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Everything posted by Marshalleq

  1. That's terrible! Things that crop to mind to check - swap sata cables, is there enough power supply wattage / is it failing, update BIOS / reset BIOS (because you never know), reseat that (very nice, haven't seen one of those before) rocket card in a different slot, test that nice 64GB RAM, make sure you haven't seriously bumped / banged the computer while running recently, disconnect all the drives bar one and try hammer it with reads / writes. Hopefully theres something more telling in the logs though. BTW your sig says you don't have a parity drive...
  2. Dear developer, I note this morning you have made the minimum unraid version 6.7. While this may be sensible or required for some reason, it would be great to at least wait until it is not required for most people to run 6.6.7 due to the two horrendous and seriously impactful bugs present in newer versions of unraid (apparently fixed in 6.8 only). EDit: Just saw previous posts. So it won't upgrade. Awesome - you guessed my query before I even asked it! Many thanks.
  3. Oh boy I really hope you have insurance. Are you in a rural area?
  4. Well the main thing i notice is that the docker folder set via the app data path is created as root.root. Then the rocker log complained that it couldn’t write to /var/lib etc. Happened on a few dockers I tried. Manually changing it didn’t help. Downgrading to 6.6.7 helped. Probably downgrading to any other version as I only noticed it in this one. Maybe it just got stuck but thoug is better report it. Maybe you can replicate.
  5. When created a new docker container, permissions are created with root.root instead of nobody.users - at least on my system anyway. I've now downgraded to 6.6.7 again until the 6.8 comes out. Thought you guys should know in case this config error comes through in a future version. It means that dockers won't start and suspect it's been causing a few other oddities I was wondering about. Would be great if you guys could create us a category between minor and urgent - as often things don't seem to fit into those. Many thanks, Marshalleq.
  6. Is this still recommended in 2019? I know newer bioses came out with more automatic management across the nodes. I've just left mine automatic, but highly suspect and slightly confused about what to do. I have one or two apps I'd like to assign across both nodes, but my assumption is it will be slower than running on a single node....
  7. Just catching up on this, are you saying people using cloudflare for DNS need to add an extra line? (Trying to go back through the thread to find)....
  8. I'm pretty sure theres a discussion earlier in this thread that results in 'you should have NCQ off for unraid'. Though alongside that saying NCQ might help until this issue is resolved.
  9. I'd try SATA cables. Also, be real sure the cache is set to the mode you think it is. And if you're copying over the network - make sure you're over a cable not wifi and all of that kind of thing. Lots of small files copying will be a slower MB/s so depends if you're doing that. I'm just guessing though as you don't say what you're trying to copy etc.
  10. Hey, no I'm not pissed off or angry or anything, I apologise if I came across too strongly, it's hard to get the balance right in a text based forum - nevertheless I think I've been heard now! My logic was that if I don't say anything, then everyone will think it stopped happening. Also, by posting - if it's happening to anyone else they'll chime in - (one person did), but given it's only one I'm happy to wait until 6.8. Yeah I did post diags in another thread some time back, but as I said will wait for 6.8. Thanks so much for looking into this for us. Marshalleq.
  11. In other news, yet another random drive read error has occurred overnight.
  12. Thanks, that's interesting. (Just reading the cache options now) - so the options 'yes' and 'prefer' explicitly state they use the mover, so we're not talking about those. The option 'only' is obviously on the cache, so you must be talking about the option 'no', which specifically states it prohibits files being being put on the cache pool. I can see why I'd be confused!
  13. I’d like to understand that too. I think you’ve seen my comments on it earlier.
  14. I’m pretty sure that actually is the move that does that. I’m not aware of anything else doing it...
  15. Fantastic update. Thankyou very much for that. I think we’d all agree, taking the time to do some good testing is preferable. Please let me know if you’d like any help with that. (29 years in IT software / hardware here) and I’m sure others on here will be similar.
  16. LOL, just LOL. Suggest you look at the number of complaints, before this thread elsewhere in this forum, then the date this was logged then count the number of responses from limetech in this thread and note those dates. Then you can comment. And I'll add an additional LOL (lots of love) for being so positive.
  17. Yeah and the one thing that stops me from downgrading is actually Unraids killer feature - GPU passthrough for gaming. Tried that in 6.6x? It's really quite bad compared to 6.7. My intent here is not to be negative, because a lot of hard and great work has gone in that we all appreciate and get the benefit of. My hope is that someone in Unraid will read this and say, 'Yeah, we could have communicated better, and we'll try do that next time'. We're not asking for rocket science here - just a heads up that the issue has been a bi**h to solve and they don't know when theyre' going to get there yet. Or sorry guys, you're going to have to wait til 6.8 because xyz means it's not viable to patch it. Or just we can't figure it out yet, wait. It would take about as long as it took me to write this one paragraph. Probably less. Done and then everyone's happy.
  18. If it's fixed in 6.8 they should be able to push out a hot fix, for this extremely serious issue. We are all bleeding from it and I believe it's causing read errors and other things which are really challenging. Anyway, I can only assume that the reason they haven't is because it has proved difficult to back port. What's missing though, is ANY information which is absolutely APPALLING. Why they're not providing any though, we can only guess. My guess is they know it's bad and they don't want to admit it because the fallout of having to tell everyone that downgrade is the only option, or upgrade which isn't yet available. This is really a big black mark on what for me has otherwise been an exceptional experience on unraid. I expect things to break from time to time or not run properly, what i don't expect is an almost total silence / lack of communication on critical issues.
  19. @Alec.Dalessandro - probably need slightly more info. What system has ldap that you're trying to connect to?
  20. I've been looking for this thanks. If it had just been included as an option in the container would have been easier, but gotta manually add it. Will be trying it now. Only thing is I assume all subdomains for the first domain will also need to be registered for the second domain?
  21. I had rc3 installed and couldn’t see it. Maybe there’s a schedule when it refreshes available updates. I thought rc3 was new, that showed up for me only yesterday. Edit - It's shown up for me this morning - so something must introduce a delay.
  22. RC4? I only just saw RC3. There's no RC4 showing up for me.... I assume you mean rc3 - it does seem a lot snappier to me. Don't know about the disk issues yet - but I am hopeful! Will have to do some testing.
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