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:43:11    zmdc        13196    ERR    'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:11    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Starting Capture version 1.34.22    zmc.cpp    223
    2020-12-29 13:43:11    zma_m1        27523    ERR    Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor Front Yard v2    zm_monitor.cpp    501
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmc_m1        27522    INF    Enabling ffmpeg logs, as LOG_DEBUG+LOG_FFMPEG are enabled in options    zm_ffmpeg.cpp    82
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        27523    INF    'zma -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:43:10    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:43:10, pid = 27523    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        13196    INF    Starting pending process, zma -m 1    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:43:10, pid = 27522    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        27522    INF    'zmc -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:43:10    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:10    zmdc        13196    INF    Starting pending process, zmc -m 1    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    ERR    'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zma_m1        27521    ERR    Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?    zm_monitor.cpp    582
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' exited normally    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        27521    INF    'zma -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:43:05    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:43:05, pid = 27521    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    Starting pending process, zma -m 1    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    ERR    'zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zma_m1        27520    ERR    Got empty memory map file size 0, is the zmc process for this monitor running?    zm_monitor.cpp    582
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        27520    INF    'zma -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:43:05    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:43:05, pid = 27520    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' exited normally    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmc_m1        27509    WAR    error while decoding MB 114 15, bytestream -9    zm_ffmpeg.cpp    70
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' sending stop to pid 27509 at 20/12/29 13:43:05    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zma_m1        27512    INF    Updating frames delta by -0.68 sec to match video file    zm_event.cpp    593
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zma_m1        27512    INF    Front Yard v2: image_count:71 - Closing event 3522, shutting down    zm_monitor.cpp    694
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' sending stop to pid 27512 at 20/12/29 13:43:05    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:43:05    zmwatch        13245    WAR    Restarting capture daemon for Front Yard v2, time since last capture 52 seconds (1609267385-1609267333)    zmwatch.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:14    zmc_m1        27509    INF    CSeq 8 expected, 0 received.    zm_ffmpeg.cpp    70
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmc_m1        27509    INF    Event video offset is -0.677 sec (<0 means video starts early)    zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp    883
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmc_m1        27509    INF    some options not used, turn on debugging for a list.    zm_videostore.cpp    440
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmc_m1        27509    INF    Opening video storage stream /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2020-12-29/3522/3522-video.mp4 format: mp4    zm_videostore.cpp    63
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zma_m1        27512    INF    Front Yard v2: 026 - Opening new event 3522, section start    zm_monitor.cpp    1528
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zma_m1        27512    INF    In mode 5/1, warming up    zma.cpp    136
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmdc        27512    INF    'zma -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:42:05    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:42:05, pid = 27512    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:05    zmdc        13196    WAR    Can't find process with command of 'zma -m 1'    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:04    zmwatch        13245    INF    Restarting analysis daemon for 1 Front Yard v2    zmwatch.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:04    zmwatch        13245    ERR    Last analyse time for 1 Front Yard v2 was zero.    zmwatch.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:42:03    zmc_m1        27509    INF    Front Yard v2: images:1 - Capturing at 0.17 fps, capturing bandwidth 23278bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:41:57    zmc_m1        27509    INF    Starting Capture version 1.34.22    zmc.cpp    223
    2020-12-29 13:41:56    zmc_m1        27509    INF    Enabling ffmpeg logs, as LOG_DEBUG+LOG_FFMPEG are enabled in options    zm_ffmpeg.cpp    82
    2020-12-29 13:41:56    zmdc        27509    INF    'zmc -m 1' started at 20/12/29 13:41:56    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:56    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' starting at 20/12/29 13:41:56, pid = 27509    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:56    zmdc        13196    INF    Starting pending process, zmc -m 1    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:55    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' exited normally    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:55    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' exited normally    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' already running at 20/12/29 11:35:55, pid = 26991    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zmc_m1        26990    WAR    error while decoding MB 79 2, bytestream -15    zm_ffmpeg.cpp    70
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zmdc        13196    INF    'zmc -m 1' sending stop to pid 26990 at 20/12/29 13:41:54    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zma_m1        26991    INF    Updating frames delta by -11.11 sec to match video file    zm_event.cpp    593
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: image_count:111923 - Closing event 3521, shutting down    zm_monitor.cpp    694
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zmdc        13196    INF    'zma -m 1' sending stop to pid 26991 at 20/12/29 13:41:54    zmdc.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:54    zmwatch        13245    WAR    Restarting capture daemon for Front Yard v2, time since last capture 46 seconds (1609267314-1609267268)    zmwatch.pl    
    2020-12-29 13:41:08    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111900 - Analysing at 10.00 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:41:01    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Front Yard v2: images:111900 - Capturing at 14.29 fps, capturing bandwidth 85027bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:40:58    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111807 - Gone into alert state    zm_monitor.cpp    1662
    2020-12-29 13:40:58    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111800 - Analysing at 14.29 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:40:54    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Front Yard v2: images:111800 - Capturing at 14.29 fps, capturing bandwidth 73301bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:40:52    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111715 - Gone into alarm state PreAlarmCount: 1 > AlarmFrameCount:2 Cause:Motion Street    zm_monitor.cpp    1568
    2020-12-29 13:40:52    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111714 - Gone into prealarm state    zm_monitor.cpp    1652
    2020-12-29 13:40:51    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111700 - Analysing at 14.29 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:40:47    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Front Yard v2: images:111700 - Capturing at 16.67 fps, capturing bandwidth 88990bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111586 - Closing event 3520, section end forced 1609267244 - 1609266824 = 420 >= 420    zm_monitor.cpp    1515
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zma_m1        26991    INF    Updating frames delta by -1.10 sec to match video file    zm_event.cpp    593
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111586 - Opening new event 3521, section start    zm_monitor.cpp    1528
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Re-starting video storage module    zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp    806
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Opening video storage stream /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2020-12-29/3521/3521-video.mp4 format: mp4    zm_videostore.cpp    63
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zmc_m1        26990    INF    some options not used, turn on debugging for a list.    zm_videostore.cpp    440
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Didn't find a frame before event starttime. keeping all    zm_packetqueue.cpp    321
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Event video offset is 407.986 sec (<0 means video starts early)    zm_ffmpeg_camera.cpp    883
    2020-12-29 13:40:44    zma_m1        26991    INF    Front Yard v2: 111600 - Analysing at 16.67 fps    zm_monitor.cpp    1305
    2020-12-29 13:40:41    zmc_m1        26990    INF    Front Yard v2: images:111600 - Capturing at 14.29 fps, capturing bandwidth 93011bytes/sec    zm_monitor.cpp    2550



    looks like the camera freezes, exit abnormally, then restarts the capture daemon. any idea whats going on? need any more info, let me know. thanks!


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