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Posts posted by sasdakota

  1. Thank you for updating with that info.

    Performing the install via virtualbox and moving the image and config seems to work well enough for my use. I wish UNRAID supported mounting/unmounting and changing floppies through GUI.


    So far I have MS-DOS 6.22, WinFW3.11, NT 3.1 work/server installs completed. I am working my way up to the whole library of Win/NT systems then hoping to go back and get networking setup to have mock domains.

  2. Have you been able to get unraid VMs to load a floppy image? I don't know the proper syntax to get one to load under UNRAID. Also struggling to get a proper BIOS type of machine emulator setup. Keep getting stuck with no boot drive because the system doesn't know how to manage drives, floppy or harddisk.

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  3. On 10/2/2022 at 2:11 AM, SimonF said:

    I am looking at the requirements for ARM + Other non intel platforms to add as a PR a new template.


    Does any one know the main requirements. in another post in the VM section ghost82 has used the following for a pi but not on Unraid.


        <type arch='armv7l' machine='versatilepb'>hvm</type>
        <cmdline>root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 rw</cmdline>
        <boot dev='hd'/>
      <cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='none'>
        <model fallback='forbid'>arm1176</model>


    These are other available options and current windows OS options used.


      <cmdline>console=ttyS0 ks=http://example.com/f8-i386/os/</cmdline>
        <table type='slic'>/path/to/slic.dat</table>
        <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-5.1'>hvm</type>
        <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd</loader>


    Does any one have other working examples of arm XMLs


    Example template.




    SimonF, How do I get access to these options? I do not see these drop downs available. Running 6.11.5 Stable.

  4. On 5/18/2018 at 6:01 PM, BobPhoenix said:

    I setup MSDOS6.22 and WFW3.11 in a VM and just executed it as you can see from the attached graphic.  I also included my settings beside it.  As you may suspect I setup the VM on VMWare Workstation than transferred the HDD image file over to unRAID (VMDK for the HDD is the clue).  Maybe that will work for you.



    Would you be willing the share your XML? I am trying to put together a 3.1+ windows VM library.

  5. I have not looked into that. It seems that this is something related to the nvram function where the VM wants to store variable data. I thought maybe the machine would create this file on first start up but so far no joy.


    Would love to get more eyes on this, the last XML I posted has gotten me the closest. I am for now trying to use emaculation's posted QEMU 9.2.2 image. Tested the image to work under ubuntu with qemu-ppc installed.

  6. 4 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    You need to change the emulator part in the XML to be the PPC binary.



    What do you suggest I change it to? If I try qemu-system-ppc it gives me no such file or directory error.

    Here is my failed ppc XML. It is a heavily modified winXP template.


    failed ppc.xml

  7. I'm doing a similar setup, one docker will be navezgane and one docker will be randomgen.


    My host is a surplus Dell R720 with 12cores/24threads, 64gb mem. I am consolidating all of my pet projects to one host, 7days docker is a big one as I had a linux box just for it. Does not seem to be very popular, also surprised to see it here. Been lurking threads and learning as I go since joining unRAID.

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