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Everything posted by dajinn

  1. Same here. I tried asking about potentially getting a perpetual license for home use but was basically just ignored.
  2. Are there any good alternatives to this? It seems like most of the functionality is now behind a paywall. It's not immediately obvious but I don't see a way to actually do anything with the indexed data, such as look for duplicates, or take action against anything.
  3. Go into your Access Server settings and change the hostname from the docker IP to your public IP/hostname.
  4. I believe you misunderstood, the issue was not with routing. I probably left some keywords out. I resolved my issue by changing the hostname of my vpn server in the Access Server settings from the bridge network to my public IP. I felt like this was an obvious thing but for some reason was thinking that however it came configured out of the box was just 'how it was supposed to be'. But alas after making the change my third party clients are able to connect to the VPN. Dank.
  5. I'm so confused on the docker network mapping stuff, when I try to connect to the AS from an external client the client is trying to connect to the docker network IP which is which obviously won't resolve on a completely different private network behind another internet connection. Shouldn't the config be attempting to connect to my public IP? What is the 'fix' for this? The container is setup with all of the most recent defaults.
  6. The install is a little weird, I had to do a few uninstalls, cleans, and reinstalls in particular orders when shit was just randomly breaking. Changing the container config in the UI doesn't seem to update the actual config in the files itself so this is kind of a problem if you forget to swap out the generic hostnames for the actual IPs or the actual hostname. If I were going to tell someone how to install this I would say, they need a clean slate and to install in this order, Redis, Elasticsearch, then Diskover. Start redis before elasticsearch, start ES before diskover, then diskover at the end. It should 'just work'. When you get the initial screen I believe you just need to pick your index under index 1 and click "select" then it will crawl your files. The actual crawling does not take that long. One thing that I ran into during getting this up and running is that on one of my attempts redis was just randomly not working and so because of that the crawl wasn't doing anything even though there were 'workers'. I ended up just uninstalling everything again, clearing all of the directories and then reinstalling in that order. I also believe I used elasticsearch 5.6.16.
  7. Hi, 1. Is it possible to create multiple indices for compartmentalizing all of my files? Is it as simple as adding additional container variables and if so what would the additional variables need to be named as for proper use? 2. The index prefix name is slightly confusing, it indicates that it's a prefix and is optional however in the diskover GUI I was expecting to see some kind of GUID or some other alphanumeric after the hyphen so the index is just named "diskover-". So is that inaccurate and should really be treated as "diskover index NAME" and not simply as a prefix? 3. Is there a way to add multiple mount points to be crawled and indexed? I have some SMB shares that I want indexed as well as the local content that's on the unRAID array but I have to set the default mount point as simply /mnt/ which I'm kind of wary of doing since I'm expecting that it will index the stuff it finds on individual disks as well as user shares. I think this is a pretty neat utility so I hope that these questions can spark further interest and discussion on using it. Thanks.
  8. Just wanted to reply and thanks for the write up on this. Unfortunately I tried this with my own iStarUSA trayless racks, and my temps skyrocketed, so I put the stock fans back for now. I suspect it has to do with my fan choice, the Arctic brand F8 PWM PST. Spec for spec, it only has 3 m3/h less airflow than the Noctua fan, and the max RPM is about 200 less. I'm sure it has something to do with static pressure but there doesn't seem to be anything special about the Noctua design that would indicate the status pressure will be significantly better than the Arctic fan. Any thoughts?
  9. zzz... I added this plugin repo to my install 6.6.6 and now the GUI is broken from a browser "this site can't be reached" and the console outputs Tower login: /etc/rc.d/rc.docker: line 30 /boot/config/docker.cfg: Input/output error /etc/rc.d/rc.libvirt: line 16: /boot/config/domain.cfg: Input/output error Any ideas aside from reinstall unRAID onto the USB?
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