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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. 6 hours ago, Arthus Chan said:

    Hi all,


    I’m using Unraid 6.11.1 and linuxserver/nextcloud docker container.


    I have use Unraid with nextcloud start from Yr 2020, everything was fine.


    But today after I update my Nextcloud, the website down with error: This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.4. You are currently running 8.0.18.


    I have no idea how to fix it. Anyone can help?


    Thank you very much.

    What version of Nextcloud are you using? 24.0.6 is latest I think?

  2. 5 minutes ago, sylus said:

    After upgrading to 24.0.6 i face the problem that I have to convert file_metadata.id in big int.

    sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-filecache-bigint
    Following columns will be updated:
    * file_metadata.id
    This can take up to hours, depending on the number of files in your instance!
    Continue with the conversion (y/n)? [n] y
    In ExceptionConverter.php line 114:
      An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1932 Table 'nextcloudunraid.oc_file_metadata' doesn't exist in engine  
    In Exception.php line 26:
      SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1932 Table 'nextcloudunraid.oc_file_metadata' doesn't exist in engine  
    In Connection.php line 82:
      SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1932 Table 'nextcloudunraid.oc_file_metadata' doesn't exist in engine  


    It looks like, i dont have such a table. Taking a look into the database with adminer, I was neither able to find the table.


    Any hints? 

    I ran:


    docker exec -it YOUR-NEXTCLOUD-CONTAINER-NAME occ db:convert-filecache-bigint


    and it worked. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, hernandito said:


    Thank you Blaine... I had already seen this... what is not clear or explained is how to approach / resolve this with the unRAID docker templates...


    Well, how your mapping to it outside of SWAG container..in my head that makes sense. Not sure what your custom scripts are doing but...It appears it would work from how I am interpreting our info. Make a back up of SWAG and give it a shot?

  4. 3 minutes ago, hernandito said:

    Boy....With so much unRAID experience,  I hate to ask this question.


    For ages, I used to have a folder inside my /appdata/swag/ folder called custom-cont-init.d. In here I had a bash script that installed a few things to my container.


    I see now that this is a legacy way; and that the new way is place/locate this folder outside the docker's /config folder.


    Thinking that a more updated docker template would have this volume mapping;  I compared my template to the latest Swag template and they are different! Like SCARY different. Plus it did not have anything pre-set for the custom script.


    What should I do?


    In reading Cutomizing LSIO Dockers, do I need to go my original template and ... +Add Another Path...?



    Will this work? I am afraid of ruining my Swag setup.


    I am also scared of updating my template to the latest. Things were nicely working w/ LetsEncrypt... I'm not a master at DNS and certificates.


    Thank you,




    You've already seen this; does this help? It talks about some of the things you are...?



  5. Following an update to Nextcloud I am now stuck in maintenance mode. From Nextcloud forums I understand I need to toggle this mode off using something call OCC. To do this I'm told that "OCC must be run as the web server user, and run inside the Docker container."
    Can anyone advise how this is done in UnRaid? I'm not very strong when it comes to terminal/console syntax so if a copy of a specific command is available that would be ideal. Many thanks

    Very first post has commands for manually upgrading Nextcloud. You should be able to reference that to find what you need :-)
    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, krullos said:

    That worked perfectly, thanks.


    For the benefit of anyone else with the same issue, changing version to "5" as demonstrated by @danktankk allowed mongoDB to run, and therefore get terminal access.


    from there, to access the database I ran:



    then, to verify the current featureCompatibilityVersion I ran:

    db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )


    then, to set the featureCompatibilityVersion to 5 I ran:

    db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "5.0" } )


    Once that was completed, I was able to revert back to "latest" for the MongoDB repository and it's happily humming on 6.0.1 now


    Folks need to be careful going v.5 and up. My Dell 610 server says hardware isn’t compatible with it… im forever stuck in 4 world. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Stubbs said:

    When I try to update the Nextcloud container from within the Nextcloud UI, it always errors out at "Delete old files". Is there a way to fix this? This is what it looks like:


    Delete old files
    Parsing response failed.
    Show detailed response
    <head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
    <center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->
    <!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page -->


    Simply waiting does not fix it.


    By the time this error occurs, it's deleted most of the files inside my nextcloud appdata directory, and I have to retrieve the backup from the nextcloud data share.


    To further illustrate, see the attached image.


    Read post number 1; instructions to manually upgraded are provided. Many/Most don’t seem to have luck upgrading with GUI. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. 1 hour ago, danktankk said:

    A quick fix until setting the featureCompatibilityVersion higher, is to add `:5` to the tag and it will work as expected.  Credit goes to @HalienElf.



    Does/can or will this eventually affect us all?


    Im locked onto 4.4.15 because of Rocketchat though. 

  9. 1 minute ago, 9BAR said:

    I did see that AVX is now required. I was lucky enough to have a CPU that supports it. Perhaps it can be enabled in BIOs?

    Google led me to this; this mentions R610 but same hardware other than rack mount. 😞

    Looks like I’m out of luck until I upgrade hardware sadly. 

    See attached. 


  10. Just now, 9BAR said:


    And the template will pull down the latest Mongo (in my case 5.0.10) if the defaults are used. I can confirm it's working with Rocket.Chat.

    Yeah I finally got it into 5 but something about the T610 I run Unraid on; the hardware isn’t compatible?

  11. 4 hours ago, clay_statue said:

    This started happening today.  I tried rolling back to the previous docker image tag.  I cannot see any obvious problem in the nextcloud logs.



    Really at a loss here.  It's been rock solid basically since I originally installed it.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Did you update to most recent docker tag today? What does it not do; nothing strikingly sticks Out on your log snippet…


  12. 42 minutes ago, dsmith44 said:


    As I have said before....


    Please note I normally skip 1.xx.0 releases as there are often bug fix releases shortly afterwards. In any event I will wait at least two weeks after a 1.xx.0 release before updating latest, or normally even pushing a build.


    I have now added this to the front page of this support article.


    However I have now pushed dev-1.28.0, but this is untested, so use at your own risk.

    Thank you, thank you for always taking good care of us fools; we appreciate your time and support mate!

  13. 51 minutes ago, pdxspeedbump said:

    Seeking assistance with an issue I've been fighting for several months and several updates of Nextcloud:


    My Nextcloud container will crash my entire Unraid server ever 1 to 4 days by producing a large number of cron calls that never finish and can't be killed. I've attached a screenshot of the zombie nextcloud cron jobs; sometimes this will grow to hundreds long. This appears to happen randomly; independent of server load or any other factors I can tell.


    When this happens I can't stop (or kill) the Nextcloud container. Nextcloud is completely unresponsive and some basic Unraid fucntions/shares will fail. The only way to get the system functioning again is to disable Docker and then reboot Unraid.


    Currently running Nextcloud 24.0.3 but the issue was present in past versions (22, 23). 

    Container is up to date linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.3

    Unraid 6.10.3

    Screenshot 2022-07-19 172450.png

    Can you post cron file it’s referencing? Is their some incorrect syntax in it or something? 

    Potentially make a new cron.php file and make sure permissions are right? I’d backup old one but don’t think any install specific info is in the file but not positive. 


  14. On 7/9/2022 at 2:59 PM, macmaster28 said:

    I've restarted, reinstalled, and tried every which way to get it to work, never seen it work on Unraid to date :(. did you updated repo path to :download ? or is your repo flag :latest when it does work for you?

    It updated today; have you tried todays update?

  15. On 7/6/2022 at 1:52 PM, macmaster28 said:

    When setting up Taildrop, I followed all the instructions but my Unraid device still shows as unavailable for downloading in share sheets. Any ideas? From this photo there is now a new instruction: "Note: You must manually set tag to above to deasmi/unraid-tailscale:download to support downloads until beta test is finished". I set this tag, but the build fails and says it cannot find that repository. Any help would be appreciated. 

    My experience with Taildrop has been that it's inconsistent. Sometimes won't work; i'll restart container then it will work. Unno, haven't had time to investigate nor do I have the knowledge. It absolutely does work, part of the time though.


  16. I was playing with Authelia the other day and the guide(Ibracorp) had me define a host path for Redis. Made me wonder-- I have Redis setup in Nextcloud. The Redis container I am using with Nextcloud does NOT have a host/storage path defined. Should I have a storage path defined for Redis that is being used with Nextcloud?

  17. Upgraded to Linuxserver latest image this morning; 24.0.2 from .1 I believe; seeing some 502's. Anyone else with issues? going to try to roll container back to 24.0.1...


    EDIT/UPDATE: My Nextcloud itself is on 24.0.2; I try to keep up with it being updated and the container itself. Container update today I definitely do believe something is wrong with; I'll give it a few days and try again 🙂

  18. 32 minutes ago, 4n0nyM said:

    I may have rejoiced too soon. Access to FreshRSS and Nextloud via Nginx Proxy Manager seems to fail sporadically now. Right now, for example, I could access Nextcloud, but not FreshRSS. Then I tried accessing FreshRSS again and after an unusually long wait it did open.

    Is your log for NPM in Unraid showing anything spamming over and over? Perhaps something about a port conflict or 80 or anything?

  19. I am on 1.24.2 and downloads aren't working correctly. I'll send something to Unraid server, Tailscale log shows receiving it, but the file is never in destination I pointed it to on Unraid Server. Any ideas?




    EDIT: Upgraded to 1.26.0 and all the files appeared; even the ones that weren't showing up earlier. It's like the upgrade forced them all to show up from hours ago today when I was mucking with it. ODD.

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